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Karmic Retribution: Police Chief Directly Involved in the Torture Deaths of Liu Chengjun, Liu Haibo and Others Dies from Cerebral Hemorrhage (Photo)

July 16, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Editors' Note: In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.

On April 29, 2004, Sun Lidong, the head of the Criminal Police Division in the Kuancheng District Police Precinct in Changchun City, Jilin Province died from "cerebral brain stem hemorrhage." A report on Xinhua News Net claims Sun Lidong died from work overload and passed away "at his post."

According to a report in Epoch Times, during Sun Lidong's hospitalization, Tian Zhonglin, the deputy mayor of Changchun City and head of Changchun City's Police Department was very concerned with Sun Lidong's condition. He ordered related government agencies to devote their full effort to "rescue" Sun. Qu Wanchen, deputy secretary of Party Committee and the deputy head of Changchun City's Police Department approved 30,000 Yuan to cover Sun's medical expenses. Tian Zhonglin led all officials from the city Party committee, officials from the Jilin Province Public Security Department, the Public Prosecutor and court representatives to be present at Sun Lidong's funeral.

Why did Sun Lidong's superiors pay him so much respect? Maybe it has to do with his devotion to the persecution, which can be traced back to a "TV-signal tapping incident."

TV-tapping incident

At 8:00 p.m. on March 5, 2002, Falun Gong documentary videos such as "Falun Dafa Around the World," "Self immolation or staged-act?" were broadcast to 300,000 cable TV subscriber households, which amounts to more than one million viewers. These videos enabled many people to learn the truth about Falun Gong and sent shock waves throughout Changchun City.

According to a report on Clearwisdom.net, after the incident, Jiang sent secret orders saying, "kill them; no exceptions!" Changchun District officials dispatched more than 6,000 policemen. In Changchun City alone, more than 5,000 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. At least six practitioners were killed and another 15 practitioners were sentenced to 4 to 20 years' imprisonment.

Jiang's persecution has caused the torture death of more than 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners to date. Because Jiang has deprived the Chinese people of their right to know the truth by manipulating all TV stations and other media in China to attack and defame Falun Gong, practitioners were upholding justice by risking their lives to tell people the truth when all other channels of public communication were blocked.

Sun Lidong was personally responsible for the death of Liu Haibo

According to a Clearwisdom.net report, Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Haibo, 34 years old at the time of his death, was a doctor from the Luyuan District Hospital CT Room in Changchun City. During the evening of March 11, 2002, he was taken from his home by officers from the Kuancheng District Police Department in Changchun City. They interrogated him during torture, which resulted in his death on March 13, 2002, after less than two days in police custody. The police didn't stop until Liu Haibo's heart stopped beating. According to witnesses, Sun Lidong watched Liu Haibo being beaten to death. At 7:00 p.m. on March 13, 2002, a witness saw several police officers torturing Liu Haibo at the Criminal Police Division. Liu Haibo was naked and cuffed to a Tiger Bench, his head was bent and he was forced to kneel. Two police officers took turns forcing high-voltage electric batons into his anus and shocking him. Several broken wood planks were strewn about and Liu's body was red and swollen all over.

Liu Haibo died soon after. The witness saw Sun Lidong ordering people to put clothes on Liu Haibo. Sun Lidong told people not to talk about it and he would immediately report the death to his superiors.

Liu Haibo's body was secretly transferred to the morgue at the Kuancheng Hospital, and the perpetrators claimed Mr. Liu had died from heart disease. They secretly cremated the body and blocked the news to the outside. Liu Haibo's family looked for him for one year without results.

Party secretary from Changchun City: "We are not afraid of bleeding or death in dealing with Falun Gong."

After Liu Haibo's death, Chang Xiaoping, the head deputy Party Secretary for Changchun City Party Committee went to the Kuancheng Police Precinct to talk to the police officers who beat Liu Haibo to death and gave three orders, "First, our work regarding Falun Gong is an arduous political assignment and we should not be afraid of bleeding and deaths; second, we should keep it secret to prevent information leakage, which can result in an international reaction; third, judicial and public prosecutors on various levels should not investigate the injury and death of Falun Gong practitioners resulting from torture."

According to an investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, since Jiang's group began the persecution on July 20, 1999, Du Xuefang, the secretary of Changchun City Party Committee, Chang Xiaoping, the head deputy Party Secretary of Changchun City Party Committee, Meng Dexi, assistant head of the People's Congress of Changchun, former head of the Organizations Department of the city's CCPC, Tian Zhonglin, the assistant mayor and chief of the city police department, Yin Linong, a member of the Standing Committee of the CCPC of Changchun, head of the city party's Propaganda Department, Liu Yuanjun, the assistant mayor and the secretary of the City's Political and Judiciary Committee of the CCPC, An Li, the assistant mayor, Zhan Yuechang, the vice-chairman of the Changchun Political Consultative Committee, former Deputy Secretary of the Changchun CCPC, Fan Xinzao, vice-chairman of the Changchun Political Consultative Committee, head of the city's United Front Line Bureau of the CCP, former secretary of the CCPC in the Chaoyang District, Changchun City, Sun Wansheng, the administrator of the Changchun Middle Court, and Mi Fengjun, the former secretary of the Changchun CCPC, head of the City People's Congress are among the officials who directly orchestrated the persecution in Changchun City, making it one of the Chinese cities where the persecution is most severe.

