C.22 A Letter from A Friend of A Falun Gong Practitioner

August 2000

A young couple began to learn Falun Gong as soon as they got married. Both of them are personnel staff working in government agencies. They cultivate themselves according to the principle of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. They work diligently and have made great contributions. Their leaders and colleagues all have good comments regarding them.

On July 20, 1999, not long after they gave birth to a baby, the young couple and their mother were arrested individually, and detained and interrogated separately. Thus, no one was able to look after their little baby. Some relatives learned this and went there to take care of the baby. They asked about the whereabouts of the couple, but failed to get any information. The grandfather and grandmother, both over 80 years old, also rushed to help.

They could not imagine that their kind daughter and son-in-law were imprisoned just because they practiced Falun Gong.

During the illegal detention period, the husband did not answer any questions of the police. He just wrote a letter to his young wife. Since he was so determined about Falun Dafa, he was expelled from the Party and fired. Their two-bedroom apartment was confiscated. His wife was assigned a position that no one wanted in a suburb area far from the city. No member of their family was ever against the government or ever broke the law. They are kind and good people. Their bitter experiences shocked their colleagues and friends. It is really hard to believe and accept.

A Friend of Falun Dafa Practitioner