(Clearwisdom.net) Our exercise site is located in Chingtsi Park at Tongan street, Taoyuan city, which is close to residential subdivisions, so it is busy all the time.

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When the weather is good, we do the exercises at the ice rink. When it rains, we move to the covered stage. We start the exercises at 4:15 every morning, so practitioners need to get up at around 3:30. Although it is not easy, it is a good chance to improve one's determination.

The members of our exercise site include government officials and teachers. We study the Fa and share cultivating experiences twice a week on Saturday and Sunday, which helps us to improve.

Every practitioner is doing the three things well. One practitioner is very busy in media work, but he still comes to the exercise site every morning. The contact person is a young woman who comes to the exercise on time every day.

Some people left the site after a while, but most people stayed. Some practitioners moved to other places and built up new exercises sites.

Let us--all the members at the exercise site--strive forward diligently together.