

Jean-Fran ois Voguet

City Mayor

Whereas: Falun Dafa consists in the peaceful and healthy practice of exercises for body, mind and spirit which emphasizes the assimilation to the universal principles of áZhen-Shan-Rená (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance)á"; and,

Whereas: Falun Dafa has benefited our kin and society as a whole, as it has benefited 100 million people in the world who practice in 50 different countries; they have benefited from it both physically and spiritually since it was made public in May 1992, and moreover Falun Dafa's positive contribution in society at large has been widely recognized and honored around the world; and,

Whereas: Falun Dafa transcends cultural and racial boundaries, echoes the universal truth throughout the world and bridges the gap between East and West; and

Whereas: the great compassion and tolerance displayed by Falun Dafa practitioners, even in the most hostile and cruel environment, has touched the hearts of kind-hearted people.

Therefore: I, Jean-Fran ois Voguet, by the power vested in me as the Mayor of the City of Fontenay-Sous-Bois, do hereby officially proclaim Saturday, March 2nd, 2002, as

áFalun Dafa Dayá

In the city of Fontenay-Sous-Bois I warmly recommend all the citizens to take this opportunity to discover Falun Dafa

Given under my hand and official seal this 25th day of February 2002 in Fontenay-sous-Bois.

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