
After communicating with several veteran practitioners in local areas a few days ago, I would like to share some ideas with fellow practitioners. Please point out if there is anything that is not correct.

1. What is genuine experience sharing among fellow practitioners?

I felt very disappointed after the talk with other practitioners since there were lots of key topics we did not even touch upon. Later, I realized that our conversation was quite similar to chatting among everyday people instead of being focused on sharing experiences about truth clarification and doing well the three things.

To me, such talks cannot be regarded as "experience sharing." With the rapid progress of Fa-rectification, everyone is busy with doing well the three things that Master asks us to do. At this time when we have so many things to do within such a short time, we should try our best to make full use of the time and do well what we should do. This requires us to have certain qualities and meet required criteria. In our daily life, we should reduce idle talk among practitioners and share experiences about how to do well the three things and find out where we fall short in our cultivation practice. In this way, the sharing among practitioners will be more effective and display the power of the whole body of practitioners.

2. On sending forth righteous thoughts and our attachments to time

When sending forth righteous thoughts, we have formed a fixed model. Many fellow practitioners can concentrate while sending forth righteous thoughts. But some practitioners cannot. After ten minutes if they see that other people have stopped, they stop too, even though they have not finished. Cultivation practice in Fa-rectification is very serious. It is important for us to get rid of all evils. With the heart that we should be truly responsible for the Fa, for oneself and for all sentient beings, if our heart is not peaceful, we should add more time to sending forth righteous thoughts until we are in the right state to guarantee the quality. If we missed the time or did not cherish the time in sending forth righteous thoughts, when we look back some day, it will be impossible for us to get that time back.

The above are just my personal thoughts. Please kindly point out if anything is not correct.