As of July 8, 2004, at least 22 Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death in Changchun City, one of the highest death tolls per area in the nation.

Liu Chengjun was tortured on the Tiger Bench for 52 days

The pictures provided by China News Net on April 1, 2002 show Liu Chengjun didn't have the strength to keep his natural sitting position. Since China News Net has always whitewashed the Party's atrocities, it's safe to say that the actual torture is more severe than what the picture revealed.

Liu Chengjun was arrested late at night on March 24, 2002, as one of the main persons who tapped into the TV network. He was severely burned and covered in bruises. Fifty to 60 police officers were present at the arrest. They beat him with clubs and handcuffed him. Police officer Li fired two gunshots into Liu Chengjun's thighs, then they threw him into the trunk of a police car.

The car that drove Liu Chengjun and the police officers from Songyuan City to Changchun City overturned, and officer Li, who shot Liu Chengjun, broke seven ribs. A subsequent news report, though, claimed Liu Chengjun attacked police and overturned the car.

Liu Chengjun was tortured on the Tiger Bench (1) for 52 days; later he was tortured on the Dead Person's Bed (2). He told his father who went to visit him that since he was detained that his hands had not touched each other and his legs were disabled from beating, so he could no longer walk normally.

A court trial was held on September 18, 2002, and the persecutors at Changchun City Intermediate People's Court dragged 15 Dafa practitioners into separate rooms where they brutally beat and shocked them with electric batons. Practitioners Ms. Chen Yanmei and Liu Chengjun were beaten for an especially long time. Liu Chengjun was sentenced to 19 years in prison and sent to the No. 2 Prison in Jilin City.

On December 25, 2003, when Mr. Liu's parents rushed to the hospital after receiving a police notice, Mr. Liu had a high fever, registering higher than 39C (102.2 degrees. F). There was ice underneath his armpits and his head, and his entire back was bruised. At 4:30a.m. on March 26, he passed away. When his family was changing his clothes, they found that he was bleeding from his ears, nose and mouth, and a wound on his thigh was bleeding continuously. In order to cover up their crime, the criminals responsible for his death cremated his body at 10:40 a.m. on the same day, against his family's will.

At least eight practitioners beaten to death

Other than Mr. Liu Chengjun and Mr. Liu Haibo, at least six other Falun Gong practitioners were also beaten to death for participating in the TV broadcasting incident.

Practitioner Ms. Li Rong of Changchun City was arrested in March 2002 for participating. She was tortured to death in late March or early April.

Practitioner Ms. Shen Jianli from Changchun City, Jilin Province was arrested on March 6, 2002, and was tortured to death in late April 2002 by local police.

On March 16, 2002, inside news was received from Changchun City that one male Falun Dafa practitioner (around 30 years old, an employee of the Merchant's Bank) was beaten to death. The insider said that this Falun Dafa practitioner had many severe wounds on his body and that many of his internal organs had ruptured, indicating severe torture.

On March 18, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Yi (male, 34 years old) was also beaten to death in the office of Luyuan Police Precinct Criminal Police Division.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Shuqin, 54, from Changchun City was abducted by police from the Changjiu Street Police Station on March 20, 2002. She was tortured to death at the No. 3 Detention Center in Changchun City.

Dafa practitioner Hou Mingkai, male, 35, participated in the incident in March 2002. The "610 Office"(3) issued a warrant for Mingkai and promised a 50,000-Yuan reward plus a promotion to whoever caught him. He was arrested on August 21, 2002 and was tortured to death within two days. His body was secretly cremated on August 23, 2002.

Amnesty International issued two public documents entitled "Fear for safety/Fear of torture or ill-treatment [of Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun]" on March 15 and April 11, 2002. (Document reference number: ASA 17/011/2002 UA 81/02). The two documents called for urgent actions to be taken to guarantee the life and safety of Changchun Falun Gong practitioners.

Sun Lidong's death provokes discussion

The report on Xinhua News Net claims Sun Lidong collapsed at a crime scene from exhaustion from work overload and passed away in a hospital 22 days later.

It should be clear whatever case he was handling, if it was another trumped up case that framed ordinary citizens in favor of Jiang's group, then the more cases he handled, the more crimes he committed. Jilin Province, where Changchun City is located, is the pioneer in Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong. Over the past five years, more than 127 Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of the persecution, second only to Heilongjiang Province in death cases.

Sun Lidong's death may serve as a warning signal for other followers of Jiang.

Liu Chengjun's father said in his letter to the judicial department, "That goodness is rewarded and evildoing is punished is a heavenly principle. Money and lives owed must be repaid. No one can escape justice. I believe in the justice of heaven, and anyone who persecutes good people will not escape just punishment."


(1) Practitioners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead. They are not allowed to turn their heads, close their eyes, talk to anyone or move at all. Several inmates are assigned to watch over and force the practitioners to remain motionless while sitting on the bench. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the practitioners' lower legs or ankles to make it harder for them to tolerate this abuse.

(2) "Dead Person's Bed:" the four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all; neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This treatment would last from several hours up to more than twelve days. This type of cruel torture causes severe physical and mental trauma.

(3) 610 office: an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.