

When I was sending forth righteous thoughts tonight my mind was off guard and became distracted by some issues which were related to my work during the day. All a sudden scenes from my daughter's childhood flashed in my mind. When she was crying I would distract her by putting something she liked in front of her. Seeing something she treasured, she would stop crying immediately, focusing her attention on the "treasure" put in front of her.

Things that made my mind wander during sending forth righteous thoughts are just like my daughter's "treasures:" they are exactly the attachments that I failed to eliminate. Non-righteous factors will get hold of my attachment, putting it suddenly in front of me. My mind will be attracted to the attachment as if drawn by a magnet, with my righteous thoughts immediately shifting to the back of my mind.

Each time after sending righteous thoughts, I review and check whether my mind slipped and if so, what caused it to slip? Once the attachments are found, they are immediately uprooted until I gradually become capable of achieving the state that Fa requires of us -- no attachment.