(Clearwisdom.net) On October 19, 2001 at about 8:30 p.m., I suddenly heard the leader of my work unit knocking on my door. I thought he was coming to discuss some problems concerning my job. I stood up, ready to open the door when my wife advised me, "Ask who is there before you open the door to make sure it's o.k." However, I didn't pay enough attention to her words and opened the door immediately. At first glance, I saw two policemen behind the leader. One had a strange face and the other one had met with me on September 30 while making inquiries about me at my office.

After seeing who they were, I stretched out my arms trying to block the door and said to them, "You are not welcome!" But those two still rushed into the room by force, saying, "We have a good reason to come in today." Before I could say anything, they grabbed two chairs in the living room and seated themselves in the chairs abruptly. Politely, I asked them to leave but they stayed where they were. They took out two sheets of paper, a search warrant and an arrest warrant from inside a handbag right before my eyes. Having no time to think it over, I snatched those two warrants and simply tore them up and threw them into a wastepaper basket. My sudden movements scared them out of their wits, and they stammered "How dare you ...!" Standing by the door, the leader of my work unit was shocked and stood there as if frozen with a sullen expression on his face.

In a moment, they burst out "Call our people downstairs up!" I decided promptly and fittingly to block the door with my body and shut it immediately, locking it from the inside. Then, pointing at the two policemen trembling in the chairs, I said in a very calm and stern voice, "None of you can leave tonight and you will sleep in my house unless you dare to beat me to death in this very place. In that case, tomorrow you will see someone coming to shoot you just like your police station leader who was executed before." Now they were shocked and scared by my spiritual power; my speaking with the force of justice had silenced them. After this short engagement, they improved their manners. Although they had not given up at this stage, they dared not mention the search warrant and the arrest warrant.

A battle of wits and courage lasted for more than one hour. Seeing their evil plot couldn't succeed and that they wouldn't get anything from my place, they adjusted their approach according to the situation by saying that I had not really committed any crime, hence they had not intended to arrest anyone. I said, "Of course I have not committed any crime. I have become a good man after practicing Falun Dafa, and I am attaining a lofty realm of selflessness ... Your investigation of me shows you that I have never done anything to hurt others and I have been a conscientious and responsible worker. Don't you fear bad retribution since you treat a practitioner this way?" Then, Teacher's words kept flashing across my mind. "If a cultivator can let go of the thought of life and death under any circumstances, evil is bound to be afraid of him. If every practitioner is able to do this, evil will of itself no longer exist" ["Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)"]. "Forbearance (Ren) is not cowardice, much less is it resigning oneself to adversity. Dafa disciples' Forbearance is noble; is the manifestation of beings' extraordinary, indestructible, and diamond-like solidity; is tolerance for the purpose of upholding the truth; and is benevolence toward and salvation of beings who still have human nature and righteous thoughts. Forbearance is absolutely not the limitless giving of free rein, which enables those evil beings who no longer have any human nature or righteous thoughts to do evil without limit" ("Beyond the Limits of Forbearance"). Therefore, I decided that I could not be taken away tonight--no matter what happened. I would definitely oppose their evil arrangement.á

After my righteous thoughts came up, the evil policemen were frightened and anxious to leave. Now I saw that righteous thoughts had triumphed over the evil so I said, "If I open the door, you must withdraw all of your people and guarantee my absolute personal safety." They contacted their people outside with a phone and, after a while, said that those people were gone. I asked them to stand back 17 feet along the wall opposite my door. Only after I opened the door and was sure that nobody was outside, would I let them leave. While they were going, I pointed to them and said, "It is you who create chaos, cause terror, persecute Falun Dafa and persecute me. How can I live peacefully and safely?" Hearing this, they lowered their heads and left in a huff.á

After they were gone, my wife came up and praised me for my conduct of a moment ago by saying, "Only righteous and good people are not afraid of the police. A criminal would be scared to death from the very beginning; how could he inspire awe by upholding justice?" I looked inside myself and really exulted at my great conduct of eradicating evil with righteous thoughts. Dafa disciples oppose the evil arrangement with righteous thoughts and treat everyday people with a heart of kindness. They are truly remarkable! When all of our Dafa disciples are able to let go of and surpass those human notions confining us, the evil will be eradicated soon and completely.á

October 29, 2001á