News and Events from around the World -- April 18, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Sydney, Australia: Rally and Parade Support 20 Million Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Organizations

  • Germany: Falun Gong "Information Day" in Hanover

  • Sydney, Australia: Rally and Parade Support 20 Million Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Organizations

    A grand rally was held on April 14, 2007 on the large lawn in Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia, supporting the 20 million Chinese people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Representatives from more than a dozen groups concurred that Heaven's elimination of the CCP is imminent. They advised Chinese people to quickly learn the facts, follow the celestial phenomena, break away from the CCP, and quit the CCP for their own safety. The Divine Marching Band composed of Falun Gong practitioners also came to the rally to perform for the audience, and participate in the parade supporting the grand trend of the "three withdrawals."

    At the rally, Mr. Gao from the Sydney Service Center for Quitting the CCP announced that the 20 million brave Chinese people who have broken through the Chinese information blockade publicly announcing their withdrawals from the wicked CCP show that the root of the CCP evil specter has been pulled out.

    Vice-president of the Vietnam Association in Australia, Mr. Nan Quan hopes that the Chinese people will soon break away from the CCP's tyranny

    Mr. Nan Quan, vice-president of the Vietnam Association of Australia (New South Wales Branch), represented tens of thousands of members in saying that the Communist Party has not only persecuted countless Chinese people, but also persecuted millions of Vietnamese people. Many Vietnamese in Australia today are those who were unable to tolerate the Communist Party's despotic rule and risked their lives to come by boat to Australia as refugees. Nan Quan expressed his understanding and support for the Chinese people who are striving for freedom and human rights. He hoped that the Chinese people and Vietnamese people will soon break away from the Communist Party's tyranny and obtain freedom.

    Ms. Tracy DeGeer, on behalf of the Universal Peace Federation says that no force is able to change people's minds when they are clear and free

    Ms. Tracy DeGeer, on behalf of the Universal Peace Federation, made a speech at the rally. She said that peace and non-violent resistance movements are the most powerful resistance to a tyranny like the Chinese Communist Party. No force is able to change and suppress people's minds when they are clear and free.

    ERC President, Director of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, New South Wales Branch, Dr. Phil Glendenning, hopes that China will become an independent, strong China that respects human rights

    ERC President, Director of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, New South Wales Branch, Dr. Phil Glendenning said that today's rally was to express the hope that China will become independent, strong, and respect human rights in the future, and will work together with the world to respect people's freedom of belief and freedom of speech.

    Liberal jurist Yuan Hongbing believes that the quitting the CCP movement is a forerunner of liberation for Chinese people

    China's famous liberal jurist Yuan Hongbing said that the current movement of quitting the CCP is the forerunner of liberation for Chinese people. The quitting the CCP movement launched by the Falun Gong practitioners will be appreciated forever in history.

    A former CCP diplomat who defected from the Chinese consulate in Australia in 2005, Mr. Chen Yonglin, said that quitting the CCP is a matter concerning all Chinese people. He also supported the validity of the data of quitting the CCP, and called upon people to get free from the bondage of the CCP as soon as possible.

    China Labor Party president Fang Yuan said that the time when the CCP steps down from the historical stage of China is imminent.

    Australian Green Party Senator Kerry Nettle and member of the New South Wales Parliament Gordon Moyes especially sent statements to express their support for the rally and parade supporting the 20 million withdrawals from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

    Australian Green Party MP and spokesperson Ian Cohen says that the Greens are highly concerned about China's human rights situation

    Australian Green Party MP and spokesperson Ian Cohen said that the Greens have paid great attention to China's human rights situation. He believed that the reason for so many people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations is that the CCP is a political party that does not have any conscience. He was not in favor of hosting the 2008 Olympic Games in China because the Olympic spirit is about peace and cooperation. The CCP deprives its own people of dignity and basic freedom of belief and speech. He hopes the CCP's "Berlin Wall" will fall soon. Ian also disclosed that the CCP attempted to prevent government officials in New South Wales from attending the New Tang Dynasty's Spectacular show. He was disgusted by the CCP's actions and even more determined to attend the show. He thought the NTDTV's show was wonderful.

