(Clearwisdom.net) On May 9, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Austin and San Antonio, Texas held a poster display and truth-clarification event at Alamo Plaza, a famous historic site in the city of San Antonio to celebrate the fifth "World Falun Dafa Day" and the 12th anniversary of revered Teacher's introduction of Falun Dafa.

Celebrating "World Falun Dafa Day"

Young practitioners wish Master a happy birthday!

Media interview

Introducing Falun Dafa and explaining the facts of the persecution to passersby

The Alamo Plaza is the hub of activity in the city of San Antonio. The Alamo, a well-known historical site, always attracts numerous tourists. Practitioners set up truth-clarifying poster boards and banners at one side of the plaza. They also used paper lotus flowers to form the English words, "May 13 Falun Dafa Day." The plaza was filled with a holiday atmosphere.

Tourists were attracted and came over to look at the posters and banners or chat with practitioners. A reporter from the local Fox TV station also came to gather news. He was very happy and said, "It's great!"

A tourist group from China happened to come and visit for the entire noon hour. Practitioners peacefully practiced the Falun Gong exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts to clear away the any bad influences they had been exposed to. In the meantime, some practitioners went over to talk and explain the facts to them. They quietly listened and responded in a friendly manner.