The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- Feburary 14, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mishan City Police in Heilongjiang Province Frames Mr. Fan Mingsheng and Ms. Yu Fengying

  • The Women's Prison of Harbin Intensifies Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Ms. Wang Chunrong from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Is Illegally Arrested

  • Mishan City Police in Heilongjiang Province Frames Mr. Fan Mingsheng and Ms. Yu Fengying

    It was dark on August 12, 2006 as Mr. Fan Mingsheng and Ms. Yu Fengying were riding their motorcycle on the way back home. Suddenly they were chased and pushed onto the shoulder of the road by a car from behind. The car ran into a ditch. It happened near the Er'renban Township's government building. The car had no license plate and bumped into the motorcycle four times. By the time the car stopped, its front wheels were on the shoulder, away from the pavement by half a meter. The grass on the road side was crushed by the car for 20 meters. The motorcycle was damaged as a result. Mr. Fan Mingsheng passed out on the spot. Later the hospital diagnosed, from the x-rays, Ms.Yu Fengying as suffering from a broken right arm and Mr. Fan, from a broken right arm as well as four broken ribs, serious injuries to his back, and a broken ankle.

    Someone dressed in police uniform got out of the car and called for more people to come. They brought some Falun Gong materials and placed them near the motorcycle, framing the two practitioners making it look like that they were caught distributing Falun Gong materials. They took pictures of the scene. In fact, the two practitioners did not bring any materials with them. The police then claimed that two people were distributing fliers on their motorcycle and that the police chased them into the ditch. Then, they called for some police from Mishan Police Department and took Mr. Fan Mingsheng and Ms. Yu Fengying to Mishan City People's Hospital and at the same time, confiscated the motorcycle and their cell phones.

    After the incident, Wang Tiemin, the chief of Er'renban Township Police Station, denied that his officers hit people. They even lied that the two practitioners had an accident and it was a passersby who called the police that went to the scene. Family of the practitioners asked why the police took the victims' cell phones and motorcycle if it were an accident as they had described. Wang did not answer. When the family members went to see him for the second time, Wang sent officer Zhao to keep the family from the door. When he was asked about the situation, Zhao denied knowing anything, but referred them to Li Gang and Gao Shitong of the National Security Group.

    On the day of the incident, Gang Pengfei, Gao Shitong, and Li Gang went to the hospital to interview the two practitioners. The practitioners pointed out that the scene was being framed, but Gao Shitong did not write this part down. When asked why he did not take note of this, Gao said that they only recorded "useful" things. And with this Li Gang also brushed them off. Mr. Fan's family could not pay for the hospital stay, so they wanted to go home but was told by the doctor that they needed to have Li Gang's permission. They even showed the family Li's note. So Fan's parents called Li and told him that they wanted leave the hospital. Li Gang refused to listen or even acknowledge it. Later, Fan's parents asked how the investigation was going. Li merely replied that it was still ongoing. Two months later, the family took the case to the Disciplinary and Supervisory Section of Jixi Police Department, who had been urging Mishan Police Department to investigate. However, the Associate Section Chief Zhang Zhongren did not budge. At the same time, they refused to give the family the detention notice, asking them to come back the following day instead of telling them that they did not have it. Also Li Gang sent the officers to Ms. Yu Fengying's home to harass her. They sent her a detention notice that said the four hundred some copies were found with her and that she refused to sign, etc. The family had no choice but to retain a lawyer to fight the case. They wanted to charge Li Guochen, who was the driver on the day for causing the accident and falsifying the scene, and the National Security Group of Mishan Police Department for confiscating the motorcycle, cell phones and framing the practitioners.

    On November 12, Gao Shitong and others from the National Security Group of Mishan Police Department stormed into Ms. Yu Fengying's house to ransack her home. They claimed that her home was a production site. In the end, they only found thousands of fliers for soy sauce and vinegar. They also ransacked homes of two other practitioners Xing Defu and Yao Hongda who had been sentenced to imprisonment.

    What actually happened was that his family pursued it with the police by asking which officer received the call from a passerby. The Director Wang Tiemin discarded their request by telling them that the officer on duty was away and he did not know when he would be back. When some police officer wanted to submit their acts for recognition by the higher authorities, Wang shut them up. Today, the police admitted that they hit motorcycle but was short of explaining on how the fliers came about. So the family went to the higher level authority, Jixi Border Patrol Detachment. They took out some materials and said that based on the letter by Mishan National Security Group, a total of 4,500 fliers were found in contrast to the 492 copies of fliers that were found according to the detention notice from Mishan National Security Group.

