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Dr. Yan Yuxun and His Wife from Taiwan Share How Dafa Has Changed Their Lives (Photos)

August 03, 2007 |   By a Taiwanese Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) After chatting for nearly two hours, the wife of Dr. Yan Yuxun mentioned the improvement of their marriage after they began practicing Falun Gong. Quite a few times, her calm tone soared with gladness as she spoke of the positive experiences she has had since she began practicing Falun Gong. She said, "It was very easy to argue over a small matter before, but after practicing Falun Gong, my husband's temper improved amazingly. Before, we were both busy with our own jobs and raising our child. We hardly had time to talk, but now I have more interaction with him. Just like Teacher describes, our family has become more harmonious since practicing Falun Gong."

Dr. Yan is an obstetrician at a big hospital in southern Taiwan and Mrs. Yan is a pediatrician. They are both kind and calm. Mrs. Yan spoke happily about the improvement of their marriage: "After reading Zhuan Falun, I understood that the process of life for a cultivator is the process of getting rid of attachments, so I realized why we often quarreled in the past. It was because my attachments were too strong."

Dr. Yan recalled changes in his thinking after practicing Falun Gong: "Dafa helped me realize the purpose of my life, and I realized that this is a great Law that can allow humans to reach divinity. Previously, I was in a state of anxiety every day. Only after I started the practice did I realize that nothing is accidental, and everything is arranged."

Confusion Prior to Practicing

The first time Dr. Yan learned about Falun Gong was two years after the persecution started in 1999. One day, he watched a TV interview of Falun Gong practitioners. "I was working in a hospital in Zhanghua. After work, I drove from Zhanghua to Taizhong to practice Taichi every day, and later helped the teacher teach students. I heard about Falun Gong at that time, and also read Zhuan Falun several times. When I came across the principle that one should only practice one cultivation way, I thought I would practice Taichi well first, and then start Falun Gong."

Two years later, he was transferred to Taipei for work and many things happened during that period of time. One of his patients had a massive hemorrhage while under his care, and the subsequent issues dragged on for two years. Dr. Yan sobbed: "Although the job in Taipei brought more income, I was under a great deal of stress and had a lot of anxiety. My wife and I both worked, and we often quarreled over small things. At that time, I easily became tired and worn out, I could not get enough sleep, and I smoked.

"When I was introduced to Falun Gong for the first time, I told my wife that Zhuan Falun was good, but we did not read it. The predestined relationship had not arrived yet.

"However, in October 2005, after mountain climbing, my wife and I were walking back down the mountain. At a persimmon stall on the roadside, I saw a Falun Gong music box (practitioners use it to play exercise music) for the first time. The vendor spoke to me about Falun Gong, and the next morning I went to the practice site near my residence."

Body Purification

After one week of doing the exercises, Dr. Yan experienced some unusual symptoms, and he realized that Teacher was helping him to purify his body. He said, "After I finished work every day, I had a fever, and felt achy all over my body. I had body chills, so I covered myself with a heavy blanket to make my body sweat. My sputum and fluid from my nasal passages contained pus, and my stool contained blood that was black or brown. However, I was fine when I went to work. All the symptoms disappeared a week later, and I had stopped smoking without noticing it."

Mrs. Yan felt that the changes in her husband were supernormal. She said, "I thought it was a serious flu or pneumonia. I could not believe that he was fine after a week without taking medicine. His skin also looked better, with more color. I felt it was so amazing. He changed so much in just a week. He was like a completely different person. Even his personality changed."

After witnessing the wonderful changes Dr. Yan had experienced, Mrs. Yan was inspired to read Zhuan Falun. She said, "I could not understand it two years ago. It seemed to be a book that merely teaches people to be good or a regular religious book. When I read it again, I was greatly touched. When I read, I became dizzy and I had a headache, so I knew Teacher was purifying me."

Hints from Teacher

Dr. Yan pointed at his stomach with a smile and said, "Teacher used it to give me a hint. I had a chronic recurring stomachache. It was so painful that all I could do was hold my stomach, lie on a sofa and recite Lunyu. This lasted for a year. I realized Teacher wanted me to get rid of my attachment to eating raw fish, and then, once I eliminated the attachment, I was fine."


Mrs. Yan recalled that in the first year of her practice, Teacher often gave her hints through her child. Once, her child had symptoms of a cold and infection. She regarded it as sickness, and gave her child many pills and a very strong antibiotic, but it only grew worse. Then she shared with a fellow practitioner, "After putting down that attachment, my child's nose stopped running that same day. It was so mysterious. I enlightened to the fact that Teacher wanted me to abandon my attachment to treating illnesses."

Dr. Yan took fame and interests lightly after he became a Falun Dafa practitioner, and was able to deal with conflicts among colleagues with compassion. He said, "I was busy making money before I practiced Falun Gong. In order to increase my outstanding achievements, I chased after opportunities at work, but now I only think of doing my job well. Mrs. Yan said, "Before I practiced Falun Gong, almost all my focus was on my child. I tightly held on to the importance of contemporary education, thinking he had to be stimulated from childhood, so he will be able to compete well later in life. I do not think this way now, because Teacher tells us that everyone's path has been arranged. I also realized that my child's moral character is of primary importance, so I began taking him to the Minghui School."

Clarifying the Truth

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Many Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners were invited to the parade in support of the 20 million people who had quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong on April 21, 2007. Mrs. Yan also attended.

Mrs. Yan is seven months pregnant. When asked whether she can still practice the exercises, she said she still does them as usual. Moreover, she went to Hong Kong to support the "Quit the CCP" parade when she was four months pregnant. She excitedly said, "I was able to walk the entire route."

When the grand parade arrived on the busiest street of Hong Kong, it attracted the attention of crowds of people. Many of these onlookers were tourists from mainland China. Shortly after the parade started, a middle-aged man from China, who witnessed Chinese people exposing the CCP's evilness in public for the first time in his life, was so excited and moved, that he burst into tears. He knelt on the ground, thanking people in the parade for bringing hope to Chinese people, and he announced his withdrawal from the CCP on the spot.

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The Divine Land Marching Band, formed by nearly 200 Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners, was invited to attend the parade in Hong Kong in support of the 20 million people who quit the CCP.

Mrs. Yan went with Dr. Yan, who plays trumpet in the Divine Land Marching Band, to Hong Kong for the parade. Dr. Yan stated that the marching band would continuously perform overseas to validate Dafa: "On May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, on the 15th anniversary of Dafa's introduction to the public, we not only recall with deep gratitude the merciful salvation of our great Teacher, but we will go all over the world, along with the Divine Land Marching Band, and step-by-step spread Dafa's beauty with music, and expose the evilness of the CCP in persecuting Falun Gong."