[Clearwisdom.net] Chen, resident of Mapu Village, Dachenzhuang Township, Xian County of Hebei Province, student of Muonan High School. Chen was badly influenced by watching pornographic videos. One afternoon in the summer of 1999, a 14-year-old girl stopped by Chen's house for a drink of water. Nobody else was there and Chen raped the girl. Fearing that the girl would expose his crime, he then murdered her.

At that time, propaganda slandering Falun Gong was all over China. The Chen family wanted to blame Falun Gong for the cause of the murder to escape the consequences. Chen's parents got a copy of Zhuan Falun, and claimed that the murder was caused by mental distortion from Chen practicing Falun Gong. In truth, Chen never practiced Falun Gong. The reporters of Xian County TV Station violated their professional ethics and reported the case blaming Falun Gong without any investigation, which caused a very bad reaction among the public.

However, shifting the blame to Dafa got Chen and his family retribution. Soon Chen's father suffered a mental breakdown and became psychotic. Not long after that Chen's mother died suddenly. In the mean time, Chen did not escape prosecution and was punished for his crime. (Two other people in the village died suddenly also; others were guessing it was because they came up with the idea of blaming Falun Gong for the murder.)

Here we sincerely warn people to not slander Falun Gong for personal benefits, otherwise you will receive immediate retribution!