, Saturday, March 05, 2005

News and Events from Around the World

Facts of the Persecution

Practitioners Exchange Experiences and Insights

News from China

Media Coverage

News and Events from Around the World

Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Large-Scale Parade "Journey of Fa-Rectification" in San Francisco (Photos)

( On Feb. 27, 2005, close to two thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a large-scale parade, "Journey of Fa-Rectification" in San Francisco. They are practitioners from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Germany, Russia, France, Iceland and other countries.

Practitioners formed alignments based on different themes: "Falun Dafa," "Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's Regime and the CCP," "Rescue Orphans of Falun Gong Practitioners and American Citizen Charles Li," "Bring Jiang to Justice" and "Stop the Persecution."

Picture Group 1: Falun Dafa is good.

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Picture Group 2: Brutal persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's regime and the CCP

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Demonstration of torture methods
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Mourning Falun Gong practitioners who died as a result of persecution

Picture Group 3: Bring Jiang to justice

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Picture Group 4: Stop the persecution

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Picture Group 5: Parade spectators

Falun Gong Practitioners Call for Rescue of Children under Persecution at San Francisco Parade (Photos)

( On Feb. 27, 2005, close to two thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world gathered in San Francisco and held a large-scale parade to call for attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, especially to call for help with rescuing orphans of persecution victims.

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Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world parade in San Francisco to call for the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners' orphans.

According to Ms. Wang Yiqun, a member of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners in China, more than 1,400 Falun Gong practitioners have died from the brutal persecution by Jiang's regime. Many of them have young children. Some children are being raised by their grandparents, and some are currently homeless. Devastated by the loss of parents, they are living without their parents' support. Every day is a challenge to their survival. Many children have lost their basic right of education. Their living condition is deteriorating. They endure discrimination, ridicule and terror. The homeless children also have to fight hunger. Those who are still under detention have to face terror and violence despite their young age. The children's cry can be heard all through the night in some forced labor camps.

According to a report on the Minghui website, when Falun Gong practitioners Huang Ke and Zhong Yunxiu were persecuted to death, their daughter Huang Xinyu was only five years old. She kept looking for her dad. When someone in her family told her that her dad was gone, she seemed to understand, but started looking again after a while. Little Xinyu is now under the care of her grandfather.

Huang Ke and his wife Zhong Xiuyun

Huang Ke and Zhong Xiuyun's daughter Huang Xinyu

Xinyu's grandfather said that she has finally stopped asking where her father is. When her mother died, she was only one and an half years old, and she can't even remember her mother. He said he would tell Xinyu what happened to her parents when she grew older. Xinyu's father was starved to death. His eyes were still open when his father when to see his body.

Four-year-old little Rong Rong would stand on a stool and kiss his father's ash box when she misses him.

Rong Rong's parents Zou Songtao and Zhang Yunhe

Nineteen-year-old Liu Xiaotian hid himself in a storehouse of gunnysacks in Shenzhen after his parents died as a result of the persecution. He was afraid of contacting anyone and lived a fugitive's life of terror, anxiety and sorrow for more than one year. His uncle finally assisted him to flee China. He started practicing Falun Gong with the help of Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark. Many children have suffered like Xiaotian but still trapped in China.

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Xiaotian demonstrates torture methods at an anti-torture exhibition in northern Europe. His demonstration looked so real and shocking. He said that he would do his best to tell people what his parents had been subjected to.

Ms. Wang said that the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners in China recently published a report on the children under persecution in China. It is a composition of Minghui reports of close to two hundred such children. Because of the CCP's tight control over the media and its information blockade, the voices of these innocent children cannot be heard by the international society. We Falun Gong practitioners outside of China will try our best to tell people these facts in a variety of ways, and we hope that more kind people will help with the rescue of these children.

Australia: Practitioners Hold Anti-torture Exhibition and Press Conference to Support Lawsuit Against Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin (Photos)

( Ms. Zhang Cuiying, a Chinese Australian Falun Gong practitioner and traditional Chinese brush-painting artist, filed a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and his 610 Office on September 15, 2004 at Australia's NSW Supreme Court for genocide, torture and crimes against humanity. The court summoned two of the defendants to appear in court on December 10, 2004. The defendants, however, didn't report to the court. On February 28, 2005, the court summoned the two defendants to the court for the second time, and the defendants failed to comply with the court order again.

On February 28, Australian practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition, group practice and a press conference in front of the Supreme Court to support the lawsuit. Though the defendants didn't appear in the court and the attorney who represents Ms. Zhang now must discuss with the court the schedule of the next hearing, the practitioners' outdoor activities attracted many staff members of the court, lawyers and passersby. Many of them received information packages about the lawsuit and the brutal persecution.

The press conference, which started at 11 a.m., received support from representatives and attracted the attention of media outlets. NSW representative Ian Cohen came to the site and gave a speech to condemn the persecution and encourage practitioners to continue their peaceful appeals and legal efforts in pursuing justice. Talking about the inhuman persecution inflicted upon her during her 8-month incarceration in China for her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Ms. Zhang elaborated on why she filed the lawsuit against Jiang and the 610 Office. She also expressed her appreciation to the NSW's Supreme Court for accepting her lawsuit and called on all kind-hearted people to help end this brutal persecution.

Other victims of the persecution including Zheng Zeng and Ying Li, who were both brutally persecuted in China, also shared their personal experiences to further expose the crimes of the Jiang regime and to alert the public that the persecution has harmed people in democratic nations such as Australia.

A reporter from the Australian Associated Press interviewed Ms. Zhang's attorney and published a very positive article on the same day. Some lawyers attended the court hearing and participated in the press conference to express their support. They also wished to know more about the legal basis of the lawsuit against Jiang.

From February 22 to 28, practitioners held anti-torture exhibitions, "Uncompromising Courage" Painting Exhibition and painting exhibitions of Ms. Zhang's work in several busy locations in Sydney to clarify the truth about the persecution and the lawsuit against Jiang on a large scale, so that more people can learn about the crimes of the Jiang regime and thus support the lawsuit.

During these activities, a lot of touching things happened. Having learned about the persecution through anti-torture exhibitions and Falun Gong fliers, many people signed the practitioners' petition to support Falun Gong. A lot of kind-hearted people were moved to tears and they asked practitioners: "What else can I do for you?" Some people also asked for extra fliers and petition forms, promising to distribute the fliers and collect signatures among their friends and coworkers.

Peaceful gathering in front of the NSW Supreme Court

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Group practice

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Ms. Zhang Cuiying

Can I have more materials? I want to tell all South Africans I know about this

With practitioners' strong righteous thoughts and the peaceful music and exercise demonstration, the exhibition site formed a mighty field of energy and attracted many passersby to find out what was going on.

A couple from South Africa came to Australia for sightseeing, and they ran into practitioners' anti-torture exhibition in downtown Sydney on the afternoon of their departure. They talked with practitioners for a long time and felt very sad about the practitioners' suffering. They were particularly shocked by the shooting of practitioners in South Africa by thugs hired by the Chinese regime. They took many pictures of the practitioners' torture re-enactments and signed the petition. Before they left, the wife asked a practitioner: "Can I have more materials? I want to tell all South Africans that I know about this."

They told practitioners that their family is very influential in South Africa and know many people of different social strata, and they wanted to tell all the people they know about this ongoing brutal persecution. In the end, the couple left for the airport with a lot Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials.

"Can you tell me what else I can do to help you? Can I volunteer to help your activities?"

An Asian lady passed by practitioners' exhibition in the morning, and she brought back one of her coworkers during their lunch break to view the exhibition. They soon both signed practitioner's petition. Before they left, the lady asked practitioners: "Can you tell me what else I can do to help you? Can I volunteer to help your activities?" The practitioner welcomed her to join the group and told her that all the practitioners at the site were volunteers. The practitioner also told her that she could share the materials with her friends and coworkers so that more people will learn the truth. The lady said that she would plan to do that.

With tears in her eyes, she told the practitioner: "The persecution is so severe. I hope that I can help you some. However, I feel that my ability is so small and don't really know what I can do for you." The practitioner said that her heart-felt support and sharing information with friends was already a big help. The practitioner also told her that she could write to the Australian Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to express her concern. In the end, she took a business card from the practitioner and said that she would keep in touch with the practitioners.

"I saw you guys in New York. I am proud of your great spirit!"

A CEO of an American import and export company happened to visit Sydney on a business trip. When he saw the practitioners' anti-torture exhibition, he took many photos with great interest. When a practitioner handed him a flier, he said: "I saw you guys in New York." The practitioner then told him that he and many other practitioners went to New York City to clarify truth about the persecution at their own expense and had just come back. The CEO said: "I am proud of your great spirit! Hold onto it!"

The CEO talked with the practitioner for more than half of an hour. In the end, he said:" I am very sorry as I have to go now. I have a business meeting at 2 pm in the U.S. Embassy." He then gave the practitioner his business card and said: "When you come to New York the next time, if you need help, you can contact me." The practitioner noticed that he was in the import and export business and thus asked: "Do you import goods from China?" he smiled and said:" No, I now don't dare to do business with them." Before he left, the CEO asked: "Can I have some more materials? I want to tell the Embassy staff and people who are going to attend this meeting about your event and recommend them to come to see it."

During the week before the February 28 court hearing, some practitioners also went to the downtown office buildings and business districts to distribute fliers and information about the lawsuit to help people find out about the facts. The February 28 large-scale event in front of the NSW Supreme Court continued until 5:30 p.m. Practitioners said that they would continue their peaceful appeal and legal efforts to clarify the truth, expose the persecution and pursue justice until the persecution ends.

Sydney, Australia: "Uncompromising Spirit" Art Exhibition Touches Many Visitors' Hearts (Photos)

( On February 25, people from different walks of life attended the opening ceremony of the "Uncompromising Spirit" art exhibition in New South Wales. The exhibition will also be held at the University of Technology in Sydney from March 16 to 18.

A guest cutting the ribbon for the opening ceremony

The exhibition site

People watched "Sandstorm," a movie that sheds lights on the truth of the persecution

New South Wales Green Party Member of Legislative Council (MLC) Ian Cohen gave a speech at the ceremony. He said that it is difficult to imagine that people could be tortured to this extent simply for wishing to meditate peacefully. Mr. Cohen said that the free world cannot accept the fact that Falun Gong practitioners in China have been tortured physically and mentally for 5 years. He said that a sustained effort is needed to improve China's human rights record. "As a green party member, I have always been supporting people's right to express themselves and their rights of belief. Society needs people who dare to speak out for justice and democracy," the MLC said.

In her congratulatory letter to the exhibition, City Council Member Terry Ryan wrote that she firmly believed that this exhibition would bring a worldwide force together to end the appalling persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist regime. She wrote: "The persecution must be ended, and will be ended!" She said that evil actions are exposed quickly in this modern age of communication, and commented on the persecution, saying that it should never be tolerated.