    The lawyer asked Gao Pengfei, the political instructor of the National Security Group, for details. Gao said, "We have submitted all materials to the Jixi (higher authorities). They had tens of thousands of fliers. This is an important case. They are paying special attention to it."

    When the family called both Gao and Li Gang about this, they all tried to avoid it. It seemed that like the longer it took, the more fliers the practitioners were accused of distributing. In the past 4 months, the number of fliers in question had increased from 492 to tens of thousands.

    The Women's Prison of Harbin Intensifies Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

    The Women's Prison of Harbin has intensified its persecution of detained Falun Gong practitioners through strict monitoring since the end of November 2006. The prison guards reassigned all practitioners to the middle of the prison cells and to the lower bunk of the beds. The guards then began to monitor them 24 hours a day and also recruited many of the common prisoners from the sweatshop, sending them in groups of two, and sometimes as many as four, to monitor each practitioner.

    The prison guards did not allow practitioners to move in and out of their cells freely. The common prisoners were required to get the practitioners meals and clean their dishes. They did not allow practitioners to go to the washroom to clean themselves or take baths. There was strict control of the time for using the washroom and they could only use it according to a prearranged schedule. They did not allow Falun Gong practitioners to see each other or talk to each other. They deprived practitioners of the usual weekend rest days. They forced practitioners to sit still from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. every day. The covered some of the cell windows to prevent practitioners from seeing or talking to each other. At night, there was a prisoner on duty in each room for the sole purpose of inhibiting practitioners from reciting the Fa and practicing the exercises. The prison guards, who tried to enforce the same restrictions, created hundreds of "constraining belts" to bind practitioners' hands and feet to their waists so as to restrict all movement. In order to disrupt practitioners' sending forth righteous thoughts and sleep, they placed loud speakers in the new cells. These loud speakers were controlled directly by the 610 Office and played once an hour from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A single person was responsible for operating the speaker and was required to play them loudly.

    Starting at the end of December 2006, the prison began reassigning practitioners to the the newly created 13th prison area on the 4th floor in the patients' building to undergo forceful "transformation." The 13th prison area contained nine rooms. In each room were two inmates, two so-called "helpers," one of the collaborators, and one prisoner. They worked together to control practitioners, forcing them to listen to slanderous articles and watch videos that slandered Falun Gong and Master Li, and forcing them to sit still from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. At night, two inmates took turns monitoring practitioners. It should also be noted that if practitioners drank the "boiled" water they were given, they would immediately experience headaches and dizziness and were unable to sleep. When practitioners drank the tap water, they were fine. When they used the "poisoned" water to bathe, their bodies would feel chilled, even the tips of their noses. Practitioners suspected that psychotropic drugs were used by prison authorities as a hidden psychological torture method to aid them in reaching their "transformation" goal.

    At this time, it is known that the following practitioners were sent there for forceful brainwashing: Ms. Zhu Fengqin, Ms. Liu Yuying, Ms. Liu Fengzhen, Ms. Wang Liwen, Ms. Xu Jiayu, Ms. Zhong Yajun, Ms. Wei Limei, Ms. Liu Lihua, Ms. Ren Jihong, Ms. Dong Yazhen, Ms. Tie Junying, Ms. Jia Shuying, Ms. Li Xiuhua, Ms. Li Xiuying, Ms. Qin Shuzhen, Ms. Han Ying, Ms.Yan Chunling and Ms. Ma Shuhua.

    Liu Zhiqiang (male), director of the prison, said, "The focus of our work in 2007 is to forcefully 'transform' Falun Gong practitioners. Those who wear mechanical tools are regular prisoners. We will give each of them a notebook so that they can record practitioners' behavior, how much they eat, and the depth of their spiritual understanding..."

    Ms. Wang Chunrong from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Is Illegally Arrested

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    At noon on January 19, 2007, about twenty policemen summoned by the National Security Group of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wang Chunrong.

    The police surrounded Wang's home and also her husband's store, the "Dongrong Decoration Shop." The police seized Wang Chunrong at the shop.

    The police stole property at the store and personal property form Wang's home. The police stole three computers from the store, and also took two personal computers from the Wang home.

    While raiding the home and business, the police also seized Wang's nephew, although he had broken no laws and the police did not have a warrant for his arrest. The nephew was interrogated and threatened for several hours before the police decided to release him.

    Wang Chunrong, 53, has endured continual harassment by the National Security Group. This latest incident marks the fourth time she has been arrested in the past seven years.