December 16, 2002


A police officer in a city in Northern China had read some Falun Gong books before July 20, 1999. He said, "I am just one step away to becoming a genuine practitioner."

Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, he has often used his position to protect practitioners. Whenever his superior officers required him to report a list of practitioners in his area, he always tried his best to either report few or no practitioners. Some practitioners were caught while clarifying the truth at a exhibition that defamed Falun Dafa held by the provincial government. Police stations were ordered to detain those practitioners and send them to detention centers. Yet this officer released all of them living in his area after he brought them back from the exhibition. When his superior authorities ordered him to cooperate with them to arrest practitioners, he always tried his best to inform those practitioners so that they could find places to hide. His kind behavior protected not only practitioners but also many truth-clarifying materials, flyers and the equipment used to produce those materials.

He has recently been promoted to sheriff. As the saying goes, good will be rewarded with good. His kindness to Falun Gong will bring himself a bright future. We sincerely hope that he will also cherish the precious chance to become a genuine Falun Gong practitioner soon.