A scholar who spoke several languages fluently spoke out in Chinese during the ceremony: "Falun Dafa is good, and the Communist Party is not good at all!" The scholar said that people understood courage and witnessed the spirit of courage from the paintings. He also dedicated a poem he had written entitled, "Light will eventually defeat the long night," to the exhibition.

After the opening ceremony, the organizers showed the award-winning movie, "Sandstorm." The exhibition and the movie touched the heart of every visitor. Many wrote their comments and reflections. Some of these comments are published below:

A young artist wrote, "I am very glad to see the exhibition, it truly touched my heart and my heart is connected to all the practitioners who are being persecuted."

An undergraduate student wrote, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the truly-needed spirit of this age... actually all the ages. The persecution of Falun Gong must be ended, thank you!"

A woman who runs several galleries wrote: "A very powerful exhibition which portrays the suffering [of Falun Gong practitioners] and the beauty [of Falun Dafa]." The lady also promised to help practitioners hold exhibitions at several other venues.

A descendent of a holocaust survivor wrote: "Very very good exhibition, I have learned a lot. I think you must be a group of great people. The exhibition is very touching, and the suffering of Falun Gong practitioners is beyond my imagination. I will pray for every Falun Gong practitioner who is being persecuted in Mainland China, and I will try my best in Australia to help you stop the persecution. I have sensed the courage and justice as well as the reverent spirit behind the art works. Thank you all for having widened my scope!"

Upon seeing the painting, "Force-feeding," a woman told us, "I had a dream yesterday which was identical to this painting. The lady who was being tortured as shown by the painting told me that the police officers were trying to insert some very dry stuff into her stomach, she said that I could help end this. After that, the gate of heaven opened and I saw a very beautiful place. As soon as I saw this painting today, I told myself that my dream was to tell me that I should tell everyone the facts about Falun Gong."

Just as it was stated in the introduction to the exhibition: The longevity and universal appeal of artwork lie in their beauty and inner meaning, which are beyond this time-space dimension, and in their power to purify and uplift people's spirits.

Promoting Falun Dafa in South Australia (Photos)

( On February 26 and 27, Falun Gong practitioners came to Middleton, a small town in South Australia, to tell the local residents about the beauty of Falun Dafa and the ongoing brutal persecution in China.

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Falun Gong information booth
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Teaching the exercises
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Group practice

Facts of the Persecution

Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tan Yanjun from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province Died After Being Paralyzed as a Result of Persecution

( Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tan Yanjun was detained three times and went through numerous torture, resulting in whole body paralysis. When his life was in danger, he was released on medical parole in the middle of November 2004. He died on February 27, 2005. He is survived by two young children. His father Tan Guoyi died on July 3, 2004 as a result of constant harassment.

Mr. Tan Yanjun was 41 years old and lived in the Ninth Group, Forty-fifth Neighborhood, Gongnong District, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. On March 1, 2000, he was arrested for the second time at his home and taken to the Xinnan Substation by police officer Zhang Ping (male). The policeman handcuffed him and took his house key from his pocket, and then confiscated all of his Falun Dafa books, stereo, cash and many valuables. Mr. Tan was sent to a detention center and held for seven months, where he endured all types of torture. As a result, he could no longer walk and at one point, was unconscious for nine days. Police were afraid of being held responsible for his death and released him after extorting two thousand yuan.

On the morning of January 9, 2002, Mr. Tan was arrested again by police officers Zhang Jun (male), Liu Bing (male), Jiang Jinsheng (male), and sent to the Hegang City First Detention Center. Gongnong District Station police deputy director Li Shujiang (male and the city's 610 Office director) often interrogated him using brutal torture. Li Shujiang said viciously, "If you do not speak, we will beat your 206 bones one at a time. If we beat you to death, you will just be part of the quota we are allowed to kill. If you are not dead, your last breath would do!" Mr. Tan was beaten so brutally that he became sick with heart disease and a ruptured eardrum, and his whole body was paralyzed. He could only lie down on the floor and could not take care of himself.

Even though Mr. Tan Yanjun's life was in danger, he was still sentenced to nine years in prison. The detention center also denied his family visitation rights. The lawless police tried to have him admitted to the prison several times, but were rejected due to his severe physical condition. His family tried to rescue him many times from the police, but it was no use. When he was on his deathbed, he was bailed out on medical parole in the middle of November 2004, and died at around noon on February 27, 2005.

Relevant phone numbers:

Hegang City First Detention Center, Director Office, 86-468-3400777, Operator, 86-468-3406171

Gongnong District Police Station in Hegang City, Director's Office, 86-468-3423113,Deputy Director's Office, 86-468-3422575

Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Qiuling from Huairou County, Beijing Tortured to Death in 2001

( Ms. Wang Qiuling was a 50 year-old farmer who lived in Yangsong Village, Yangsong Town, Huairou County, Beijing. She was arrested and detained by the Huairou County 610 Office and police in the County Detention Center in 2001 because of her firm belief in Falun Dafa. She died after going through numerous tortures. The Huairou County 610 Office and police refused to let her family see her body and secretly had her cremated.

The Murder of 31-Year-Old Dr. Shao Hui from Jilin Province Known After Over 2 Years

( Dr. Shao Hui was a 31-year-old doctor at the Hongshi Forestry Bureau, Huadian City, Jilin Province. The Jilin City Police Department tortured him to death in 2002. They tried hard to cover up his death and conceal the truth. For more than two years, they did not inform his family of his death. Recently, Dr. Shao's family went to the police department to search for him and learned half-truths about how he died.

The Fengman Police Branch of Jilin City tried to evade its responsibility

On August 21, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners in the No. 2 Geology Building, Fengman District, Jilin City were arrested. In November 2004, Dr. Shao's family became aware of another case of arrest, which they thought might lead to information about what happened to him. The family went to Fengman District Police Branch to inquire about the event.

The head of the branch answered their question and said that in 2002, during an attempt to arrest two Falun Gong practitioners in the No. 2 Geology Building, one died in the room and another practitioner was disabled when he jumped from the seventh floor.

When asked whether they knew who had died, the head of the branch said they did not know. On further questioning, he said that he was not clear about the case and they should ask Chen Dongfeng, the head of the National Security Branch of the Jilin City Police Department (610 Office), who was in charge of the case, and that the Fengman Police Branch was just cooperating with them. The head of the police branch refused to answer any further questions.

Later, Dr. Shao's family became aware that the Fengman Police Branch, in fact, had all the information about the case stored in its computer.

The Police from the National Security Branch of the Jilin City Police Department tried to cover up their crimes

When Dr, Shao's family showed his photo to Chen Dongfeng, the head of National Security Branch of Jilin City Police Department, Chen said to other police in the room, "It looks like him (Dr. Shao)."

Dr. Shao's family questioned Chen as to why they never informed the family about the death. Chen argued that they did not know who he was. When asked whether they looked for the family members through the newspapers, he replied that they had not. The family reminded him that, according to legal procedures, they should have posted a death notice for an unidentified person in the newspaper. Chen continued to argue, saying that Dr. Shao was a criminal suspect and they just helped with an internal investigation.

The family further pointed out to Chen that even an internal investigation would have identified him, because Dr. Shao had escaped from the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp, Jiutai, Jilin Province and his "wanted" photo was posted in every police department in Jilin Province. Chen Dongfeng had no reply. He turned around and asked, "Since the identity of the dead man hasn't been confirmed yet, why do you ask so many questions?" When he found out that Dr. Shao's wife was a practitioner as well, he kept asking whether she still practiced. Dr. Shao's wife answered, "It is a good practice, why should I stop practicing?" Chen immediately refused her permission to go to the Corpse Identification Center to identify the body. Other family members went there and confirmed, through viewing the corpse and the photos that were taken in 2002, that the body was Dr. Shao's.

A tear-gas grenade collapses the bed; blood was splashed over the walls and the floor

According to Chen Dongfeng, the story unfolded like this. They followed a person from Heilongjiang Province and suspected there were Falun Gong practitioners staying on the seventh floor of the No.2 Geology Building, Fengman District. Therefore, the police from National Security Branch of the Jilin City Police Department surrounded the building and forcefully broke into the room. They found only Dr. Shao in the room. When Dr. Shao did not cooperate with the arrest, they called the riot police and threw a tear-gas grenade into the room.

From the photos that the police department took of the site, whatever that was thrown into the room was powerful enough to destroy the bed. The police department tried to cover up their crime and called this a case of suicide.

In the photos taken of the body in August 2002, Dr. Shao's eyes were wide open and his neck had a deep cut. There was blood everywhere in the room, on the floor and on the walls. Dr. Shao was just wearing short pants without any other clothing on him. The Jilin Police Department did not make any rescue attempts and directly sent the body to the Corpse Identification Center.

While the family members were heart-broken, they were forced to cremate the body immediately

Dr. Shao's body was stored at the Corpse Identification Center for over two years. To save money, the Corpse Identification Center was not kept at the proper temperature for such storage. Therefore Dr. Shao's corpse had decayed, mildewed and discolored. There were only short pants on his body. His family members were in deep sorrow after seeing the condition of his body.

When the family went to the Jilin Police Department again, they were told that they should immediately cremate the body. The police department threatened the family with having to pay more than 80,000 Yuan for the cost of freezing the body for two years. However, if the family agreed to cremate the body immediately in Jilin City, the cost would be waived. Due to the fear that the photos of the body would expose their crime, they stressed that the other Falun Gong practitioners should not be told about the cremation.

Although Dr. Shao's family suspected that he died from torture or from the tear-gas grenade, seeing the miserable state of the corpse after two years in storage and fearing the large amount of the storage fee, they felt pressured to sign the agreement for the cremation. In fact, there were different opinions among the family members at that time. Dr. Shao's wife was not present and did not know the details.

There are many doubtful points about Dr. Shao Hui's death; the real murderers should be held accountable.

Since learning Falun Dafa, Dr. Shao benefited from Dafa both physically and mentally. He was well respected by his relatives and his friends. Since July 20, 1999, Dr. Shao had been detained many times for validating Dafa. The "610 Office" of the Hongshi Forestry Bureau, Huadian City had often tortured him brutally. In November 2000, he was sentenced to three years of forced labor by the Hongshi Forest Bureau Police Department and detained in Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp, and later in the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp, Jiutai City, Jilin Province. Because of his persistence in cultivating, he was brutally tortured in the labor camps. On March 31, 2002, during forced brainwashing in the Jiutai labor camp, he refused to acknowledge the persecution and escaped with righteous thoughts. He was put on a wanted list.

While Dr. Shao was forced to go from place to place and remain homeless to avoid recapture, he continued to clarify the truth to people. At about 9:00 p.m. on August 21, 2002, in a room on the seventh floor of the No.2 Geology Building of Fengman District, Jilin Province, he died while the police from National Security Branch of Jilin Police Department and the riot police were present. The cause of his death is full of doubts.

