
After the Xinhua News Agency [the official Chinese Government press agency] cut out President Bush's speech at Tsinghua University, it published an English report on February 24 creatively entitled: "Falun Gong Practitioner Shenli Lin Is Released After Receiving Humanitarian Care." After reading the entire article, I found out that the so-called "Humanitarian care" here referred to the illegal detention of Mr. Lin for two years in a forced-labor education camp in Mainland China. It is really "humanitarian" that a person who was newly married was "cared for" by two years detention in a labor camp of Mainland China, if you'll excuse my sarcasm.

What is even funnier is what it said in the second paragraph, "The penitentiary staff told Xinhua: "Although Lin did not give up his belief in Falun Gong and did not admit any fault during his detention, he received good care." The underlying meaning is: if a Falun Gong practitioner wants to receive "good care," he ought to "break away (from Falun Gong)" and "repent (that he ever practiced Falun Gong)." However, this practitioner, Shenli Lin, neither "broke away" nor "repented," but was still given "good care." You might be thinking, how "humanitarian" is that?

Then what is the so-called "good care"? Please notice that it was admitted in a report by Xinhua News Agency that Falun Gong is a kind of belief and that freedom of belief is protected by China's constitution. Should Mr. Lin receive "good care" in a forced-labor camp for two years just because Mr. Lin refused to give up his belief of Falun Gong? Xinhua News Agency's report in the end didn't tell the readers what on earth Mr. Lin had done that would cause him to receive "good care" in a labor camp, nor did it give any specific explanation about the reason why the "care" to Mr. Lin was extended for an extra year. Obviously Xinhua News Agent dared not tell the readers the reason why Mr. Lin had been cared for in such a "humanitarian" way.

We know that in the past two and half years, at least 369 innocent Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death and many of them died of torture and brutal beatings. They obviously did not receive "good care" because they refused to give up their own belief. Whereas the reason why Mr. Lin received somewhat "better" treatments than those other 369 fellow practitioners, is not that the labor camp made him an exception, but that his wife Ms. Jinyu Li made great efforts over the past 2 years as well as the strong appeal from the Canadian government and people. Mr. Lin didn't give up his belief, and fortunately survived and came back. No wonder Xinhua News Agency would sing the praises of their "humanitarian good care," so as deceitfully to make themselves look good now that the glare of international opinion is upon them.