(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners in China frequently ask practitioners from other countries to call China based on information reported in the Clearwisdom sections "News From China" and "Facts of the Persecution." When we call people in China to clarify the truth to them, we have found that the extent to which they can understand is highly dependent on how well Chinese practitioners have clarified truth to them already.

The way many people come to understand the truth is not because they received one or two phone calls, or because they happened to meet a couple of practitioners who clarified the truth to them. Instead, it is the cumulative result of all the positive information they have received over the years. For many people, the moment when their final obstacles are cleared away, and they can truly understand the real situation, results naturally from all the previous truth clarification efforts. Someone may have once told him the facts face to face, someone may have handed him a brochure, someone may have shown him a VCD last week, someone may have left a flyer on his door yesterday, or someone may have sent him some information via mail or email. Perhaps when we just happen to call him again today, he will understand because of all these previous efforts.

The degree to which Chinese practitioners fulfill their responsibilities is another important factor. If practitioners in a certain area have been doing well in clarifying the truth, diligently sending forth righteous thoughts, and coordinating well as a group, non-practitioners feel much more at ease in that environment. Non-practitioners often are afraid and want to protect themselves. If the local practitioners also have strong attachments to fear, then the fear in non-practitioners will be even more pronounced. If the local situation of Fa-rectification is good, non-practitioners will be influenced by the Dafa practitioners' field of righteous thoughts and feel more at ease. Upon receiving phone calls from practitioners in other countries, they are more likely to listen to us and converse with us. If they have already been exposed to the facts, met with Falun Gong practitioners, or read some truth clarification materials before, they are more likely to raise questions, making the phone calls from overseas more effective.

Another way this manifests is with our friends and families. Dafa practitioners should not be overly worried about misunderstandings and negative reactions on certain issues by some of their family members and friends. Every time we give them positive information, it will penetrate to their microscopic world and remove the bad things from their minds.

Master says: "A person is like a container, and he is whatever he contains." ("Melt Into the Fa", Essentials for Further Advancement) So when people hear our truth-clarification, it will be saved in their minds. The more they hear, the better, and every little bit helps. Sometimes if they display negative reactions, it could be because of their strong competitive mentality, or they might even just be airing their other frustrations.

The next time they talk to someone, everything that we have told them still exists in their minds. Many practitioners may have encountered situations where a family member always likes to argue when we clarify truth to them. Yet, if someone else says bad things about Falun Dafa or something untrue, he may stand up to support us with the information we have told him. In other words, some people may not admit what we said was correct, or even refuse to accept our words, yet that does not mean that they didn't hear what we said, nor does it mean they completely disagree with us in their minds.

We should be rational and persistent. Whether we clarify the truth, we should try our best to do so persistently according to our audience's personality and background, and how much that person can understand and accept.