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How a Notion Affected My Ability to Access the Internet

May 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started to use the FreeGate app to break through China’s internet blockade in 2006. The only website I went to was Minghui.org. For the past ten years or so, I have always been able to access the Minghui website, even when other practitioners said they had difficulty accessing the website.

I usually stay at my mother’s home on the weekends. About six months ago, I was unable to access Minghui on my computer while at my mother’s home. Since many practitioners in the area reported a similar problem, it didn’t seem that unusual other than I could still access Minghui at home. On the weekends, when I wanted to send information to Minghui, I first saved it on a USB flash drive, then sent it when I got back home. Sometimes, when I wanted to use Minghui email to communicate with other practitioners, I had to go to my home to do that.

This situation continued for several months, and I got used to it. On March 8, when I was ready to send my article to Minghui, I couldn’t access Minghui at my home either. I tried different FreeGate channels, but nothing worked. I was anxious because I had to leave in ten minutes to meet my family at my mother’s home. If I couldn’t send the article now, I would have to wait until I returned home on Sunday.

Suddenly, I realized that my thinking was wrong. I had accepted that I couldn’t access Minghui at my mother’s home. I corrected my thinking and believed that I would be able to send my article to Minghui at my mother’s home. I saved the article to a USB drive and turned off the computer.

I remembered something Master Li said in Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun:

“Human thinking can create a type of false impression and can bring about this kind of illusion. Later, it can indeed become a kind of notion, forming a misconception, and you feel that smoking seems to lift the spirits. It cannot do that at all, and neither can it have this effect.”

I turned on the computer at my mother’s home at about 9 p.m., launched FreeGate, and started to do my work. Minghui.org was displayed in the browser. I felt calm, and I knew that what I had enlightened to was correct. The connection and the speed of the internet were good until I finished my work and sent forth righteous thoughts at midnight. For the next two weeks, I could access Minghui at my mother’s home without any problem.

I thought of practitioners around me who spent most of their time browsing websites other than Minghui.org, such as NTDTV. They seldom read the Minghui articles. I shared my thoughts with them, “As practitioners, I think we should not spend too much time on ordinary people’s things.” They responded, “We need to understand what is happening so we can better clarify the truth to people.” However, I observed that they often talked about what they read online, sometimes even very excitedly, but I rarely heard them discussing the problems encountered in practicing cultivation.

Those practitioners are still having difficulties accessing Minghui. One fellow practitioner came to my home to download and save the things she needed from Minghui even though we both used the same software to break through the internet blockade.

In the last six months, when we exchanged our experiences of accessing the internet. Almost all of the practitioners were approaching the problem with ordinary people’s thinking, such as unplugging the cable and plugging it in again, trying several times, or accessing the internet through a cellphone. We didn’t look inward to find the root of the problem. Some often said that the evil party was holding a conference again and so were blocking the internet.

In fact, Master said in “Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003”:

“They have never been able to block the Minghui website!”

Throughout my cultivation, I have realized the importance of Minghui. The persecution started shortly after I obtained the Fa; I barely knew any other practitioners and didn’t contact them. At that time, my understanding of the Fa was not deep. Luckily I was able to read articles on Minghui every day, and the sharing articles written by fellow practitioners often inspired me.

One day, a practitioner gave me an article she said was written by Master. I immediately went to Minghui to verify that it was authentic. It turned out to be a fake article. I quickly notified the practitioner and told her to stop spreading the article.

Minghui is critical for practitioners, as without it there would be more problems of deviation from the Fa, especially in China, where the evil Party brutally persecutes practitioners. According to my understanding, during 25 years of persecution, those practitioners who have been able to do the three things well, keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification, and be steadfast in their belief in Master and Dafa are those who have regularly read Minghui.org or Minghui Weekly. Master has already told us how vital Minghui is. As practitioners, we should listen to what he says unconditionally.

I remember reading an article that said that Minghui.org was a home for practitioners. I feel the same way. Minghui contains a variety of content, including Master’s books and articles, the exercise music, Dafa music, sharing articles, articles about traditional culture, poems, practitioners’ paintings, and other broadcasts. I therefore want to tell fellow practitioners to please read Minghui more often.