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Inhuman Abuse in Huludao Detention Center, Liaoning Province

November 23, 2000 |  

Please take a look at Jiang Zemin's government's ruthless persecution and crackdown on Falun Gong practitioners at the present time. These inhumane and bloody facts expose what had happened at the Huludao detention center, in Liaoning province.

Case 1: Ren Guiding was arrested and sent to the detention center when discovered practicing Fallen Gong in a park on October 5, 1999. A policeman beat him until his whole body was bruised and numb. Then, he was taken to the detention center with handcuffs and shackles and was released after more than one month. He was arrested again because of attempting to appeal in Beijing. Now, he has been sent to Masanjia labor camp in Shengyang province.

Case 2: Shi Yingchun was arrested for practicing Falun Gong in a park on October 5, 2000. While in custody, she continued to practice in the cell. Because of this, two guards (Li XX and Zhou XX) beat her upon her buttocks dozens of times using nail-studded clubs and plastic hoses. Everyday, she would be questioned as to whether she would continue to practice, and was beaten again every time she replied yes, although her buttocks were already lacerated and bleeding. In the meantime, she had to wear handcuffs and leg shackles for many days. When she refused to recite the prison rules, a guard hit her in the mouth with the bottom of a shoe, leaving her face bruised and swollen. She had been sent to Masanjia labor camp in Shenyang and was sentenced for 3 years of reeducation through labor.

Case 3: Han Guiyan from Liutaizi village was arrested and sent to the detention center for practicing Falun Gong on October 13th. LI XX, using a nail-studded club and plastic hoses also beat her upon her buttocks many times. She was also asked whether she would continue to practice, and also received further beatings if she replied yes. She was in the middle of her menstrual period, but she was not permitted any feminine hygiene products; her hands were handcuffed behind her back. She was held in custody for one month and was fined for 2,000RMB before she was allowed to be released from the detention center.

Case 4: Li Xiuzhen and her husband from the Cement Department were arrested in October for practicing Falun Gong. They also affirmed that they would continue to practice under any circumstances. Then three guards (Liu XX, Li XX and a female detention center officer) started to beat them using the same nail-studded clubs and plastic hoses. They were knocked down to the concrete floor and beaten as they lay there. Some inmates became extremely frightened for their safety and began to cry. Their buttocks were bruised and the skin severely lacerated. Li Xiuzhen was beaten so severely it caused him to have another heart attach. Her husband had extreme pain in his ribs to the point that he could not breathe naturally. The next day, Officer Liu XX tortured Li's husband again. They were held in custody for one month and were forced to pay a cash pledge in the amount of 5,000RMB.

Case 5: Zheng Sufen was sent to the detention center because she appealed in Beijing on October 26th. When she was unable to recite the jail rules completely, the guards Li XX and Zhou XX beat her upon her buttocks for more than one hundred times using nail studded clubs. She was beaten almost unconscious, and then forced to remain kneeling for several hours. She was released one month later.

Case 6: Practitioners Li Mingyan, Kong Yumei, Guo Mingjie and Xiang Hong were sent to the detention center on October 23rd for practicing Falun Gong. They were forced to wear 35-pound shackles on their feet. These restraints are normally used to restrain those who face the death penalty. They were forced to walk around the jail with these heavy shackles, which caused them great pain and injury. They had to hold the ankle chains with their teeth when going to the bathroom. When the shackles were removed several days later, their ankles were bloody and bruised. Now, Li Mingyan, Kong Yumei and Xiang Hong have been sent to a labor camp.

[Note from editors: We hope that all kindhearted people can help us by providing more evidence of torture and detailed information on the murderers and units that are responsible. Minghui email: article@minghui.org, tougao@minghui.ca. Minghui fax: 1-309-416-9189, Choose 2 after 3 seconds upon connection.]

Detailed Facts of the Persecution Against Dafa practitioners at Gangtun town, Liaoning province

1) In early June, two male practitioners were arrested at their homes while working in their fields and then were forced to work in the detention center for about 20 days. They were forced to sleep on the ground at night. In late June, about 14 practitioners were arrested because they held a group practice and were seen talking together.

2) On June 27th, over 50 Dafa practitioners were sent from a village detention center to the town detention center because they kept practicing and could not be "transformed". They suffered sunburn, after being forced under the hot sun in the daytime and were not allowed to sleep at night. They were not allowed to eat any food and were forcibly marched to another town--Heshanggou (escorted by a security detachment under officer Zhao Jiucai). The practitioners were illegally detained in Heshanggou for several days, where they were tortured and beaten inhumanly. Although the temperature rose as high as 38oC (100oF), they were forced to stay in the full sun.

