(Clearwisdom) On May 31, 2008, the Spanish "Quit the CCP Service Center" and the Falun Gong Association held a rally in Madrid's Phoenix Square to condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong and express support for the 37 million that have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Though it had been raining for quite a few days in Madrid, the people were not deterred at all, and popular Phoenix Square was bustling and noisy.

People crowded together to read the posters

People lined up to sign the petition to support the over 37 million Chinese that have quit the CCP

People lined up to sign

Three generations expressed their support

People sign the petition

People signing the petition

Rain can't keep people from coming and reading

Raining didn't keep people away

Volunteers put up umbrellas for people signing the petition

Volunteers put up umbrellas for people signing the petition

Volunteers put up umbrellas

Volunteers put up umbrellas for people

Passersby helped to support the banners

When the volunteers from the Service Center were setting out pictures depicting the CCP persecution of Falun Gong, people immediately gathered to look. When they saw pictures of the Chinese police beating unarmed elderly women, electric shocking them, and other kinds of torture, they were indignant and sad. After viewing the pictures an elderly gentleman repeatedly shook his head and sighed, "Wherever it goes, the Communist Party will bring disaster. It is a really human disaster " After seeing the pictures, many people came up without hesitation to sign the petition to oppose the persecution and support the 37 million people that have quit the Chinese Communists Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. People continued to come up and sign their names. Sometimes a long queue formed in front of the signature collection table.

Soon after the rally started, it started to rain, but the warmhearted townspeople, students, and travelers from different countries continued signing to support Falun Gong and the Chinese people that have quit the CCP. A gale came up and blew down the picture banner, but the pedestrians soon came and helped to set it up again. A middle-aged man from Eastern Europe was eager to help reinforce the banner. He said, "I lived under a communist regime for more than 30 years. I quite understand the evil of the Communist Party, and I support you guys. You will win in the end."

The people who signed were from different countries and of different ethnic groups, including Chinese. Chinese people were quitting the CCP on the spot after learning the truth. A young Chinese man said his grandfather was killed in the Cultural Revolution, and his father was persecuted as well. Many Chinese people took copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party as well as VCDs about Falun Gong.
