(Clearwisdom.net) Modern people, be they men or women, all want to be "charming." However, the Chinese character for "charm" includes the character for "ghost," which originally indicated the delusional power of ghosts.

Ancient people all knew that charm came from low spirits or ghosts, but modern people adore the ghostly charm that our ancestors tried as much as possible to avoid. From this we can clearly see how terribly our moral standards have declined. In order to be charming, women try to be sexy, while men pursue "coolness." People feel proud to be able to attract the opposite sex, and cannot keep sane due to the desire of lust. These are all manifestations of rotten ghosts messing up the human world from other realms when our morality declines. People are manipulated by these ghosts, but enjoy themselves without knowing the harm.

The orthodox Chinese culture taught women to be dignified, kind and graceful, and men to be noble and broad-minded. These values have been forgotten by people due to the interference of ghosts. God has mercy on humans, and reminded humans when creating the character for the word "charm." Humankind, be careful about what you are chasing after!