Harsher Treatment

1: The practitioners were rounded up at 6:00 in the morning, and forced to run all the way to Laoye bridge, a distance of about 3 miles. Even a 68-year-old lady was forced to run. The guards escorted the practitioners while riding on motorcycles. The practitioners were ordered to run in circles, and from time to time told to lift one foot up and stand for a while until the officer gave an order to put the foot down, and then lift the other foot, and so on. Those who were unable to comply with the order would be beaten and abused. A 14-year old girl was forced to walk in this fashion for a whole day, with a brick on top of her head and her feet bound to stones. While she walked, guards slapped her in the face. At night the officer ordered her to hold a position with double with both hands touching the ground and her buttocks elevated. The guards would beat her with clubs when she could not maintain the position. After being tortured like this for the entire night, she had to have someone to support her while walking.

Forced Labor

  1. Practitioners were forced to work from 6:00 in the morning in a grape arbor, digging up potatoes in Caotun village and then walking back in the evening.
  2. Some were forced to pull up corn straw in Gangnan village.
  3. Some were put to work planting radishes in Lunyi village.
  4. Some were forced to sweep the streets in Gangtun.
  5. About 6 male and 4 female practitioners were forced to work in a private factory from dawn until midnight because they kept practicing Falun Gong.
  6. Some practitioners were forced to carry sand from the mountains to level a yard in the village.
  7. One group of practitioners had to carry basketball stands from a place about 2 miles away.

Torturing Dafa Practitioners

  1. Practitioners were forced to stand outside in the rain while guards abused them.
  2. They were also forced to stand on one leg or squat under the burning sun. They were denied any food, water, and sometimes were even not allowed to go to the bathroom. Nor were they allowed to wash their faces and feet at night. Practitioners were kept under constant guard; they were not allowed to go to sleep until midnight. A female practitioner was tortured until she lost consciousness and had to be sent to the hospital.

Ruthless Beatings and Torture for Practicing Falun Gong

  1. Practitioners were not allowed to sleep all night long; 12 practitioners could not stay awake, and were beaten. All practitioners fainted due to heat exposure, thirst, hunger, fatigue, and constant beatings.
  2. Practitioners were forced to exercise until 2:00 a.m.; 9 practitioners were forced to special-march outside, and they were beaten when they could not sustain it. A female practitioner was beaten so badly she lost conscious for more than 3 hours.
  3. Guards beat a male practitioner to the ground and stepped on his head, causing his face to become cut and bleeding. He could not attend the training for several days.
  4. After being kept awake for 48 hours, practitioners were forced to attend exercise sessions. Many practitioners passed out while exercising.
  5. Four guards got drunk and began beating a 50-year old practitioner, not stopping even after the practitioner lost consciousness. This practitioner could not attend the training for several days after the torture.
  6. Practitioners were forced to exercise outside for a whole night. The next morning, practitioners who practiced Falun Gong were beaten one by one. One male practitioner could not endure the abuse and said he would reveal what the guards had done to the public. As a result, four guards beat him to the ground. He was not able to leave his room for several days, and his whole body was bruised.
  7. Some guards beat a female practitioner to the ground with police nightsticks because she ran a little bit slow. She could not eat any food for several days after this torture. Finally, she was sent to labor camp.
  8. Guards forced some practitioners to stand bent over with their hands pressed to the ground. Anyone who could not hold this position would be whipped. A female practitioner was whipped for several hours because she was too fatigued to hold this position. One female practitioner collapsed to the ground because of fatigue. Another female practitioner was whipped until she collapsed; the guards did not stop beating her even though she was unable to stand.
  9. A male practitioner was whipped with a tree limb until his buttocks were bleeding and swollen. Later, he was beaten with policeclubs. He was tortured until half dead. This abuse lasted the entire day.


There are countless cases like these. It was known that in the town of Gangtun four female and six male practitioners were sent to labor camps.

Wu Gulling passed away 20 days after being released from labor camp because of the ruthless abuse he suffered there.

Practitioners from Mainland China

November 14th 2000

[Note from editors: We hope that the kindhearted people can help us by providing more evidence of torture and the information on the murderers and units that are responsible. Minghui email: article@minghui.org, tougao@minghui.ca. Minghui fax: 1-309-416-9189, Choose 2 after 3 seconds upon connection.]