(Clearwisdom.net) On May 26, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioner Jiang Yabin, a villager from Liumao

County, Hengshan District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested by policemen from the Hengshan District Public Security Bureau and Liumao County Police Station while transplanting rice seedlings. The police also confiscated his possessions. On October 9, he was sentenced to three years in prison. Four hundred twenty villagers signed a petition calling for his release. There are about five hundred villagers in Liumao Village.

Petition by the Villagers from Liumao Village, Hengshan District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province:

We are villagers from Liumao Village, Hengshan District, Jixi City and we would like to post bail for Falun Gong practitioner and fellow villager Jiang Yabin. Mr. Jiang is truly a good person. The sentence by the court was unjustified. Mr. Jiang used to suffer from severe stomach pain to such a degree that he could not move and had to double over to endure the pain. His stomach pain disappeared after he began to practice Falun Gong. His hemorrhoids were healed as well.

At home he is a good father and a good son, always treats people kindly and is always ready to give a helping hand. He has high moral standards and has been recognized by all the villagers as a good man.

The Constitution confirms people's rights of belief, speech, press, and appeal. What Mr. Jiang does is completely legitimate, does not violate any laws, harms no one, and has no negative effects on society. He did not commit any crime.

We, the fellow villagers of Mr. Jiang, include our signatures as follows, requesting that the court release Mr. Jiang Yabin as soon as possible.
