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Summary of Other Articles and News - 4/25/2003

April 29, 2003 |  


Commemoration on the Fourth Anniversary of April 25th

10,000 People's Great Appeal

On Friday April 25, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners in Toronto held a yellow ribbon signature collection activity, "calling for the release of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners' families in China." They also called on the Canadian government to condemn the harm inflicted on Canadian citizens by the Chinese government's numerous lies and persecution. Practitioners pointed out the horrific SARS virus-spread to many countries because the Chinese government lied to cover up the fact.

During the past four years, at the cost of great sacrifice on their part, Falun Gong practitioners have constantly exposed Jiang's government's lies and slander against Falun Gong. We have the responsibility to call on the Chinese government to end all lies.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

I have some understandings on righteous thoughts and righteous actions. Before the Chinese New Year, a fellow practitioner and I went to a town more than 30 miles from home to distribute truth clarification materials and post banners. When we almost finished, police showed up and arrested me. They tried to force me into their car, and I kept reciting the Fa-rectification verse in my heart as I clarified the truth to them. The police also discovered two other practitioners on motorcycles who came to pick us up. One of them escaped and the other one was arrested. Together we sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. We helped each other to overcome the tribulation with righteous thoughts. With the power of righteous thoughts and Master's protection, we safely broke free.