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Urgent: Two Practitioners Detained in a Mental Hospital in Kunshan, Jinagsu Province

August 25, 2000 |  

Falun Dafa practitioners Long Cuihua and her son Zhou Qiang, of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, have been detained in a mental hospital and forced to take unnecessary medicine for many days. Their bodies and minds are severely harmed and their lives are in danger. Their family members and local practitioners are very worried about their situation. With no other channel to resort to, they send out this urgent appeal. They hope that kind-hearted people will help to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

Long Cuihua, her husband Zhou Yuelin, and her son Zhou Qiang are all being persecuted because they are hold firmly to their faith in Falun Dafa. Zhou Qiang is a student who got high marks. Since he refused to denounce Falun Dafa, he was expelled from Wuhan Topography and Cartography University. He and his mother went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa afterwards, and they were arrested and detained in Kunshan City until May 18, 2000.

In the evening of June 28, all three members of the family were tricked by the police and put into a detention center, handcuffed behind the back. While in custody they were interrogated many times and suffered all kinds of personal attacks, vicious abuse, insults, and beatings. One month later, on July 28, Zhou Yuelin was released, Zhou Qiang and his mother Long Cuihua were sent to Chengbei mental hospital in Kunshan city. They have been treated as psychiatric patients and have been forced to take unnecessary medicine for over ten days. Their situation is very critical; the mother and sons lives are being inhumanly destroyed with every passing moment...

The police department and Chengbei mental hospital in Kunshan City have severely violated these civilians' basic human rights. Who knows what further terrible things they will do!

To prevent similar unspeakable things from taking place, we solemnly appeal to all sincere and kind-hearted people to pay close attention to the development of this situation. We should never allow this kind of violation of the law to recklessly continue!

Falun Dafa practitioners in China

August 9, 2000

P.S. Zhou Yuelin's home address: Zhangpu town Beicun village group 8, Kunshan city, Jiangsu Province, Home phone: 0520-7443933

Kunshan City government office, phone/fax: (0520) 7312956/7310370

Kunshan City Bureau of Appeals, phone/fax: (0520) 7321701/7321705