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Requirements for Cultivators

September 28, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and have not been diligent enough. I know that practitioners throughout the world are one whole body and that Minghui.org (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net) is a forum for practitioners to improve themselves. Several times, I have wanted to write an article, but have not because of various attachments. I felt I had not done well in my cultivation, so I feared that the article I wrote would not play a positive role. However, I also knew that as a particle in Dafa, I should contribute to this valuable environment.

I have read quite a few articles by fellow practitioners in "Minghui Weekly" on safety, righteous thoughts and righteous actions, as well as on dignity and how to be upright. I feel that the universe would have already entered the stage of degeneration and destruction and there would be no safety if Master had not started the Fa-rectification. No matter how we paid attention to safety, there would be none if we did not advance on the path of cultivation, did not assimilate ourselves to the Fa, did not assist Master in Fa-rectification, did not cultivate our character in compliance with the Fa requirements, and did not clean out all interference and the old forces' arrangements. We are practicing cultivation in delusion; the negative things have been done by bad people under the control of higher beings.

As long as our thoughts and actions are in line with the Fa's requirements and we have faith in Master and the Fa, the old forces will be powerless. During Fa-rectification, anything bad will be eliminated, and anything good will be saved. When a cultivator is diligent in cleaning out all internal scourges, including everything that is not up to standard, he will not invite external disturbances. When one cultivator achieves that, the evil will cease to exist in his/her field; when every cultivator achieves that, the evil will be totally destroyed.

Everything on Earth exists for Fa-rectification and, therefore, is sure to be used for Fa-rectification. Earth is not meant to be the playing field for the evil. It is not true that Master and practitioners have been disrupting ordinary human society, nor have they used someone else's things. Those who persecute Dafa interfere with practitioners' cultivation, and obstruct their efforts to validate the Fa and to save all beings, and regardless of who, how, and on what grounds they are acting, they are against the Fa. What they are facing is the Great Law of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, a righteous practice that is saving all beings of the old universe and creating a new universe.

In my view, righteous thoughts and righteous actions, as well as dignity and uprightness, are requirements for cultivators.

Once, during a forced brainwashing session, we as practitioners were asked to write so-called "experience sharing" papers. My righteous thoughts were not strong enough at the time, but I did write, "Falun Dafa will one day be celebrated all over the world." I had never felt so happy and elated as I did at that moment, because what I had written was the voice from the bottom of my heart. Because I was able to hold righteous thoughts and act in dignity, I was not persecuted for this.

Over the past six years, I invariably wrote "Falun Dafa is good" or other words that validate the Fa on banners and hung them on my front door frame during Chinese New Year. I feel I am unable to do other things well, so I write down what is really in my heart on the door to my home. These words stay there for at least six months. People with predestined relationships will see them for themselves. This way, everyday people will not say we are so secretive in our cultivation practice anymore, and one obstacle is removed for them to know the truth. Master always uses the word "remarkable" to describe practitioners' actions. We ourselves also feel we are great. Such a simple action will strengthen the field in the human world that has been rectified by Dafa.

Several fellow practitioners in my village have done the same thing. When we started doing it, we experienced interference from family and friends, as well as those who were bent on undermining the Fa; but when we were firm in doing what we wanted to do, our families were unable to stop us When we were unsteady in our minds, the evil would interfere with us. It was never a question of whether we paid attention to safety.

I think the reason our minds were often unsteady was not our fear; rather, it was a reflection of external factors. It is important to be aware of them and get rid of them. The problem of safety lies in one's heart, in the microscopic state that one is unaware of. Paying attention to safety is accomplished through paying attention to cultivating oneself, and to resolving all problems ¡V remote or nearby - in a positive way, according to the Fa, so that one can do the things one is supposed to do.

When I read about the atrocities the evil party committed in concentration camps, I asked myself, "What are the reasons for this? It started happening years ago. Why has it happened?" Master said, "Everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts." I wondered how many practitioners, including myself, were still attached to the human body. How many sentient beings remain numb after they come to know the horrors the wicked Chinese Communist Party has committed? How will practitioners think and act after they know? What is going through their minds? Will the conscience of the world's people be inspired? Will they be able to advance into the future by abandoning the evil? It really is a big test!

My xinxing level is limited. Fellow practitioners are welcome to point out any inappropriate points.