The on-site photos from the Fengman Police Branch raise the following questions.

1. Dr. Shao's eyes were wide open when he died. His face could be easily identified. Why did the police department claim that they did not know his identity and therefore did not inform the family about his death for more than two years? What did they want to cover up?

2. From the on-site photos, Dr. Shao was not wearing any clothing except for short pants. According to people who know the details, he was wearing clothes and was preparing truth-clarifying materials before he died. What caused his death? What happened to his clothes? What did the police do to him?

3. There was blood all over the walls and floors, and there was a deep cut on Dr. Shao's neck. What caused the wound? The riot police threw in a grenade. Did that cause the collapse of the bed? What caused it? What happened in the room? Was Dr. Shao in the room when the grenade went off?

Police involved in that arrest included the head of National Security Branch of Jilin City Police Department, Chen Dongfeng and his people, a deputy of Jilin City Police Department, police from the Riot division of the Jilin Police Department and police from the Fengman District Police Branch. Their arrest action directly caused Dr. Shao's death. Chen Dongfeng is over 40 years old and has been involved in almost every action against practitioners in Jilin City, including destroying truth-clarifying material sites and arresting many practitioners. Several persecution cases that caused practitioners' deaths or disability are directly associated with him.

Mentioned below are some work units and personnel related to the persecution of Dr. Shao Hui.

  1. The Jilin City Police Department:
    The head of the National Security Branch, Chen Dongfeng and his people
    A deputy from the police department
    Police from the Riot Division
    The Fengman District Police Branch
  2. The Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp
    The head of the labor camp, Guo Junpeng
    The deputy, Meng Fanrong
    The head of the administration section, Zheng Hailing
    The head of the Logistics Division and its police
  3. The Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp and its police
    The Hongshi Forestry Bureau, Huadian City, Jilin Province
    The head of the party committee, Zhang Xuecai
    The heads of the police department, Ma Xijin and Sun Zhiyi
    The heads of the Political and Security Section, Zhang Qing and Li Fuwen
    The police from the Hongshi Forestry Bureau Police Department, Su Weimin and Li Chunyu
    The deputy of the Hongshi Forestry Bureau Detention Center, Wang Ruiqing
    The No.1 Police Station of the Hongshi Forest Bureau, Zhou Jing

January 5, 2005

Practitioner Ms. Lu Caixia Suffers Brutal Persecution in Tangshan Labor Camp

( Practitioner Ms. Lu Caixia from Langfang, Hebei Province was imprisoned at Shenzhen Labor Camp. As her systolic blood pressure rose to 200 mmHg, she was allowed to return home for medical treatment. In December 2004, she was taken away by the Langfang 610 Office and sent to a brainwashing class. Ms. Lu maintained her belief in Falun Dafa and went on a hunger strike to protest the abuse. Even though her blood pressure shot up again, the 610 Office sealed off all information about her, claiming that she was a "key figure." Without notifying her family, the 610 Office secretly sent her to a labor camp in Tangshan.

Ms. Lu's family members looked for her everywhere. No one from the local police station, national police station or 610 Office would reveal to them her whereabouts. An insider finally told them where she may have been sent.

After the family members arrived at Tangshan Kaiping Labor Camp, the local police shifted responsibility to prevent the family members from seeing her. Her family was very worried about her health. Her blood pressure was very high at the time, as she was on a hunger strike. Two months have passed since then.

Ms. Lu's younger brother Lu Chenglin, also a practitioner, died from being force-fed at Yichun Labor Camp while he was on a hunger strike.

Address of Tangshan Kaiping Labor Camp:
Tangshan Xinsheng Factory (Tangshan Kaiping No. 27 Brick Factory)
Zip code: 063021
Tel: 86-315-3363751,86-315-3363752

Hebei Tangshan Kaiping Labor Camp (Hebei First Labor Camp)
Tel: 86-315-3363939
Team leader Li Xiafeng 86-13933396528 (Cell), 86-13091059657 (Cell)
Chief of the labor camp Xu Deshang 86-315-2020980 (Home)
Vice chief of the labor camp Yuan Daguo 86-315-2011861 (Home)
Management branch: Li Hong, Fan Xiuzhen 86-315-3367086

February 23, 2005

Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ai Xiuwen from the Taiping District in Harbin City Abducted by Police (Photo)


My mother Ai Xiuwen, 58, is a retired lecturer in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province.

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Dafa practitioner Ai Xiuwen from the Taiping District in Harbin City

My mother has had a tough life. Because my father did not work, my parents got divorced when I was very young. When she was in her 30's, my mother moved away with my brother, sister, and me, and led a difficult life. At that time, our home was in a one-story house. Because all three of us children were very young, my mother needed to carry coal, water and food by herself and she did all the hard labor that was usually done by a man. My mother was concerned that we might be mistreated so she didn't marry again. She brought us up with her meager income. At the same time, my mother was conscientious about her work, and she was awarded the recognition of "Model Worker" and "Outstanding Teacher" many times.

Because my mother worked very hard, her body became quite weak in her old age. She had serious heart disease, neural problems and muscle strain. In 1996, my mother started to practice Falun Dafa and she seemed to have completely changed. Everyone who saw her said, "What have you done to make yourself look so good?" She also recovered from her heart disease. Mother often said that Falun Gong gave her a second life.

After Jiang Zemin started to persecute Falun Gong, my mother went to Beijing twice to appeal, and was illegally detained for over two months. On January 12, 2005, when my mother went to a practitioner's home to deliver some information about the persecution of Falun Dafa, three policemen from Nangang Police Station in Harbin followed and abducted her. At the same time, another Dafa practitioner named Xiao Hong was also abducted. Because my mother had a great deal of Dafa truth-clarification materials with her, the police claimed that my mother was the principal offender. At present, my mom is detained in the serious crime group in Section No. 7 of the Harbin Police Department. During the interrogation, no one was allowed to visit her.

On the day that my mother was arrested, my family was very worried because she did not come home. My family called Xiao Hong's husband and learned that my mother and Xiao Hong had been arrested. My uncle went to the police station and saw my mother. She told my uncle not to allow the police to extort us in order to secure my mother's release. According to the policemen who were responsible for her case, my mother was very determined and didn't give them any information.

The latest news is that my mother has been sentenced to three years of forced labor and is now detained at the Wanjia Labor Camp. I feel very worried about my mother's current situation.

Phone numbers of relevant departments:

Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin:
Head: Lu Zhenshan 86-13903602280 (Cell phone), 86-451-84282528 (Home)
Political Commissar: Fang Jun
Labor Camp operator: 86-451-84101454, 84101455, 84101573, 84101509
Nangang Branch of Police Department in Harbin City: 567 Xianfeng Road, Harbin City
Department head: Xu Degang: 86-451-53644618 (Home)
Address: Apt 101, Unit 4, 5 Shenyang Street, Nangang District, Harbin City.

Section chief of Political and Security Section:
Zhang Qingbin: 86-451-82543484 (Office), 86-451-82543482, 86-13804501704 (Cell phone)
Department head office: 86-451-82516000
Legal ruling section: 86-451-82543501
Case section: 86-451-82543469
General office: 86-451-82543531
Security office: 86-451-82543516
Patrol police brigade: 86-451-82514288

Harbin Police Department: 9 Hongxing Street, Daoli District, Harbin City
Phone number to appeal to department head: 86-451-84681111
Reception for complain: 86-451-84681592
Case section: 86-451-84681491
Legal ruling section: 86-451-84619858
610 Office of Heilongjiang Province: Fu Manjiang: 86-451-53609924
610 Office of Harbin City: Zhang Xiaoman: 86-451-84690027

Written on February 23, 2005

Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Xiangheyuan Area of Beijing


On February 2, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Guilan of the Xiangheyuan Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing was deceived into the residents committee office by the Committee Secretary Zhang Xueying, and was later illegally arrested. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999 until now, the Xiangheyuan Area (around Zuojiazhuang), the local 610 Office, the police station, and residents committees have cooperated with Jiang Zemin's regime to viciously persecute Falun Gong. The Xiangheyuan Area has encountered the most severe persecution.

For more than five years, more than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners in the Xiangheyuan Area have been directly persecuted. They have been monitored, harassed, threatened, arrested many times, detained and held in custody, physically abused, sent to brainwashing centers and forced labor camps, sentenced to prison, and even tortured to death. The 610 Office and policemen also incited the public to hate Falun Gong practitioners. They arranged security guards, elevator workers, Communist Party members, activists in the area, and practitioners' neighbors to monitor and follow practitioners. From the young to the old, many people in the area regarded persecuting Falun Gong practitioners as the most important task. In the Xiangheyuan Area, the numbers of people being sent to the forced labor camp and brainwashing center are the greatest in Beijing. In order to achieve a 100% "transformation" rate, the money the brainwashing center has spent is also the greatest in Beijing. The number of evildoers who persecute Falun Gong practitioners, from police station managers to area police, from the 610 Office chief to the Residents' Committee Secretary that have been commended and promoted, is also the greatest in Beijing. For example, Residents Committee Office Chief Xue Youxin and Zhang Decai have been promoted for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Xue Youxin even boasted that they had a 100% "transformation" rate. Cao Guo from the 610 Office became a top Communist Party member for "transforming" and arresting Li Shanjuan.

We demand that the murderers and accomplices who persecute Falun Dafa and practitioners are severely punished, and all the evildoers receive justice according to the law. We will expose the crimes of the Xiangheyuan Area to the world.

1. Falun Dafa practitioners who died from the persecution

1) Ms. Li Yuling, 55 years old, lived at West Zuojiazhuang Lane. Since 1999, she was illegally arrested, detained and had her home ransacked many times. She was sent to a brainwashing center twice and sent to a mental hospital for further persecution in 2000. She was followed for many years, and policemen from the 610 Office often harassed her at home. Eventually Li Yuling had to leave home to avoid further persecution. In June 2003, she was arrested when she was handing out Falun Gong truth-clarification materials and tortured to death in nine days. (For a detailed report, please visit

2) Ms. Wang Huipu, 62 years old, lived at north Liufang Lane. Since 1999, she was detained many times and persecuted at a brainwashing center three times. She was forced to leave home to avoid the persecution in 2001. 610 Office personnel lied to her family, saying that she would not be persecuted anymore, so she returned home. However, she was arrested again and detained in a basement to be brainwashed and tormented. Even when she was quite ill and had blood in her stool, 610 Office personnel and policemen did not spare her. They sent collaborators to harass her at home and security guards to supervise her 24 hours a day. Wang Huipu was persecuted to death in November 2003.

