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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] That Unforgettable May 13

May 1, 2024 |   Narrated by a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m a female Falun Dafa practitioner and I live in the countryside. I would like to tell you about some of the experiences we had when we clarified the truth to people and validated the Fa

Former CCP (Chinese Communist Party) leader Jiang Zemin launched a political campaign to persecute practitioners and slander Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. People were poisoned by their lies, claims that practitioners harmed themselves or others, and the staged Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation incident

The practitioners in our area stepped forward to safeguard Falun Dafa. Three to five practitioners worked as a group. We distributed pamphlets and put up banners during the day and at night whenever we had time. We went to the neighboring villages to distribute pamphlets when we finished covering our own village. If it was far away, we drove to the village, distributed materials, put up posters and banners on the wall, the power poles, and on the trees. We usually didn’t come back until after midnight.

Starting in May 2015, more than 200,000 practitioners lodged complaints to the high court to sue Jiang Zemin. Local practitioners exposed Jiang Zemin’s crimes by various means and encouraged people to sign the petition to support the lawsuit against him. 

Local practitioners decided to hang up a big banner on the main gate of the big market to let people know the important message of suing Jiang Zemin. We made a banner nearly 5 meters (16 ft.) long and 2 meters (6 ft.) wide. We put two messages on the banner. The upper sentence was in red and read “The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” The lower sentence was in black and read “Jiang Zemin Is Sued Globally.” We planned to put up the banner to spread the message on World Falun Dafa Day. 

This big market has wholesale and retail booths mainly for agricultural products as well as other products. It is open 24 hours a day and people constantly come and go. People came to pick up goods or do business even at midnight. The main gate is so wide, that two cars can drive through it, side by side. The gate is high and there are two big pillars at each side of the gate with no footholds for climbing. There was a platform at the top. It would take a while to put up the banner even if we had trucks and ladders. After careful observation and research, we decided to form two groups of human ladders with one practitioner climbing up and then fastening the banners with pre-prepared equipment. 

We started to send righteous thoughts at 11 p.m. that night, “Eliminate all the evil elements that interfere with practitioners’ validating the Fa. Master, please strengthen us. Gods who safeguard the Fa, please help us. No vehicles and no people will go through the gate. Everything stops.” 

We arrived there at midnight. It was extremely quiet; even the air felt like it was frozen. We felt like we were in another dimension. Each of us did our part and cooperated with others as planned. Everything went smoothly. We sent strong righteous thoughts during the entire process. We were enveloped by strong energy. We knew that Master was by our side, strengthening us. Countless Gods were watching us. We were fulfilling our sacred mission to save sentient beings. 

On “World Falun Dafa Day” on May 13, 2016, the banner with the messages, “World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” and “Jiang Zemin Is Sued Globally” was displayed high up on the main gate of the market. It could be seen from far away. It was very eye-catching. People were shocked and then exclaimed, “Falun Dafa is amazing! Remarkable! How were they able to hang it so high? Jiang Zemin is completely finished.” 

The market officers were shocked and became frantic. They tried their best to pull down the banner to avoid a bigger impact on people. 

The entire time we were putting up the banner, no vehicles or people came near the gate—which is usually always busy. On our way back, we saw some vehicles parked not far from the market. When we passed them, we overheard one man say, “It’s strange. My car has petrol and is perfectly okay. But how come it suddenly doesn’t run?” 

Hearing that, my eyes filled with tears. Master, thank you for your protection for you compassion, and for taking care of us at every step. How can we possibly repay your saving grace! 

Eight years have passed. The banner “World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Jiang Zemin Is Sued Globally” was set in history. 

The wonderfulness of Falun Dafa, Master’s greatness and compassion and the heroic action of Falun Dafa practitioners to validate the Fa and save sentient beings will be forever remembered by the world’s people. 

We will never forget May 13, 2016!

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)