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"When It's Impossible to Do, You Can Do It": Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Around the Clock

July 12, 2002 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) When the Chinese dictator went to Germany, various articles published on Clearwisdom suggested that Dafa practitioners around the world send righteous thoughts at set hours to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions. Many practitioners did not take the suggestions seriously. The outcome that many had expected did not materialize, and many of us here in China felt very bad. We calmed down and looked inside ourselves, and realized that we have to closely keep up with Fa rectification. My current understanding is that we should therefore try our best to send forth righteous thoughts at the top of every hour.

Although I realized this, it was still quite difficult to do. When sleepiness came, I could not control myself no matter how hard I tried, and I sent righteous thoughts at the tops of only 20 hours, and slept through the other four. In addition, I was very drowsy during the day. I thought about overseas practitioners, who sent forth righteous thoughts in the wind and the rain, day and night and how much they have to sacrifice! Our practitioners in and outside of China are one body, and we have to keep up!

One day, a fellow practitioner said he sent forth righteous thoughts every hour for two days straight. I asked how he felt, and he said he felt good. As long as you are determined, there is nothing you can't do. This inspired me, and I said I must break through this tribulation. Eliminating evil in other dimensions is our solemn responsibility.

I had to carry out what I had just realized. I set my alarm clock at ten minutes to the hour, and I sent forth righteous thoughts whenever it was time. On the first day, it was easy for me to send forth righteous thoughts around the clock, and I was not sleepy even during the next day. However, on the third day, the alarm clock stopped working. It went off every half hour or even every ten minutes. I realized that I should not depend on the clock anymore, so I put it aside. However, I still had heavy notions of a human being, and I did not dare to close my eyes, fearing that I might oversleep. Later, I discovered that every time I looked at the clock, it was always pointing at 54 or 55 minutes after the hour, and this situation occurred over and over even in the daytime. Could this be a coincidence? From then on, I slept with ease at night, and after I woke up, it was still 54~55 minutes after the hour. Then I realized that when we carry out Fa rectification with determination, the divine powers of the Buddha Fa would be at work! It was because we infused our righteous thoughts into the mechanisms Master gave us, which means we are following the mechanisms.

During the period when I sent forth righteous thoughts around the clock, I did not neglect studying the Fa and distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials. I was actually felt more invigorated than usual. Previously, if I slept only a little at night, I would be sleepy during the following day. Now, however, I am no longer sleepy during the day, but also am able to do things well and quickly. I am careful not to develop the attachment of being too happy about this. I knew that for Dafa practitioners who have cultivated this long, this is the natural state. We must constantly progress and reach the state of a true divine being. Since Master already opened our supernatural capabilities for us, when our righteous thoughts are strong, our gong will do whatever we wish, and we will have whatever we need.

I remember one night, it was only 15 minutes until 9 p.m., and I was suddenly sleepy and could hardly control myself. Yet it was still 10 minutes until the sending of righteous thoughts, so what should I do? I thought, just take a five-minute nap, and I told myself that I shouldn't oversleep no matter what. I had this thought naturally occurring in my mind, but when I fell asleep, I slept like a baby. Suddenly I woke up, and I thought, how could I have slept for so long? However, when I looked at the clock, it was still 8:45 p.m. The time had not passed at all! I did not think much of this and I simply thought, OK, so it's not time yet, then let me sleep a little more. When I woke up for the second time, the clock was pointing at 8:46, is it possible that the clock had stopped working? I looked at my wristwatch, and it was pointing to exactly the same time. When I woke up the third time, it was 8:52. I slept for a total of seven minutes, and I felt as if I had slept for several days. Since it was about time to send forth righteous thoughts, I didn't think about it too much. It was as if I slept a long time in some other dimension. It was actually the power of righteous thoughts. No matter what we do, as long as our righteous thoughts are up to the standard, everything will follow the mechanism. The result was perfect.

Through several days of sending forth righteous thoughts around the clock, I realized that when the demon of sleepiness attacks, if you don't eliminate it with righteous thoughts but instead follow laziness and pursue the attachment to comfort, then you cannot last long. A couple of times, I saw it was close to 3 a.m., but my body just did not feel like moving. I immediately realized that it was not right; I shook my head and got up, and right away my mind was clear. I began sending righteous thoughts around the clock on June 9, and I did not feel it was difficult. Only one thing: if we realize our responsibility as Fa rectification period Dafa practitioners and we do things with determination, there is no tribulation that we cannot overcome.

Let's again study together Master's words from Zhuan Falun:

"When I practiced cultivation in the past, many great masters told me these words, and they said: 'When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it.' In fact, that is how it is. Why don't you give it a try when you return home. When you are overcoming a real hardship or tribulation, you try it. When it is difficult to endure, try to endure it. When it looks impossible and is said to be impossible, give it a try and see if it is possible. If you can actually do it, you will indeed find: 'After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!'" (From "People with Great Inborn Quality", in Lecture 9)

July 1, 2002