3) Ms. Zhao Hong, 55 years old, lived at central Xibahe Lane. Since 2001, the police have arrested her many times and persecuted her at a brainwashing center. When the police arrested her, her husband was traumatized and lost the ability to take care of himself. Meanwhile, she was dismissed from work. After Zhao Hong practiced Falun Gong, all of her illnesses went away, but after she was persecuted in the brainwashing center, she became emaciated and died in 2004.

2. Falun Dafa practitioners sentenced to prison or forced labor

1) Ms. Xiang Guilan lives at central Xibahe Lane. Since 1999, she has been detained and had her home ransacked many times. In November 1999, she was sentenced to three years of imprisonment for attending a practitioners' experience sharing conference. After she was released, the residents committee and 610 Office personnel went to her home many times and harassed her. She has become homeless in order to avoid further persecution.

2) Ms. Zhang Lianying of central Xibahe Lane has been arrested and detained many times since 1999. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2001 and was tortured. She was again arrested by the national security secret agents in 2002, and suffered all kinds of torture at Beijing Tongzhou Brainwashing Center, Beijing Daxing Legal Education Training Center and Beijing Police Hospital. After her release, she has been followed and monitored by the 610 Office, policemen and the residents committee officers, and her family members are being harassed as well.

3) Ms. Tang Jianshu of north Liufang Lane has been arrested and detained many times, and held in custody on public holidays. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor in December 2000. After she was released, although she became very emaciated and mentally disoriented, she was again taken to the brainwashing center by 610 Office personnel. She was sent home after becoming paralyzed from torture.

4) Ms. Yang Yuli of north Liufang Lane was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. After she was released, she had to leave home due to continuous harassment.

5) Mr. Niu Jinping of central Xibahe Lane has been arrested and had his home ransacked many times since 1999. He was persecuted in a mental hospital and removed from government service. He served two years of forced labor in Jiamusi in 2000. After his term expired, the police sent him directly to a brainwashing center for further persecution without notifying his family. He was deprived of sleep and tortured in the brainwashing center.

6) Ms. Wang Shuge lives at south Liufang Lane. Because she went to Beijing to appeal in 1999, she has been arrested and detained many times and harassed at home by the police. On public holidays, she is often detained and violently beaten by the police. In October 2000, Wang Shuge was sentenced to one year of forced labor. Due to the persecution, her child was seriously traumatized, her husband's illness worsened, and they fell into great hardship.

7) Ms. Niu Dan of central Xibahe Lane has been arrested many times since 1999. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2000. A year later, she was sent to a brainwashing center for further persecution.

8) Ms. Liu Jinxia of central Xibahe Lane has been arrested and detained many times since 1999. She has been harassed and supervised by the 610 Office and the residents committee, and her family members have also been harassed. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2002 for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.

9) Ms. Wang Guilan lives at central Xibahe Lane. In 2001, because she distributed truth-clarification materials, she was cruelly beaten by the police, her face was distorted, and she was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. After she returned home, she was still harassed by the 610 Office, the residents committee and policemen. On February 2, 2005, she was secretly arrested and her home was ransacked. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

10) Ms. Ge Yuying lives at west Guangximen Lane. She was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor in 2001, and is still being monitored since she came home.

11) Mr. Pan Hongjun lives west Xibahe Lane. Since 1999, he has been arrested, had his home ransacked, and was removed from government service. The policemen of the detention center pulled off all his clothes in the cold winter and insulted and beat him. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2000. In early 2003, his home was ransacked. Because Falun Gong books were found at his home, he was again sentenced to two years of forced labor. His 3-year-old daughter is unable to see her father.

12) Mr. Wang Li, alias Li Nan, lives at north Liufang Lane. In March 2004, he was arrested from home, and his home was ransacked. The police confiscated all his cash and his bankbook. At that time, his wife was about to give birth. They asked the police to leave them some money for her hospitalization, but were refused. Wang Li is still being held, his wife and child have no source of income, and live in hardship with an ill mother-in-law.

13) Mr. Du Lichun of central Xibahe Lane has been harassed and monitored by the 610 Office and the residents committee since 1999. He has been arrested many times, sentenced to one year of forced labor, and dismissed from the Communist Party. His family members have also been harassed.

14) Ms. Yue Jun of west Xibahe Lane was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2002. Since her release, she has had difficulty walking, and both of her legs are still numb to this day. Her husband is unemployed, and they live in hardship.

15) Ms. Zhao Zhonglan lives on south Liufang Lane. Since 1999, policemen have harassed and arrested her many times. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2001, and persecuted until she developed heart disease and high blood pressure. She was released on bail for medical treatment, but her illness did not improve. In 2003, she was forcibly sent to a forced labor camp and now has difficulty walking normally due to the torture she endured there.

3. Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in detention centers and brainwashing centers

1) Ms. Zhang Guanghua resides at north Liufang Lane. Since 1999, she has been arrested, had her home ransacked, sent to the detention center many times, and force-fed. She has become homeless to avoid further persecution. Even when her husband was seriously ill, she could not go home to look after him. He eventually died. Her husband was also forced to write a "guarantee statement" for her. While she was homeless, Zhang Guanghua was followed by the police and secretly arrested. She later escaped from the police station.

2) Ms. Li Shanjuan from central Xibahe Lane is the former volunteer assistant of Chaoyang District. She has been persecuted, and had to leave home to avoid the persecution in 2001. In May 2003, she was sent to the brainwashing center. Her family members were also arrested and beaten many times, and her family and colleagues have also been implicated.

3) Ms. Zhang Huiling of central Xibahe Lane has been arrested many times, and sent to detention centers, brainwashing centers, and force-fed. The 610 Office, the residents committee and policemen continuously monitored and harassed her at home. One early morning in 2002, 610 Office personnel and policemen came to take her to a brainwashing center, and did not show their identification. Her daughter and disabled husband questioned the police as to why they were arresting her. The police slapped her daughter and pushed her husband to the ground. Another time, the police even took away her husband and did not give him any food during his detention.

4) Ms. Gao Yuling has been arrested and had her home ransacked many times. She has been held at the detention center and tortured on the "death bed" for a week. Her mouth was stuffed with socks and her pants were pulled off. The 610 Office forcibly sent her to the brainwashing center many times. Her husband, a policeman, even threatened that if she did not "transform," he would be removed from government service. She was physically and mentally tortured. The 610 Office, the residents committee and policemen constantly monitor and harass her.

5) Mr. Guo Lin lives at east Xibahe Lane. He was detained in 2000 for attending a Falun Gong practitioners' experience sharing conference. In 2002, he was sent to a brainwashing center by the 610 Office.

6) Mr. Shi Yongheng of north Liufang Lane was arrested in October 2000. During his detention he was not allowed to wear shoes and socks on the ice-cold cement floor. As a result, he lost the ability to walk. He was also persecuted in the brainwashing center, supervised and harassed by the 610 Office, the residents committee and police.

7) Ms. Xu Cuiyu of central Xibahe Lane was arrested and detained in 2000. Her home was ransacked in 2004. She is under continuous supervision and harassment by the 610 Office, the residents committee and police.

8) Ms. Zhang Shuai has been arrested many times, detained at a detention center five times, and sent to Daxing Brainwashing Center and Xinan Forced Labor Camp by the 610 Office. She is under continuous supervision and harassment by the 610 Office, the residents committee and police.

9) Ms. Lin Lan of south Xibahe Lane has been arrested, detained and persecuted at a brainwashing center many times, and has been subjected to continuous supervision and harassment by the 610 Office, the residents committee and police.

Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted at the detention center and brainwashing center also include Wang Qingying, Li Xitian, Yi Shuzhen, Wei Cunju, Yin Xia, Xu Qiuxia, Jin Jianying, Wang Liqin and others. We will continue to expose details of the persecution to the world.

Practitioners Exchange Experiences and Insights

Lessons Learned from the Attachment to Time

( When Master's new article "New Year's Greetings" was published on and disseminated among practitioners, some fellow practitioners around me once again studied the Fa with a human mentality. They claimed they had come to understand when the "conclusion" time would occur and they began to spread their understandings about the "ending time." Other practitioners told them we should not be attached to time, but the reply was, "It is not that we are attached to time. The purpose is to help more practitioners step forward."

It sounds like they are being responsible for the Fa, but in reality, it is a result of their not having studied the Fa well, so they are unaware that their so-called understanding comes from their deeply-rooted attachment to time. Moreover, it is also a huge deviation from the Fa to push the practitioners who have the attachment of fear to step forward by telling them that Fa-rectification is coming to an end. My personal understanding is that when the issue of time is brought up, we should enlighten to the urgency in our mission, and make the best use of our time to save sentient beings, rather than thinking about at what specific time we will finish our cultivation and leave the human world.

Because of an attachment to time, I once experienced demonic interference in my own mind. In 2000, I thought that since we had entered the new millennium and Dafa disciples had endured the persecution for over a year, that the persecution was probably about to end. This thought was initially not right, but I felt good about myself and thought my enlightenment quality was not bad. One day I had a dream and I saw the date "September 9" clearly in my dream. I "was enlightened" that it was the conclusion date of cultivation. In the days that followed, everything around me was a manifestation of "transformation follows mind-intent." For example, I often encountered the number 99 at work and in my daily life, which further solidified the interference.September 9 passed and I saw that the Fa rectification had not yet completed. I had truly experienced "demonic interference from one's own mind," which in the past, I thought would be experienced only by those with the celestial eye open.

I knew I had stumbled on the path of cultivation, and I calmed down to study the Fa. Actually, in Lecture 6 of Zhuan Falun, Master has articulated the issue of "demonic interference from one's own mind," which we may incur during our cultivation. Why had I been interfered with? It was because I didn't study the Fa well.

At the end of 2001, I was held at a detention center and placed in the same cell as practitioner A, who had been sentenced to forced labor last time. Because after her expected conclusion date, the cultivation was not completed, she turned against Dafa. When we were held in the detention center this time, she did not want to leave another blemish on her cultivation path. I remember when the evil interrogated her repeatedly, in utter exasperation they couldn't get anything from her. I admired her righteous thoughts and righteous actions very much. Unexpectedly, one day, she said to me, "I am not attached to time, but let us try to 'enlighten' to when the conclusion time will be." Upon hearing that, I immediately remembered my lessons from incurring demonic interference from my own mind. I knew her mind was not right and I immediately told her, "Do not think of this issue. It is a demon that makes you to want to 'get enlightened' to the conclusion time."

Although she had manifested a fearless attitude in the face of the evil, she had an attachment to time deeply hidden in her mind. She told me that when she was held in the forced labor camp, quite a few other practitioners were attached to time and they set for themselves a conclusion time. Some practitioners even didn't let their family members bring winter clothes to the labor camp and claimed that on July 20 they would attain consummation and leave the labor camp. In the end, without warm clothes, they endured the freezing cold in the winter. Even the guards laughed at them.

