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Central News Agency: Taiwan Falun Gong Followers To Meet With Justice Minister

September 25, 2002 |   By Deborah Kuo

Central News Agency - Taiwan
September 23, 2002, Monday

Representatives of the Falun Gong in Taiwan are scheduled to meet with Justice Minister Chen Ding-nan Monday afternoon to express their appreciation to the government for its support in handling an espionage incident.

The Falun Dafa (another name for the Falun Gong) representatives will express their appreciation to the Ministry of Justice for its "quick and explicit" handling of the espionage committed by Li Kai-ping, an inspector with the MOJ Investigation Bureau, who e-mailed the bureau's document on Falun Gong activities in Taiwan to mainland China. Li was discovered by the bureau to have secretly mailed information to mainland China in March. The MOJIB decided to issue Li with a "big demerit" on his record in a bid to discipline him.

After the case was reported to the higher-ranking MOJ authorities, they decided that the punishment was "too lenient. The MOJ later instructed that Li be issued two "big demerits" and suspended from his job as an MOJIB investigator.

Chang Ching-shi, chairman of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, said all the followers are appreciative of Justice Minister Chen's wise decision regarding the Li case.

In addition, according to Chang, the Falun Gong representatives will give the MOJ an update of all the Falun Gong activities in Taiwan during the meeting to be held in the afternoon.

Chang said Taiwan Falun Gong followers have actively and regularly visited prisons and detention centers islandwide over the past two years to not only help the inmates get physical exercise, but also provide them with a belief option in order to help them retain a spiritual calm.