(Clearwisdom.net) After watching a video of the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular, which is performed by Falun Gong practitioners, I was deeply impressed. They performed so well. The works were outstanding, truly world-class entertainment. It was not easy for them to achieve this level. I have been to many places. Therefore, I have a feeling that there is a close relationship between cultures, works of art from every place, every nation and their own survival condition, characters, and languages. If good works are intended to be created, it is indispensable to go deep into each local culture. Accordingly, a number of artists often collect their material everywhere they go.

I suppose that practitioners who are artists should not act blindly. However, it is not easy because we can not go deep into local cultures. There are some practitioners in China who are artists, well versed in the arts. Their works or designs can be introduced to practitioners overseas who produce the Spectacular so that they can have more material to use as a reference. We are a team doing good things together, and the aim is to clarify the truth as well as to save sentient beings.