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Latest News from China - 10/03/2000

October 06, 2000 |  

[Northeast China] Arrests intensified in many areas in China.

Two practitioners from northeastern China were caught and arrested, at 2AM on October 2, 2000, when posting flyers denouncing Jiang Zemin in front of a local police station.

Two more practitioners were arrested by plainclothes police while posting flyers in another city around 1AM on October 2, 2000. Practitioners frankly explained the truth to the plainclothes police officers. It is said that the police bureau has dispatched many plainclothes policemen to catch flyer posting practitioners. It is very likely that flyer posting practitioners are under close surveillance everywhere. It is advisable that practitioners be resourceful in conducting hongfa and truth revealing activities.

[Mainland China] Practitioners in China cherish the cultivation opportunity.

Practitioners from a city in Northern China cherish the cultivation opportunity more since the publishing of a series of articles on Minghui condemning Jiang Zemin, specifically the article and . More and more practitioners are stepping forward to validate Dafa by posting flyers, denouncing the evil forces, and by going to Beijing to appeal. By noon on October 1, 2000, it was observed that Falun Dafa flyers were placed in every 3rd or 4th public phone booth.

[Chongqing] Two Chongqing practitioners arrested for printing and distributing Falun Dafa flyers.

Two Falun Dafa practitioners, Xie Qi and Wang Wanren , were arrested in late September for printing and distributing Falun Dafa flyers. They were from Jiang Bei, Chongqing City. Their home was ransacked and a copy machine was confiscated.

[Jilin Province] Update on practitioners from Hongqi Ling town, QinShi County in Jilin Province

  1. Wei Runmei, Female, 27, has been to Beijing twice to appeal and was brutally beaten by the policemen in Beijing. She was sentenced to 1-year labor education in August 2000. Her home was ransacked and virtually nothing was left. Her husband, who lead a miserable life with their 10 year old child, was also forced to pay a fine of RMB 2000 Yuan. He couldn't afford the fine and had to run away. He was later caught when he returned home to sell the house in order to move to a remote area. He was forced to pay RMB 1000 yuan .
  2. A 37-year-old male, Luo Guang worked for a company affiliated with the county fire department. He was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor education on September 24, 1999. The "crime" was going to Beijing to appeal. The local police authority refused to release him upon the completion of his term and added 3 more months of imprisonment, instead.
  3. Song Xiaohui, 33, is the wife of Luo Guang. She worked for the county hospital. Song Xiahui was sentenced to 1-year labor education on July 29, 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal, repeatedly. . Since her parents are both imprisoned, their 12-year-old daughter has to live with her grandmother who has no income.

[Liaoning] 14 practitioners in Benxi City, Liaoning Province sentenced to 1-3 years forced labor.á

They were arrested in mid August in a practitioner's house when they were discussing how to reveal the truth to the world. They were sent to labor camps after being detained for 1 month in Benxi Caibei Prison. At present the evil forces in Benxi are rampant. Horrendous means have been used to persecute Dafa practitioners. Practitioners were stalked and phone calls were monitored. Spies are engaged in undermining activities among practitioners. Those who were suspected to be key Falun Dafa members were arrested immediately without investigation or proof. Among the victims is Wang Xiaoguang, a teacher from the Teacher's College, who is suspected to be the organizer for the city Falun Gong group. Wang Xiaoguang was detained in Zhangjia Police Station for one night and one day and then sent to Caibei Prison. He is still in prison. . The arbitrary detention of Wang Xiaoguang has aroused great concern and complaints from the general public. People are closely watching the development of his situation. According to reliable sources, Liaoning Province was given a quota of arresting 1800 Falun Gong practitioners. The city of Benxi has been ordered to arrest 160 practitioners. This is in accordance with a renewed crackdown ordered by Jiang Zemin.