Twenty days later, I got out of the detention center with righteous thoughts. Later, I heard that practitioner A got out as well, but after that, she was arrested numerous times and is being held in a prison today. In my opinion, the fact that the evil persecutes her repeatedly is not completely unrelated to her attachment to time.

Because of some practitioners' attachment to time, the old forces have found the best excuse to "test" Dafa disciples. Because of this attachment, some of us have taken a deviated path and learned the lesson after we paid a painful and tragic price. Why did some practitioners not learn from these lessons and stumble over the same obstacle again and again without being enlightened to it? In essence, it's because some practitioners haven't studied the Fa well and have not melted into the Fa. When they encounter problems, they don't measure themselves according to the Fa to find their loopholes.

Master said:

"When I taught the Fa I told you before about all the problems that might occur during this malicious and destructive examination. It is indeed difficult for those who haven't truly done cultivation to come through this. Now you can see why I've often told you to read the book more, right?! The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Drive Out Interference" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out any mistakes.


As of today, a number of practitioners are still struggling on the cultivation path arranged by the old forces. When the old forces' dark minions transform themselves into a demon to interfere with or into beauty to seduce practitioners, some fellow practitioners cannot distinguish them. It is all because we haven't paid enough attention to Fa study.

Originally, I had hoped would publish articles to address the prominent issues wherein practitioners deviated from the Fa and urge them to pay more attention to these issues. As for me, I have found it very important to search within myself for the things that I have been able to find in others. I now feel that we should break through our human notions and obstacles, and actively submit our articles about what we have observed and our cultivation experiences to, so as to contribute to a good cultivation environment.


Becoming Clear-minded from the Lessons of Attachments to Time and Walking Well the Remaining Journey of Fa-rectification

( Behind the attachment to time and the attachment to the ending time of cultivation is selfishness and a view of Fa-rectification cultivation using ordinary human thoughts. Being attached to time can result in going to extremes and being irrational. Sometimes this attachment may not be obvious, and can only be exposed by studying the Fa calmly and continuously looking inward. But sometimes it is obvious. Whenever we read Master's related articles, we become anxious. We are expecting the end of Fa-rectification and at the same time are afraid of its ending.

We expect the ending of Fa-rectification because the persecution has lasted so long, and its end will bring relief, as we will no longer need to face the persecution. We may be afraid of the ending because we feel that we have not cultivated well enough. If we had not reached our anticipated levels by the ending time, we would be regretful. Overall, the consideration is all for "us," and in our thinking we have temporarily put aside our mission of saving sentient beings, Master's expectations for us, and Master's suffering for the sentient beings. During the past several years, there are many examples of how the attachment to time has caused losses.

After the persecution started in 1999, many Dafa practitioners went to Beijing to appeal peacefully and safeguard Dafa. This left many amazing and incredibly great feats. Meanwhile, there are often words such as "it is going to be too late if one does not go to Beijing," "Catch the last bus," etc. which show an attachment to the "ending." This leads many Dafa practitioners to go along the wrong path as they do not see any their imagined ending signs amongst the evil's destructive test. This has complicated the persecution situation for Dafa in the human world.

In 2001, practitioners at the local forced labor camps were enthusiastically discussing the issue that "the forced labor system is against international laws, since China joined the World Trade Organization, so by the end of 2001, the labor camp system will be dismantled and everybody can go home." Under the evil interference, the attachment to ending the persecution had counteracted Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, and many people were attached to external changes. Eventually, after they did not see the expected results, they were disappointed. They became more hopeless and submissive when facing the persecution, which caused losses in their cultivation. Today some labor camps have been dismantled. However, it is not due to the outside factors of violating international law. Dafa practitioners continuously making efforts in exposing the evil and resisting the persecution is reflected in the human world and has disintegrated the evil in other dimensions.

At the beginning of 2002, there were prophesies spreading among practitioners from China and overseas about the Spring. Some practitioners thought that the Fa rectification could end in the Spring, and the Fa would rectify the human world. Some practitioners were spreading the information about "ending in the Spring" among fellow practitioners. When it was pointed out that this is not in alignment with the Fa, they tried to cover up by saying, "Master told us to cultivate clear-mindedly. So we need to know clearly when it's going to end." Some relatives of the practitioners did not understand the truth of Dafa to begin with, so they said, "We'll wait for you until the Fall." As it turned out, after several Springs and Falls, it had still not ended. This has caused a negative impact in saving sentient beings.

In 2003, some practitioners got the impression of "almost ending" from Master's lectures. One practitioner who had been steady in cultivation, said, "It's almost over. This time period is for those who were 'transformed' and who were afraid of stepping out to catch up. We have done enough." However soon after that comment, this practitioner was arrested and sent to a forced labor camp, and was transformed under the persecution.

An attachment to time will bring evil interference and roadblocks to our whole body, personal cultivation, and the salvation of sentient beings. If most of us have this attachment, it would cause huge damage to Master's Fa-rectification. During the past several years, attachment to Spring, Fall, to the prime minister who met Dafa practitioners during "April 25" appeals, CCP's 16th National Congress Meeting, United Nations Human Rights Organization, suing the head of the evil, results of CCP's 4th Plenary Session, etc. are fundamentally due to the human thoughts of relying on ordinary people and looking forward to the end of the persecution. These human thoughts have been utilized repeatedly by the evil to create confusion and chaos.

Recently Master has published several lectures. We feel the rapid progress of Fa-rectification in the human world and the urgency of saving sentient beings. In the mean time, some practitioners again became attached to time after reading these lectures. For example, after they read the lecture "New Year's Greetings," etc., they intentionally repeated the sentence of "During this year, Fa-rectification's enormous force will bring changes to mankind." Deep in their thoughts, they might be thinking, "Looks like it's going to be over soon. This time the CCP is going to be finished."

Recently, some material production sites in China have received many Dafa practitioners' announcements of quitting and completely breaking away from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. However, few ordinary people see clearly the evil essence of the CCP and want to withdraw completely. Many ordinary people are seemly still being restrained from this perspective.

This is the issue of Dafa practitioners having righteous thoughts and righteous actions, breaking through human notions and suffocating the evil specter of the CCP. In the mean time, does it have anything to do with a renewed attachment to time and human thoughts, hoping that the CCP specter perishes soon, causing practitioners' minds to become unstable and leaving a loophole for the evil to take advantage of? The evil will create some confusion and chaos to whatever we are attached to. Learning from our previous lessons, we should clearly realize that Dafa practitioners are here to save sentient beings. We need to put aside our human thoughts to better meet the requirements of Fa-rectification, and clearheadedly walk well each step on our path of Fa-rectification cultivation.

Currently, while the persecution still continues, our main task is saving sentient beings. No matter what changes happen in the human world, Dafa practitioners' responsibilities of saving sentient beings will not change, because in the future universe, what Dafa practitioners accomplished selflessly will live on.

"When Dafa is persecuted, the first thing Dafa disciples should think of is saving sentient beings and how to validate Dafa." ("Touring North America to Teach the Fa")

"As I've said, everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts." "You are the ones saving the ordinary people's society, and you are the ones saving sentient beings!" ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

"Dafa disciples are walking a divine path. Don't be affected by shifts in the ordinary world, seize the day to clarify the truth, save the world's people, clean out the rotten demons, and keep your thoughts and actions righteous. The Dafa disciples in Mainland China, more than anyone, should step up their efforts and do well the things they are supposed to do, staying always diligent." ("Greetings")

The above is my own opinion. Please kindly point out any shortcomings.

Experiences of a Teacher from Taiwan: Immersed in Falun Dafa, My Body and Mind are More Comfortable (Photos)


I obtained the Fa because of the predestined relationship

In an unexpected opportunity, I attended the two-day Falun Gong Workshop for Teachers in the winter of 2002. During those two days, I judged and criticized the "magical" Falun Gong everyone was talking about. Driven by curiosity, I bought the book Zhuan Falun at the end of the workshop. After I went back home and read it, I was shocked that this book was so precious and unique, and stayed up the entire night to finish it. All the doubts and frustrations I had all my life were answered right away, such as "Where does life come from?" "Where does it go afterward?" "Why do people exist?" and "What is worth pursuing in every life time?" Zhuan Falun answered my questions in life and allowed me to walk onto the path of cultivation.

The improvement of body and mind

Before I practiced, I suffered from constipation for many years and relied on taking laxatives in order to maintain normal intestinal function. I was constantly bothered by the fact that I had to spend a lot of time in the bathroom each day. To my surprise, on the first day of the Falun Gong Workshop for Teachers, all my accumulated solid waste was cleared out within one day and I never had a problem with constipation after that. Also, since I was a young teenager, I had suffered from back pain due to a curved spinal column (scoliosis). Hence, my physical endurance was poor even at a young age. Regardless of how rested I was, my spine always felt unbelievably painful, and I often needed someone to give me a massage. For a long time, if I turned during my sleep, I would feel a stabbing pain that felt like arrows piercing me. I tried physical therapy and heat treatments, but neither was successful. Not until after I started to practice Falun Gong did I ever think for a second that I could heal this illness, but I became completely healthy in a very short time and haven't seen a doctor in three years.

I used to be a person who always strived to be perfect in everything I did. I was also very tense. After I began to practice Falun Gong and follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in everything I did, however, I could better see my attachments. I looked inward peacefully when I came across conflicts, and my mind became free and happy. When the students' parents had opinions or suggestions about my teaching, I was more able to accept them and respond with kindness instead of feeling lost when I heard criticism. When my child was sick and hospitalized, I made sense of it and stayed strong, instead of emotionally collapsing like I had used to do. I no longer took my husband's and family's kindness towards me for granted. I became grateful. Falun Dafa greatly enhanced my endurance. My heart became clearer each day, and I experienced the beauty of "ask nothing in everything and gain naturally." It was like a poem in Hong Yin,

Give up Attachments

Humans in the world are all lost in the maze,

Being attached to reputation and profit,

Ancients are honest and benevolent,

Minds are calm, fortune and longevity are both present.

Spread the seeds of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"

In the school where I work, many faculty, staff, and their children are practitioners. We all benefit from the practice. Not only are we free from illness and feel relaxed, but also our hearts have become peaceful and easy. During these wonderful years, the seeds of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" have been widely spread. Like me, many educators in Taiwan have been reborn in both body and mind after learning Falun Gong.

I also spread the practice to other children in the school in the higher grades. Because I saw many practitioners around me with improved physical and mental health after they started the practice, I decided to incorporate simple Fa principles and basic courtesies into my teaching, especially after I settled conflicts between students. When the class graduated last year, all the parents agreed with my proposal and the entire class practiced Falun Gong.

Many students from the new class this semester have joined the practice. We occasionally use the noon break to do the exercises or study the Fa. It is all very natural. I do not force students to join and the students come and go as they wish. There were several parents who had acknowledged the power of Falun Gong in clearing the body and mind, and asked to have their children join us. With their parents' approval, some of the students joined us out of curiosity or because they liked the fifth meditation exercise in particular.

