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Summary of Other Articles and News - 10/10/2003

October 14, 2003 |  


The facts about abuses during the persecution

The guards at Beijing's Female Labor Camp Group Drill Division brutally persecute Dafa practitioners: in the coldest of winter, they force the practitioners to stand outside 24 hours a day. They pour icy water down the practitioners' necks. They don't allow the practitioners to sleep and don't allow them to rest for several days and nights. They provide only two meals a day with a meager amount of salty vegetables for each meal. They also shock the practitioners with electric batons and do not allow them to go to the restroom, forcing the practitioners to do physically demanding exercises. If the practitioners are still determined in their faith in Dafa, they shock the practitioners' private areas with electric batons so they are in great pain but are too embarrased to tell other people.

Practitioners exchange insights

Exposing the persecution with plain words and using our hearts: plain words and ordinary narration make people feel the extraordinariness of the persecution experience. I suggest every practitioner write out all the physical, material, family and especially psychological abuse and torment they have been forced to endure during this persecutoin. In fact, when we truly write them, with our heart set on it, every example forms the most convincing truth and the most powerful evidence in this human world. They will touch everyone. By applying this process we clarify the truth to people and inspire their kind thoughts; at the same time we clarify the facts about persecution itself, which is giving every person and every government in the world more opportunities to make their own true choice with kind thoughts. We will stop the persecution together and welcome a bright future.

The truth and people's hearts

1. An older woman in a village suffers from numerous diseases. She saw her sister-in-law completely recover after practicing Falun Gong. Even her son and husband who were also ill became healthy, and they saved lots of money on medical bills. The older woman said to everyone, "The old villain Jiang doesn't do the right thing by persecuting Falun Gong. Look, among the practitioners around us, who has gone astray? The TV station tells only lies. When they receive retribution, they'll be shocked!"

2. A village in northeast China received bumper crops in the past few years. Jiang ordered the persecution against Dafa practitioners to be conducted according to blacklists. When the local police went to the village to search for practitioners, the village officials said, "We don't have practitioners here." When the villagers saw a police car driving into the village, they immidiatley notified the practitioners. For the past few years, the weather has been very good in the village. In the spring of this year, drought attacked many places, but rain fell in this village twice. People who knew the truth said, "The officials and people in our village didn't persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners. We did a good thing and therefore received blessings. Falun Dafa is the true law of the heavens!"