    After the rally, the grand parade started with a police car leading the way. The grand procession was divided into three sections. The first section was the Divine Marching Band, behind it was the section opposing the persecution, and the last section involved people from all walks of life supporting the withdrawals from the CCP. The parade set off from Hyde Park, passed through the busy downtown Sydney and ended in Chinatown. Along the way, people in the procession shouted loudly from time to time, "Heaven Eliminates the CCP" in both Chinese and English.

    The grand parade procession

    Numerous visitors were attracted by the grand parade procession. They stopped to watch and take pictures. Many overseas Chinese people and tourists from mainland China were greatly touched. Many tourists from mainland China excitedly rushed into the procession, holding the placards together with others and asked their companions to quickly take a precious picture. A tourist from mainland China was moved to tears. It was the first time for him to see such a large-scale parade overseas supporting quitting the CCP. An elderly man said, "I understand the CCP more than you do. It indeed killed a lot of Chinese people. It should have collapsed long ago." Many people took the initiative to ask for flyers, and some people lent a thumbs-up to the parade procession.

    Germany: Falun Gong "Information Day" in Hanover (Photos)

    A huge trade show was held in Hanover from March 15th until 21st, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners took advantage of the large numbers of visitors to their city to raise awareness about the crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who persecute Falun Gong and trade in organs harvested from live Falun Gong practitioners.

    People approach practitioners' booth to find out more and sign a petition against the persecution

    Due to the show, the streets were thronged with people. Among passers-by, there were many tourists, including those from mainland China. These Chinese tourists became the ones to whom Falun Gong practitioners would mainly expose the persecution to, because many of them listened to and believe the CCP state propaganda and slander about Falun Gong. It was an opportunity for them to learn the truth about Falun Gong and the 20,000,000 Chinese people who have quit the CCP. The great tide of quitting the CCP has resulted from the publication of the book “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”, in which the evil nature of the CCP and atrocities it has committed to Chinese people under the role of its power are commented on and discussed in detail.

    Practitioners provided Chinese tourists with leaflets and other materials so they could learn more. It was even more convenient for Falun Gong practitioners from China to talk, in Chinese, with their fellow people from mainland China.

    Passers-by came in an endless stream. They wanted to learn more about the persecution of Falun Gong, especially details about the CCP removing organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. Then they signed the petition expressing their protest against the persecution and the atrocities.

    An elderly lady came to the booth with tears running down her face and said that she could not bear to see it, a Falun Gong practitioner re-enacting the scene of being tortured ( A Falun Gong practitioner was tied up and caged, with a guard in uniform standing there.) Behind the booth, a banner told the facts of organ harvesting. She said that this was so inhuman that it reminded her of World War II, which she had experienced when she was young.

    Another passer-by asked a practitioner a lot about specific evidence of removing organs from live people and, at the same time, also asked about how this had been treated by organizations like Amnesty International. He added that he had never heard and read about this matter. He felt that such a severe crime as removing organs from live people committed to such peaceful practitioners seemed unbelievable. Practitioners patiently clarified the truth to him.

    At the same time, other practitioners were quietly demonstrating the exercises, which brought a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. The peacefulness of Falun Gong contrasted sharply with the CCP’s madness and inhumanity. The man’s doubts and misgivings were eliminated slowly. Finally, he thanked the practitioner and expressed that he would discuss the matter with organizations of human rights.

    While talking with a Falun Gong practitioner, another passer-by talked of the situation of Falun Gong spreading around the world, nearby was a woman who looked Asian. She said that she had happened to meet Falun Gong practitioners when she went to Hong Kong, which made her feel that Falun Gong is spreading all over the world.

    A few teenage girls were watching the demonstration of the exercises with great interest. When a practitioner walked over, they asked her about the effect of the practice and asked if they could learn. The practitioner briefly told them about the marvelous effects of the exercises and some of her own experience. After that, the girls learned some of the exercises. They learned them very fast, with concentration and great interest.

    Many people were indignant that German Government does not dare to condemn the condition of human rights under the role of the CCP regime out of its economic interests when they were talking with practitioners.

    Many passers-by chatted with Falun Gong practitioners, even for a long time, learning the truth about Falun Gong and signing practitioners' petition calling for an end to the persecution.