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A Story of Promoting Falun Dafa in Houston's Chinatown

August 11, 2000 |  

The Hong Kong Plaza in Houston is a large-scale comprehensive supermarket. It is located in Chinatown and is a shopping center where Chinese people gather on the weekend. In the afternoon of July 29, the Falun Dafa practitioners from Houston and San Antonio held an activity promoting Falun Dafa in the Hong Kong Plaza.

The practitioners displayed banners with the Falun emblems and "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" in Chinese and English along a wide and well-lit hallway. A VCR played the Falun Gong exercise video. Along with the music, the practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.

Many photos and articles of the practitioners in China who had been brutally persecuted were displayed on nearby exhibit shelves. There were various Chinese and English newspapers and other materials on a table; including "The Peaceful Journey", "Falun Gong-The Real Story", "July Report" and "Falun Gong Special Edition". Many people passed by. Practitioners handed newspapers and other materials to both Chinese and western shoppers. They also explained the truth of Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government. Some people showed their concerns and sympathies towards those practitioners being persecuted in China and were willing to sign a petition letter. Some people showed interests in Falun Gong and expressed their desire to attend a Falun Gong seminar.

On July 30, Houston practitioners of various races and from several local practice sites, gathered at Arthur Storey Park in Chinatown to hold a monthly group practice and experience-sharing meeting. They practiced the five sets of exercises in a serene and peaceful manner and had an experience discussion afterwards. The main topic was how to promote Falun Dafa. They proposed some effective ways of promotion, including the large-scale printing and distribution of newspapers promoting Falun Dafa.

During the process of rectifying the Fa in the human world, and as the practitioners in this special historic period, it is our duty to let more people from all walks of life learn the truth of Falun Gong and to know the facts regarding the Chinese governments brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Many practitioners have realized that this is also a part of cultivation. In fact, instead of saying that we are promoting Falun Dafa, we would rather say, the rectification of the Fa has provided us a special cultivation environment and an opportunity to reach consummation. Once we miss this opportunity, we will not have the environment to cultivate and improve ourselves. We all should cherish this lucky chance that has not happened in tens of thousands of years.

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Houston

August 2, 2000

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