(Clearwisdom.net) Sun Jihong and his wife Yuan Hezhen worked in the Hua Na Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province. They both practiced Falun Gong. Both were tortured to death, Sun Jihong in 2002 and Yuan Hezhen in 2003. Until recently their daughter Sun Yubo did not know the details of these horrible murders.

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Once a happy family
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Same year: Police Inspector and daughter Sun Yubo

Sun Yubo's father, Sun Jihong, 40, was a Hua Nan Forestry Bureau Public Security Police Inspector in Heilongjiang Province. He was imprisoned many times because of his belief in Falun Gong. On September 25, 2002, Sun Jihong was again detained and illegally imprisoned in the Beijing Fengtai area, Yu Quan Ying multi-level Crossing Bridge Place. After four days of torture, Sun Jihong died on September 29, 2002. There was a hole in his forehead, two holes in his cheeks, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises.

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Sun Jihong photographed at a Beijing photo studio

Sun Yubo's mother Yuan Hezhen worked in the Huanan County Industry and Commerce Bank as the Forestry Bureau Savings Bank Deposits Director in Heilongjiang Province. Because of her participation in Falun Gong, she too was arrested many times. In May 2002 Yuan Hezhen was illegally seized in Beijing. She was beaten mercilessly, handcuffed while being force-fed with pain-inducing drugs, and tortured daily until she died in July 2003.

Sun Yubo often asked her grandparents the cause of her parents' deaths. However, under the threat of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), her grandparents and other relatives feared telling her the truth of her father's death. Until recently, she had not known that her father was tortured to death by police.

June 28, 2005