High Resolution Picture
The class reading Hong Yin

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The third exercise
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The fifth exercise

Student practitioners' experiences

1. Wang's Experience

After I practiced Falun Gong, there were many things I could take care of peacefully. I tried hard to follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and would not hit or scold the boys. When others scolded me, I wouldn't talk back. I saw that many of my classmates stopped scolding other people, and I felt happy. That showed we became more benevolent. Though I only went to the class once, I gained a lot. If the whole world could stop doing bad things and start saying good words, it would be a peaceful place.

2. Shen's Experience

I feel that Falun Gong really improves my wisdom and makes my body stronger. After I practiced Falun Gong, I learned faster and my memory improved. I used to be really weak. Once I was pale and almost fainted after running 800 meters in a physical exam. Now, I was able to win second place. I am healthy in both body and mind.

3. Wu's Change

Before I learned the Fa, it was not unusual for me to miss turning in homework. I often failed exams. After I learned "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," I started to learn to be responsible for myself. Now, not only do I turn in all the homework, but I also get over 80 points on most of my exams. This semester alone, I was recognized twice for "Most Improved" on two major exams. My parents and teachers all said that my conduct and school work have improved a lot.

4. Huang's Change

Because of my spinal injury, I couldn't sit for long during the class and had to stand up. Not long after I started to practice Falun Gong, all the pain disappeared. My mother didn't have to take me everywhere to visit doctors to do acupuncture or physical therapy. I used to be very stubborn and often talked back to my elders and fought with my younger sister. My personality became a lot calmer after I began practicing Falun Gong. I was considerate to my parents, did a lot of housework, and seldom fought with others. I became hard working in my school work and even was top three in my class on a recent major exam. Now my mother has asked the teacher to let my younger sister join the Falun Gong practice.

My Understanding of the Correlation between Fa-Rectification Practice and Withdrawing from the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League

( Being Falun Gong practitioners, we clearly understand that each one of us does not just represent a single life. Most practitioners represent a vast celestial body, so whether or not our one thought is rectified determines the existence of all the sentient beings within that vast celestial body. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is bound to be eliminated in the future. As practitioners, even one thought of ours acknowledging this evil spirit will cause danger to the sentient beings represented by this thought.

As Teacher said in the "Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference,"

"It's against the cosmos, or to put it another way, the two types of elements in the cosmos, positive and negative, are all against it. In fact, this cosmos is composed of the two types of elements of life, the positive and the negative, so that's to say that even the cosmos is against it. So, the Buddhas, Daos, Gods, and Demons of the cosmos all want to get rid of it, so it constantly faces the possibility of being surrounded layer after layer and eliminated."

As I understand this, if the old forces had not insisted on having their own way, the CCP would have long ago been eliminated by all of the divine beings in the cosmos in order to protect the cosmos. Today, we practitioners should completely deny all arrangements made by the old forces. We should take up the role of safeguarding the cosmos. In accordance with this, we should cleanse any parts of our body that are assimilated to this evil spirit. In "Hongyin II," Teacher said,

"Myriad evils all weeded out, myriad beings brought to life."

To clean a part of our body that is possessed by evil spirits is itself a way of saving sentient beings.

So how can we get rid of thoughts caused by evil spirit possessions? My understanding is that besides paying constant attention to rectifying every thought and assimilating to the Fa, withdrawing from the CCP or the Youth League is also very important. Being Dafa practitioners, we should not make idle promises. Despite the promises we made to Teacher in the past, some practitioners still signed contracts with the old forces, like the "Guarantee Statements" written during persecution. We need to clearly understand that vows are sacred in this cosmos, so it is indeed necessary to void any contracts signed with evil spirits in the past.

I understood Teacher to talk about three kinds of attitudes (for not withdrawing) in his statement about withdrawing from the Communist Youth League. One notion is, "I joined the Party passively. I did not volunteer. Hence it is not necessary to withdraw." The second one is, "I never took it seriously, so I thought it wouldn't have any effect. Hence there is no need to withdraw." The last one is, "I passed the age of being a member (of the Communist Youth League) so many years ago, that I figured I had automatically withdrawn. Now I don't have to withdraw." From what I have observed, there are many practitioners with these points of view. I would like to discuss my rough understanding of what is wrong with these three attitudes.

Delving into these three attitudes, I can say that there is an attachment of fear behind them. Let's take a look at the first notion. Practitioners today proclaim new "Solemn Statements" to void earlier "Guarantee Statements," even those written by someone else or signed when the practitioners were not fully conscious. If that is the case, is there really a difference between passive and voluntary? You made the statement, regardless of whether it was done passively or voluntarily. Being passive is the same as admitting silent assent.

Regarding the second attitude, when you sign a contract, whether you value it or not, or even consider it be just a piece of paper, if you don't fulfill the contract, the other party still has the right to sue you. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the old forces had forced this attitude upon practitioners by having them become numb to it.

I think the third attitude is the one we need to pay the most attention to. Who made the rule of "passing the age of being a member means automatic withdrawal?" It was made while being possessed by an evil spirit! Teacher told us in the "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York,"

"Case in point: for so many years the Chinese Communist Party has intentionally educated people in a way that reinforces its own things. Many people have seen that the Party is not good, but they're only able to say that the Party isn't good from within the culture fostered by the Party's education. They haven't truly recognized it and can't see it for what it is outside of the culture of the Party that has been instilled in them. That's a deviant way of thinking."

My understanding is that we need to be alert and pay attention to any similar ways of thinking. Only studying the Fa well can help us to avoid this way of thinking.

From another perspective, thinking that we no longer have anything to do with the CCP so it is all right not to withdraw is an attitude of "just looking after oneself." It is the same as wanting personal Consummation. Why don't we realize this? As Dafa practitioners, we should automatically push for cosmic change, to harmonize what Teacher wants, and to save more sentient beings. When we only think of "looking after ourselves," where is our compassion to save other sentient beings? Where is the great promise we made to Teacher before risking everything to come here? What is going on? Teacher told us in the "Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference,"

"So for the beings of the old cosmos, and this includes all the elements of beings, when it comes to the Fa-rectification and what I choose, all beings' harmonizing and completing things according to my choices and contributing their best ideas and approaches--not to change what I want, but to harmonize and complete things according to what I've said--is the best thought a being in the cosmos could have."

To be responsible for other sentient beings and to save more sentient beings, let's do what practitioners should do better!

The above is my personal understanding and is for sharing purposes only.

Upgrading Myself by Studying the Principles of the Fa -- A Practitioner Who Obtained the Fa in 2002


One day, around December of 2000, a friend who had spoken to me a few times about Falun Dafa lent me a copy of Zhuan Falun. Out of curiosity, I accepted the book. After reading through the book, I began to understand more about the principles of the universe and their relationship to cultivation. I had visited some local monasteries before and listened to the Buddhist lectures, but something seemed to be missing. Buddhism stipulates that it takes a person many lifetimes to reach Consummation, whereas Zhuan Falun presents cultivation with a different approach, which was very attractive to me. I lost no time in getting my friend to show me the exercise movements.

For the first two years after taking up Falun Dafa, I had paid little attention to Fa study. Because my understanding of the principles was limited, my behaviors soon betrayed me. The first obvious sign was my lack of persistence with the exercises. I was nervous about letting others know that I practice Falun Dafa, even my husband. Hence, I normally did the exercises during the day just before my husband came home. I knew that it wasn't right, but I could not overcome my fear. As I lacked trust in Teacher and did not fully comprehend his teachings, I often asked myself the question, "Is all of this really true?" This led to my inability to use a genuine practitioner's attitude to handle issues, making fearful comments such as, "What will happen if..." Once after coming home from distributing Dafa materials, my heart was still pounding heavily. It took me a long time to settle down. As I had also been slow in upgrading myself, I often became very upset when conflicts arose.

Thinking that a new approach would help, I spent more time distributing Dafa materials and clarifying the truth to people, but the results were far from fruitful. It did not take me long to realize that my limited understanding of the Fa principles was the problem. Once, my father and sisters confronted me with questions, and I was totally dumbfounded. At another time, I was trapped in a conflict and unable to resolve the situation. My divine nature was suppressed.

When I finally got to the root of the problem, I put more effort into Fa study. A year later, I made a breakthrough. Through regular Fa study, I have become more clearheaded. My thoughts are clear when I clarify the truth to people, and I can often explain an issue from different perspectives.

After that, handling conflicts was no longer a big problem for me. When I keep myself calm, in most cases the conflict simply disappears. Clarifying truth to people who were rude no longer riled me up. I can remain calm and handle most situations well. My nephew and my sister, who have relied on drugs to help her sleep for years, are now taking up Falun Dafa as well.

Through continual Fa study, I have changed from a half-hearted practitioner to a fully committed Dafa disciple. My anxiety has now completely disappeared. When clarifying the truth to someone, I look for the best way to talk that person and concentrate on how to make it clearer. In the past, I was always nervous that I might say something that would create a bad effect.

Four years of practice has changed me completely. Physically and spiritually, I have been uplifted. It is still a long journey, but I definitely feel the difference when comparing myself to how I once was. Now, I look at life differently. I am thankful to Teacher and to my friend who introduced Falun Dafa to me, giving me the opportunity to become a Dafa practitioner that I am proud to be. A fellow practitioner once said, "How do we repay Teacher? How do we show our appreciation? Perhaps persistence in our practice is the way."

The Importance of Caring for the Family Members of Fellow Practitioners

( Recently, I had an opportunity to share experiences with several Dafa disciples from Qingdao City, Shandong Province, from which I benefited a lot. What impressed me the most was a story about a family in Qingdao City. Both the mother and the daughter practice Falun Gong, but the father does not. When the mother and the daughter were arrested and detained in a forced labor camp, Dafa practitioners in Qingdao City frequently visited the father, caring for him in every way. Once, the father needed to move to a new home and had no one to turn to for help. Upon hearing this, Dafa disciples offered him help. The man was very moved and said, "Dafa disciples are truly good people. From now on, no matter which one of you comes to my home, I will welcome you. My door is always open to you." After his wife and daughter, who had given in to the persecution and renounced Falun Gong, returned home, fellow practitioners extended their hands to help them. The father never opposed their visits. In this way, fellow practitioners kept up a good relationship with the family members of jailed Dafa practitioners. When they are in need of immediate assistance, Dafa practitioners are always beside them. There are many similar examples.

Many Dafa practitioners from Jinan City have been illegally sentenced and jailed in forced labor camps. I personally know a lot of Dafa practitioners who are imprisoned in forced labor camps. However, I never really visited their homes since they were arrested. Compared with the Qingdao practitioners, I am very ashamed of myself. After looking within, I found that it was because I have too many worldly thoughts and apprehensions. We must learn from the Qingdao City practitioners, for we are all family members in the Fa.

