(Clearwisdom.net) Generally speaking, the theory of evolution's destructiveness to humanity is twofold. Firstly, it fosters the animal nature, i.e., the demon-nature of human beings, and secondly, it corrupts human notions.

In the remote past, westerners believed that God created man while in the East, people held that "Man is benevolent upon birth." People believed that the good side of human nature, i.e. the Buddha-nature, should predominate whereas the animal nature, i.e. demon-nature is ugly, originating from the contamination of postnatal life and the enticements of demons. With the prevalence of such a notion, people could not be easily controlled by demon-nature and hence the benevolent side of human beings predominated.

However, the theory of evolution has led people to believe that the human being is "evolved" from animals. So it allows people to justify the existence of their animal nature, i.e. demon-nature, and, as a result, people think that the actions induced by desires are inherent in them and inevitable. Morality is viewed as only acting externally to restrict the over-expansion of the animal nature and, therefore, may or may not be needed. Desires seem to have become the "driving force" for human "advancement". Consequently, the demon-nature of human beings started prevailing and human morality has undergone an overall corruption.

The harm to humankind from evolutionary theory is not limited to what is mentioned above. Its core idea, "natural selection" justifies the corrupted notions of modern humans.

With the notion of "natural selection" in the theory of evolution, "to survive" seems to become the only meaning in life. From the perspective of evolution, no matter what means you resort to in order to survive, as long as you can survive the cruel surroundings, you are a winner. No matter how beautiful or how kind a life may be, if he or she cannot adapt to environmental change, he or she would be eliminated through selection. This totally corrupts the requirements of the universe for the beings at this level.

Modern people's most talked topic is likely "competition". When people find out that by being honest, one could easily suffer losses, they instead prefer to become crafty. To adapt to the constantly changing trends, everyone would have to yield in the face of the corruption of the overall concept of values, while few would question if the overall concept of values is correct. If someone raises questions regarding the concept of values, others would say that he or she is old-fashioned. Parents only consider how to make their children more adaptable to society's competition.

Under the influence of such a notion, people would "understandably" kill one another. The so-called "competition" and the "natural selection" have contributed to such an extent in degenerating the human moral standard. In order to gain a foothold in a society that has ruined its overall concept of values, people hurt each other. It is terrible. It is indeed terrible. If you can take a look back, you will see how far humanity has deviated from its original state of existence. Humanity should strive to return to its original state.

(From http://www.secretchina.com)