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Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, California): Spiritual practice aims to strengthen mind and body; Falun Dafa followers laud benefits at Pomona workshop

February 01, 2004 |   BRENDA GAZZAR <BR>STAFF WRITER

August 9, 2003 Saturday

POMONA - During one pose, the arms are held gracefully above the head with the knees lightly bent.

They sit in the lotus position in another, with their arms outstretched to their sides and their eyes closed.

Although they develop the strength and flexibility of dancers, they are not ballerinas.

They are practitioners of Falun Dafa, a spiritual path practiced by more than 100 million people that teaches truthfulness, compassion and [tolerance].

About a dozen people met at the Pomona Public Library on Saturday for a workshop on the Falun Dafa system -- made up of teachings and exercises -- said to improve both body and mind.

"It helps keep me glued together," said Jane Asari, a Pasadena resident who led Saturday's workshop. "It's a matter of enlightenment ... Falun Dafa is extremely strong. I seem to have told myself that this is probably the highest [path] I can find and I better learn it." Many faithful practitioners say they notice a significant improvement in their health.

Keran Feng, a 32-year-old La Jolla resident, said he used to suffer from insomnia and stomach problems. But after a month of doing the exercises two hours a day, he said, his health problems and sleeplessness disappeared.

"It's unbelievable," Feng said.

Feng added that after his great aunt started doing the exercises, her gray hair began turning black at the roots again.

Asari said she too had many health problems that have been alleviated with the practice.

"I don't know that I want to live a long life, but I think I'm going to," said a laughing Asari, who has been practicing Falun Dafa for a year.

Falun Dafa -- also known as Falun Gong -- was founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992 in China. The practice has become very popular there, although it is banned by law and thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners have been detained, tortured and sent to forced labor camps by the Chinese communist regime, which sees its increasing popularity as a threat, Feng said.

Falun Dafa consists of five exercises. The first uses gentle stretching movements to open up the body's energy channels.

The second exercise, made of four static postures that can be held for several minutes, is said to enhance energy levels and awaken wisdom. The third exercise uses hand-gliding movements to cleanse the body. The fourth exercise uses one's hands to trace the entire body to circulate energy.

The fifth exercise uses mediation and is said to strengthen divine powers and energy.

Lupe Flores, a 32-year-old Pomona resident, came to Saturday's workshop to experience Falun Dafa for the first time.

"I like it," Flores said. "I like Tai Chi and I wanted to see the similarities. I'm looking for health benefits, and [Falun Dafa] is something that is easier to do."

For more information about Falun Dafa, go to www.falundafa.org