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Seattle, Washington: Falun Dafa Practitioners Commemorate the April 25 Peaceful Appeal

April 29, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Seattle, USA

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Seattle held a rally in Westlake Park on April 21, 2024, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Falun Gong’s (also known as Falun Dafa) April 25 peaceful appeal in Beijing. Many people took this opportunity to find out more about Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

Practitioners in Seattle do the Falun Gong exercises in Westlake Park on April 21, 2024.

A local resident finds out more about Falun Gong.

Matt, a local resident, spent half-an-hour reading the displays. He talked with a practitioner, asking about the reason for the CCP persecuting Falun Gong. The practitioner clarified the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime. Matt couldn’t help shedding tears upon hearing of the CCP’s atrocity of harvesting organs from living practitioners. He asked how he could help Falun Gong. The practitioner said that it would help to spread the information to his family, friends and colleagues. Matt said that he would do so. He kept saying “thank you” in Chinese to the practitioner.

A man told a practitioner that he had seen Falun Gong activities in Portland. He also shared that he had been informed about the persecution. He was deeply sympathetic and said that he admires Falun Gong. He also mentioned that he had read information about how the CCP had closely monitored the Chinese people. He felt deep sympathy for the Chinese suffering suppression.

A Chinese couple took a copy of the introductory flier and asked about the benefits of Falun Gong. Both husband and wife were happy to hear about how Falun Gong had helped so many people improve their health.

A man concentrated on reading the display boards. He told a practitioner that he knew how the CCP had persecuted people of faith. He also said that if the atheist Communist Party had persecuted so many good people, Falun Gong must be a great practice.