News from China

The Chinese Government Threatens Chinese Tourists Traveling to Hong Kong, Macau and Other Places Outside of China

( Several Falun Dafa practitioners have learned that the government of China has threatened Chinese tourists traveling overseas. The travel agencies that organized such trips were also intimidated. Threats of imprisonment were declared for persons accepting any truth-clarification materials from Falun Gong practitioners during their travels.

Some tourists were sent directly to detention centers for interrogation immediately after returning to China from their trips. Travel agencies fear government suspension of their licenses if members of the tour groups accept truth-clarification materials. Therefore, they try to prevent tourists from learning the truth about Falun Gong. This is yet another vicious attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to keep people from knowing the truth and saving themselves.

The author suggests, if possible, that overseas practitioners clarify the truth to Chinese tourists using large posters or banners. In this way, truth clarification information can easily be read and seen without the tourist having to accept written materials.

This is just a small suggestion for practitioners to consider.

Latest News from China - February 15, 2005


  1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Ouyang Haiwen Went on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Torture; Is Now in Critical Condition
  2. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Liao Qiyuan Arrested
  3. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Lin Wuyong and Mr. Zhang Wenxue Arrested and Will Be Sentenced
  4. [Xinxiang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhao Tingyun Arrested
  5. [Beijing] Mr. Jiang Ruishan Sentenced to Two and Half Year of Forced Labor
  6. [Beijing] Mr. Jing Jun Arrested; Sent to Haidian District's Detention Center
  7. [Beijing] No Information about Practitioners Mr. Yan Sen and Mr. Shan Jiming Since Their Arrest
  8. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Fang and Others' Sentences Extended at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  9. [Yunnan Province] Mr. Gu Xiufen Arrested and Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia AR] Practitioners Ms. Wang Guijun and Others Arrested
  11. [Guangdong Province] Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Hunan Province Arrested
  12. [Beijing] Ms. Yao Huizhen from the Haidian District Arrested; Her Whereabouts Are Unknown
  13. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] The Persecution of Ms. Wei Guimei

1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Ouyang Haiwen Went on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Torture; Is Now in Critical Condition

Someone reported Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ouyang Haiwen from Wuhan City to the police when he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in Wuhan City's Steam Turbine Factory. Mr. Ouyang was arrested and put first in a detention center, and later in the Jiang'an Brainwashing Center and other places, where he suffered severe torture. In January 2005 he was sent to the Hewan Brainwashing Center for further torture. Mr. Ouyang went on a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment, and he is currently in critical condition.

2. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Liao Qiyuan Arrested

About a month ago, the police arrested Mr. Liao Qiyuan from Guangxi Province who worked in Shenzhen City. It is said that he is being held in Nanshan District's Detention Center in Shenzhen City.

3. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Lin Wuyong and Mr. Zhang Wenxue Arrested and Will Be Sentenced

It has been reported that practitioners Mr. Lin Wuyong and Mr. Zhang Wenxue from Zhuhai City, who had been arrested many times, were arrested again around September 19, 2004. Later they were put in the Meixi Detention Center. It is said that police authorities are planning to hold a trial for the two practitioners and others at the People's Court of Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City.

It has also been reported that Ms. Cai Yunxian, 68 years old, who was arrested at the same time as Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhang, has been sent to the Sanshui Legal Institutional Education School [in reality a brainwashing center], while Mr. Hu Yong has been sent to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province.

4. [Xinxiang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhao Tingyun Arrested

On February 4, 2005, Ms. Zhao Tingyun from Xinxiang City and her husband and son went back home for the Spring Festival. On the way home, they clarified the truth about Falun Gong to people. Someone reported them to the police. Personnel from the city's Nanhuan Police Precinct arrested them, ransacked their home and confiscated some cash and other personal belongings.

Phone number for the Nanhuan Police Precinct, Xinxiang City: 86-375-5095994

5. [Beijing] Mr. Jiang Ruishan Sentenced to Two and Half Year of Forced Labor

At ten minutes after midnight on May 23, 2004, the police arrested practitioner Mr. Jiang Ruishan in Beijing and ransacked his house. The police incarcerated him in the Fengtai Detention Center and later, on June 30, transferred him to Beijing's No.2 Detention Center, formerly the No.7 Division of Beijing's Police Department. Afterwards they sentenced him to two and a half years of forced labor. No family visits have been approved so far. Mr. Jiang's work unit, the headquarters of the Bank of China, suspended his retirement pension on January 1, 2005.

Related phone number:

The No.2 Detention Center, (the No.7 Division of Beijing Police Department: 86-10-87395100
The Beijing Police Department: 86-10-85225050

Zhang Zhanhang, an officer from the EnjiZhuang Police Precinct, Haidian District, Beijing: 86-13901295638 (cell)
The Enjizhuang Police Precinct: 86-10-88125030

6. [Beijing] Mr. Jing Jun Arrested; Sent to Haidian District's Detention Center

On February 16, 2004, the police arrested practitioner Mr. Jing Jun in Beijing when he was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials on the street and incarcerated him in Haidian District's Detention Center. The police confiscated computers, related materials and Dafa books in both his home in the Chaoyang District and at his parents' home in the Haidian District. No family visit has been allowed so far.

7. [Bejing] No Information about Practitioners Mr. Yan Sen and Mr. Shan Jiming Since Their Arrest

Practitioner Mr. Yan Sen, almost 60 years old, is a retired employee of the 159 Middle School in Beijing. In 2002 he was arrested at school and sent to Xicheng District's Brainwashing Center. He was later released. In December 2004, the authorities of the Xicheng District Branch of the Beijing Police Department arrested him again. No news about him has been available so far.

Practitioner Mr. Shan Jiming was born on January 6, 1969. He was the chief of the communication station, the command center, headquarters of the Chinese People's Armed Police. Mr. Shan lived at No. 68 Lixin Street, Gaomi City, Shandong Province before he joined the police force.

After the July 20, 1999, Mr. Shan was sent to a mental hospital for insisting on practicing Falun Dafa. He was force-fed and injected with unknown drugs. In August 2001, Mr. Shan Jiming was held in Beijing's No.4 Prison. Nobody has had any news about him since then.

8. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Fang and Others' Sentences Extended at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Ms. Wang Fang from Jinzhou City was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Her term was up in early October 2004. Because she refused to give up the Falun Gong practice, her detention term was extended by four months. She should have been released by early February 2005; however, her term was again extended by one month.

Ms. Cui Yaning from Jinzhou City was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Her term was up on December 28, 2004; however, her detention term was extended by about one year because she refused to give in to demands that she stop practicing Falun Gong.

Practitioner Ms. Li Guijie from Jinzhou City was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Her term was up December 28, 2004. Because Li Guijie refused to give in to demands to stop practicing Falun Gong, her detention term was extended by three months.

9. [Yunnan Province] Mr. Gu Xiufen Arrested and Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

Practitioner Ms. Gu Xiufen, 40 years old, is an employee of Yunnan Province's Gear Factory. On January 31, 2005, the police arrested her from her barbershop. Her family was not informed until they pursued the matter and made many inquiries. They eventually found out that Ms. Gu had been sentenced to three years of forced labor.

10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia AR] Practitioners Ms. Wang Guijun and Others Arrested

At noon on January 19, 2005, practitioner Ms. Wang Guijun from the Sonsan District was arrested. Her whereabouts are presently unknown.

At noon on January 18, 2005, practitioner Ms. Liu Fengrong, who had previously been incarcerated for one year at Huhehaote City's Women's Forced Labor Camp, was arrested, as was practitioner Ms. Dai Zhenyun from Songsan District. Both of their houses were ransacked.

11. [Guangdong Province] Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Hunan Province Arrested

In October 2004, two practitioners from Hunan Province (one man and one woman, about 50 or 60 years old) visited relatives at Shakou Town's Village Committee in Yingde City, Guangdong Province in order to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Someone reported them, and personnel from Shakou Town's Police Precinct and the National Security Team in Yingde City's Police Department arrested them. Policemen confiscated all of their Dafa books, as well as hundreds of truth-clarifying flyers. They were then sent back to Hunan Province for further persecution.

Related phone numbers: (country code: 86, area code: 763. Please do not dial the area code before the cell phone number)

Cui Jian, secretary and administrator, the Qingyuan City Police Department: 3382038 (Office), 13509266888 (Cell)
Xue Weichi, head of the Political and Security Section, the Qingyuan City Police Department, 3365837 (Home), 13602938471 (Cell)
Zhang Zhijian, the associate head, the Yingde City Police Department (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong): 2789383 (Office), 13602941728 (Cell)
Liu Weidang, chief of the National Security Team, the Yingde City Police Department: 2225907 (Home), 13902352887 (Cell)
Shakou Town's Police Precinct in Yingde City: 2551363, 2551368

12. [Beijing] Ms. Yao Huizhen from the Haidian District Arrested; Her Whereabouts Are Unknown

In December 2004, practitioner Ms. Yao Huizhen from the Haidian District in Beijing was arrested and was later sent to a three-room house in the Chaoyang District for detention. Two months have passed, and her whereabouts are unknown.

13. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] The Persecution of Ms. Wei Guimei

At 8:30 a.m. on March 19, 2004, two men with the surnames Su and Xie broke into Ms. Wei Guimei's home without showing any documentation. They confiscated a Falun Dafa book and several truth-clarifying pamphlets, and forcibly took her to the company's security section office. Later they went back to Ms. Wei's home, searched again and found a copy of Zhuan Falun and over ten pamphlets. Ms. Wei took back the Zhuan Falun.

Ms. Wei was just released from a forced labor camp three months ago. She then led a homeless life in order to avoid recapture and continued torture. However, she was later arrested because she sent truth-clarifying materials to the Zhaiyuan Police Precinct in the Hecheng District, Huaihua City.

Related phone numbers: (Country code: 86, area code: 745. Please do not dial the area code before a cell phone number.)

Yang Chunhui, Hecheng District's 610 Office head: 2256992 (Home), 13973088099 (Cell)
He Yurong, Hecheng District's "610 Office" associate head: 2258382(Home), 13974500557 (Cell)
Su Yong, chief of the National Security Team, the Hecheng District Police Department: 2233291 ext. 5811(Office), 2230719(Home), 13974501949 (Cell)
Zhaiyuan Police Precinct: 2714962
Huaihua City "610 Office": 2710851
Huaihua City Police Department: 2738000

February 15, 2005

215 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void

( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.

