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UK: Conversations with Chinese Students -- "Jiang Zemin? We don't like him!"

October 21, 2003 |   By a UK practitioner

In the area where I live there are very few practitioners. But there are several large universities that continue to accept hundreds of new Chinese students every year. In China, the media is state-controlled and Jiang Zemin has been using it in his attempts to destroy the reputation of Falun Gong practitioners. The students who leave China to study abroad are really blessed with a wonderful opportunity to learn the truth about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that is happening in China.

In the past, a practitioner from another area and I would go and stand in the town center and hand out leaflets revealing the facts about Dafa. Perhaps we would get to meet 20 Chinese people in an afternoon. This seemed small compared to the thousands of Chinese students who are in the area. We wondered how to clarify the truth to more of them. One day we were driving along on the way back from handing out leaflets, when we saw a Chinese person walking along the street. The practitioner in the passenger seat asked me to pull over and he ran from the car over to this Chinese person to give them a leaflet and talk with them about Dafa. They were happy to find out the truth. We decided to try this approach on a large scale. We drove around the town and through the university. I would pull over after spotting a Chinese person and the other practitioner would leave the car and go to give them some information. In one afternoon, we gave out over 50 booklets and Video-CDs.

Recently, we decided to visit the five main universities in our area to let the new intake of Chinese students know the truth. We knew that there was lots of people so we took a lot of materials. We drove up to the student dormitories and around several streets where many of the students walked. These Chinese students were very surprised when a young western guy approached them and told them about the benefits he has received from practicing Falun Gong. We parked up and went inside the university.

The response we received was amazing. The Chinese students seemed to have been waiting for us and we couldn't clarify the truth fast enough. One young lady talked with a practitioner about the way Jiang's regime treated practitioners in China. She knew about the persecution of Falun Gong and stated clearly that it is wrong. However, when the practitioner told her that many high-level Chinese government officials did not want to persecute Falun Gong and that the persecution was personally initiated by Jiang, she said "Jiang Zemin? We don't like him!" The girl told the practitioner that Chinese people all share the same disdain for this dictator who is bringing a bad name to China. She also told the practitioner that she is happy that they are benefiting from practicing Dafa.

Almost all of the Chinese students were happy to take the material about Dafa. Some said they didn't want the material because they had already got it and they already know about Jiang's crimes. A practitioner talked to one guy who seemed to be deeply poisoned by the four-year propaganda campaign against Falun Gong. As soon as he heard the words "Falun Gong" he exploded in a fit of rage and seemed like he was about to attack the practitioner. The practitioner remembered that Falun Gong is based on three principles: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance". He was patient and kind to this angry guy and calmly told him the truth about Falun Dafa and the evil persecution. Two minutes later, the Chinese guy was smiling and, with a Dafa information booklet in his hand, he asked where he can learn the Falun Gong exercises! The practitioner was amazed by the power of Dafa and was very happy that this guy could learn the truth.

After spending some time in the first university, we went back to the car and drove through the residential area where we were likely to meet Chinese people. The practitioners constantly sent forth righteous thoughts while clarifying the truth. As we headed towards the second university, we found that almost all the material was gone. The number of Chinese people who wanted to learn more about Dafa was astounding. We realized that with the increase in the speed of Fa-Rectification, practitioners need to keep up by upgrading their efforts in truth-clarification. Next time we will take even more materials and let even more people learn the truth.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15722.html