
On the Third Anniversary of July 20th: Clarifying the Truth More Thoroughly

On the morning and night of July 20, practitioners in Sydney gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy and held a candlelight vigil, mourning those Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured to death during the past 3 years, and to expose the criminal deeds that Jiang has committed. They hope that more people in the world will come to know the truth, and stand up to help stop the persecution.

Media Coverage

China Times: On July 20th, over 500 practitioners gathered in Fengyuan City and held a sit-in candlelight vigil to mourn the practitioners who have been tortured to death in China during the past 3 years. With this vigil, the Taiwan practitioners hope to convey to the society that Falun Gong does not have any political agenda. Practitioners only focus on practicing the exercises and improving their xinxing (mind and nature), which are both very helpful to one's mind and body.