Summary of Other Articles and News - February 24, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. Mr. Wang Fulin from Hejian City, Hebei Province Detained for the Fifth Time

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Fulin from Beishicao Township, Hejian City, Hebei Province was harassed repeatedly by lawless officials at all times of the day. From January 2000 to this date, Mr. Wang Fulin has been detained a total of five times. He is currently detained in the Hejian City Detention Center. On January 14, 2005, Mr. Wang Fulin's wife Mo Junhua and another Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Dawen distributed truth-clarifying materials in Zhangzhuang Village, and they were arrested by police. At the same time police from Beishicao Substation ransacked Mr. Wang Fulin's house while no one was home. They took away large quantities of printed materials and a copy machine. During a visit to Mr. Sun Dawen's house, police abducted Mr. Wang Fulin as well, and took them to the Hejian Detention Center. Ms. Mo Junhua was brutally tortured both mentally and physically. On January 30, she was released because of her high blood pressure. Mr. Sun Dawen was released only after his family posted bail of more than ten thousand yuan.

2. Prisoners in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison Are Instructed to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison has instituted a so-called "Five-in-a-group" monitoring system for jailed Falun Dafa practitioners, which means that four regular prisoners are required to watch one Falun Dafa practitioner. One morning in December 2004, Ms. Tao Shuping, a uniformed guard from the Fourth Ward, observed practitioner Ms. Yan Shufen doing the sitting meditation on her bed and threatened each group leader (prisoners) and supervisor on duty that she would deduct merit points. Before the start of the persecution in 1999, prison supervisors used to encourage prisoners to learn Falun Dafa. Even aaaafter the persecution started, ten prisoners still persisted in the practice: Ms. Zheng Guiqin, Ms. Xie Yaqin, Ms. Zhang Yanfang, Ms. Gao Xiuzhen, Ms. Gao Guobo, Ms. Zhao Fengxia, Ms. Hu Guiyan, Ms. Feng Haibo, Ms. Feng Shurong, and Ms. Tang Yajun. On November 11, 2004, prisoner Song Yayun said, "Falun Gong (practitioners) all try to be good people, and they are teaching others be good people too. If I had known them earlier, I would never have committed crimes in the first place. Why are you keeping me away from them?" As a result, she was punished by being locked into a small cell (1) for 35 days, handcuffed from behind, kicked and beaten. Guard Tao Shuping locked prisoner Liu Lingling in a small cell because she was studying Falun Gong teachings. Liu was later released when the New Year's Day holiday was approaching. Some practitioners, including Ms. Hu Jiayan, Ms. Feng Haibo, and Ms. Feng Shurong, refused to participate in the forced labor and were locked in small cells. Ms. Hu Jiayan was handcuffed and forced to squat overnight in the hallway by the metal gate. The guards also conducted brainwashing sessions in the orientation ward, the ward for doing packaging for shipments, and the patient ward.

3. Jianli County 610 Office officials and Police persecute Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hu Shunxian

Ms. Hu Shunxian, 61, lives in Rongcheng Town, Jianli County, Hubei Province. She has been detained multiple times, was forced to pay fines, and driven into homelessness because she persisted in practicing Falun Dafa.


(1) Small cell - The detainee is locked into a very small cell in isolation. The guards handcuff practitioners on their backs in a fixed position, which does not permit room to move or to lie down. The small cell is very damp and no daylight penetrates. Detainees have to urinate and defecate in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is provided during the daytime. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe.

Media Coverage

Now Toronto Report Describes PRC's Worldwide Persecution of Falun Gong and Practitioners' Peaceful Resistance

Sigcino Moyo has filed a report in the weekly newspaper Now Toronto, which exposes the five-year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and overseas, and describes how practitioners have peacefully responded to the violation of their human rights with appeals, anti-torture exhibitions, and lawsuits.

The author begins,

"Like most people's, my exposure to Falun Gong consisted of noticing from afar its around-the-clock vigils outside the Chinese Consulate on St. George."

Then the reporter goes on to state that practitioners of Falun Gong, who follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, are suffering greatly from persecution in China and overseas.

"Not only are they being tormented by the Chinese government on its own turf, but they're now targets of espionage, slander and dirty tricks by the same authorities globally, including right here in Canada.

"Embassies and consuls supposedly geared to travel, trade and diplomacy have become hotbeds of conspiracy where officials plot discrediting campaigns, often in the form of letters that read like SCTV send-ups.

"But the Falun Gong's band of early-morning exercisers aren't merely passive victims to this orchestration. Whatever power they lack in China (Falun) Gong has more than made up for in the West, where the group is aggressively pursuing litigation and lodging complaints with human rights tribunals."

The author describes the recent case in which practitioner Joel Chipkar won a libel lawsuit against a deputy general at the Chinese consulate.

"A Toronto real estate agent and Falun Gong spokesperson, Chipkar had written a letter to the Toronto Star challenging the Canadian government to publicly out China for its human rights abuses. Pan Xinchun, the former Chinese deputy consul general here, responded in the same paper, labeling Chipkar a 'sinister cult' member out to 'instigate hatred" and 'confrontations between China and Canada.'

"Chipkar got a lawyer and launched a defamation suit against Pan, which he eventually won. In December of last year, a judge awarded Chipkar $11,000, but Pan has since skipped town. Efforts by Chipkar to have him declared 'persona non grata' by the Canadian government have apparently disappeared into the bureaucratic ether in Ottawa while government lawyers "formulate a legal opinion," says a Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson."

The reporter cites various official PRC websites that post all kinds of slanderous propaganda that demonizes Falun Gong, and then reveals that:

"In 2002, smuggled documents authenticated by New Jersey-based democracy leader Su Xiaokang, author of A Memoir Of Misfortune, revealed a Chinese government plan for building worldwide "intelligence and data portfolios" on Falun Gong and its supporters.

"Nowhere is that effort more visible than on the Internet, as [practitioner] Zhang Haitao found out in 2000 when he was incarcerated for creating the only Falun Gong website in China. To this day, no one knows what has become of him.

"China has rigged a totally integrated, hyper-high-tech surveillance net with the goal of ultimately having at its fingertips access to every move any Chinese citizen dares to make online. We're talking a kinetic online database meshing speech and face recognition, credit activity, closed-circuit monitoring and smart card tracking a proverbial wet blanket over the Internet, with some 40,000 Big Brothers employed to search for online transgressors.

"Could that explain the harassing pre-recorded phone calls in broken English that people associated with the movement across the world reported earlier this month?

"Practitioners claim there is an outright 'genocide' against Falun Gong in China, and human rights groups concur. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented incidents of labour camp torture, including force-feeding of feces through tubes jammed up prisoners' nostrils. The groups have also noted reports of imprisoned practitioners being injected with needles full of mystery toxins. It seems that Falun Gong members are prime candidates to trip, fall and die or toss themselves from moving vehicles while in the custody of Chinese authorities.

"Closer to home, both the Chinese government and its supporters have learned the power of the plant, using the pages and screens of Chinese-language media outlets to carry on the vendetta. Shortly after 9/11, for example, Sing Tao, the Chinese language paper partly owned by the Toronto Star, ran a full-page article taken virtually word-for-word from the official Chinese Xinhua News Agency placing Falun Gong among "radical religions [that] advocate destroying the world."

"Similar rants landed Vancouver-based Talent Vision, a Chinese-language broadcaster, in trouble. The outlet was found to be in breach of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters code of ethics and violence in 2002. A ruling by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council noted that a segment lifted directly from China's official station about murders committed in China amounted to "nothing less than a biased attack on Falun Gong."

"Bias was booming again in Montreal, where a Quebec court ordered Chinese-language newspaper Les Presses Chinoises to cease and desist from "defamation and producing hate literature." It did not heed and now finds itself in contempt hearings.

"At issue was the publication of various claims, including that Falun Gong members "suck all the blood of the Chinese people, eat their flesh" and engage in bestiality. According to Tony Wang, president of New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV), "Willingly or unwillingly, the [Chinese-Canadian] media here are slowly influenced and gradually controlled by the Chinese authorities. They just pick up any report that may appear to be neutral, and that's exactly what the PRC wants."

The author consulted a noted expert, and asked his opinion of the Chinese Communist government's claim that Falun Gong is a cult:

"If Chinese government bloodsucker charges strain credulity, what of the criticism that the movement is cultist? Falun Gong employs ancient Buddhist and Taoist principles, but its leader was born in the 50s and codified his own version of old teachings." Barry Beyerstein, a psychology prof and cult expert at Simon Fraser University, is clear that (Falun) Gong displays none of the typical characteristics • psychological, financial or physical coercion or deceptive recruiting practices.

"They've don't fit the profile," he says. Certainly, (Falun) Gong are not without influential backers. Letters of support have come from Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister John Godfrey and sub-committee on human rights chair David Kilgour.

"Still, China is a global force that holds major sway with trading partners, so 'governments have been trying to find a way to respect Falun Gong claims about the suppression of their rights while at the same time not endangering commercial relations with China,' says David Ownby, a Chinese-speaking University of Montreal history professor and author of books about Falun Gong.

"The long arm of a government halfway across the planet can be felt in many places. At city council, Councillor Michael Walker tried and failed to declare a Falun Dafa Day last year. It looked like a no-brainer until Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti killed the motion by brandishing a threatening letter from the PRC that read like an ultimatum. 'If passed, the motion will have a very negative effect on our future beneficial exchanges and cooperation,' reads the letter, signed by the PRC's Toronto consul general.

"'Even over here, the Chinese government has the audacity to come in and threaten,' says Susan Prager, communications director of New York-based Friends of Falun Gong (FOFG).

Among the many curious interventions is the case of high school teacher Brian Grandy at Thomas L. Kennedy Secondary School in Mississauga, who had his students sign a petition of support for Falun Gong and then found himself the recipient of a letter signed by Chinese Ambassador Mei Ping. The missive likened (Falun) Gong to notorious cults in Japan and Uganda.

"Says NTDTV's Wang, 'The Chinese government is spreading hate among the Canadian people. It's literally illegal and should be stopped.' Wang is still waiting for an explanation from Chinese officials about why two of his reporters had their visas to China revoked at the last minute before Prime Minister Paul Martin's January junket there.

The author states that Falun Gong has responded to the persecution "with robust measures worldwide. There are now at least two cases before the Ontario Human Rights Commission. One was brought by a practitioner claiming she lost her job because of her affiliation with the org, and another involves a member allegedly removed from a retirement home in Ottawa.

"Chinese vice-president Zeng Qinghong [ran into problems] in January while visiting Peru. There, the Peruvian Falun Dafa Association convinced the public ministry and Supreme Court to accept its lawsuit charging politburo members with 'genocide' and 'crimes against humanity.'

"Earlier this month, human rights attorneys filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court in a civil lawsuit charging former Chinese Communist party chair Jiang Zemin with genocide and a 'conspiracy to commit violations of civil rights within the jurisdiction of the United States.'

"In all, the Falun Gong have initiated about 30 separate cases worldwide against current and former top officials of the PRC. Says Prager, 'It's been very successful in terms of public education, and that's really what this is about.'

Chinese officials at both the Toronto consul general's office and the Ottawa embassy declined to respond to requests for comment for this story.