C.19 Another Letter from a Husband

August 2000

My wife began to practice Falun Gong in September 1996. I read a little about Falun Dafa at that time. Although I could not believe in things like Heaven and Buddhas, I fully agreed with the teachings of being a good person and doing good deeds. Therefore, I was very supportive of her practice. If she lost her temper, I would say she did not achieve forbearance. After a year of practice, her temper was much better, our relationship became harmonious, and her health improved.

I persuaded her not to practice after the government labeled Falun Gong an evil cult. However, she firmly believed that Falun Gong was good. She was detained for half a month for practicing in Zhongshan Park in December 1999. Then she wanted to go to appeal in Beijing. I was afraid of her going to Beijing, so I locked her up at home and informed the residential management to watch in case she fell down from a window. But they called the police and then she was detained in a hospital for a month.

She was released before the Chinese New Year because of her hunger strike. She went to Beijing on New Year's Eve. Fifteen days later, she was detained for one month under the fabricated allegation of "Damaging the execution of law by using an evil cult." After the 15 days, however, she was still detained illegally for unknown reasons. Issue 36 of China's Constitution says, "Every citizen of the People's Republic of China has the freedom of belief. Any government, organization or person should not force a citizen to have or give up a belief, nor discriminate against any citizen with or without a certain belief." I consider it unlawful that the police detained my wife again and again. Moreover, we do not know whether these detentions were determined by the court, or investigation bureau. This is inconsistent with the Constitution. My wife believes that a human being committed wrong doings in his or her previous life, so she wants to cultivate, and does good deeds to pay back these debts and to return her true self. This is a will and a belief. There is nothing criminal about it whatsoever.

I am really confused about the laws and regulations in China. Which is superior, the authorities or the law?
