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Heeding Master's Words and Doing Well During the Final Stage

August 26, 2009 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from Toronto

The Ships Set Sail, Be Diligent in Cultivation

In July 2009, I attended the experience sharing conference and activities in DC. In the morning, before the parade started, we practiced the exercises on the lawn between the Washington Monument and Capitol Hill. At the beginning of the sitting exercise, I felt that the energy field was very good. White wisps floated in front of my eyes. Gradually, they became pieces of white clouds. These clouds continuously changed shape. A ship formed, then another one. In a short period, there were countless white ships in front of me. The scene was miraculous, it was beyond description. Suddenly, I remembered the words from Master's article, "Self-Evident is the Heart:"

"Fa brings salvation to all,
'tis Master guiding the way
One sail is hoisted,
one hundred million follow"

Looking at the countless white ships, I seemed to hear someone speak to me, "Be diligent and do not slow down! Otherwise, the ship won't wait and you cannot be saved." I said in my mind, "Yes! I must be diligent."

Sentient Beings Practice the Exercises with Us

While practicing the third exercise, I followed Master's instructions for the movements. Gradually, I became aware that, in other dimensions, countless sentient beings were doing the exercise with us. The number of hands performing the up and down strokes kept increasing. The scene was amazing and shocking. I remembered that I saw a similar scene in 1998. However, it was not as magnificent as this one. I realized that, because we have kept clarifying the truth over the past 10 years, not only have human beings have saved, but also the sentient beings in other dimensions have been willing to assimilate to Dafa after understanding the truth. Master said in "Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference,"

"Now you're all clear on the purpose of clarifying the facts, which is to expose the evil persecution and to let the world's people know and to let the beings in the cosmos know. While you're clarifying here, layers upon layers of your bodies that have completed cultivation are also clarifying at cosmic bodies of different levels."

Because numerous sentient beings had understood the truth, there were so many hands doing the strokes with us. I realized a deeper meaning of why Master has kept asking us to clarify the truth and spread the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

Glorious Monument

After finishing the first exercise, I saw that the Washington Monument was shining and glorious. Later on during our parade, I joined the section to commemorate the practitioners that have been persecuted to death. I held a picture of a practitioner and followed the lead of the Divine Land Marching Band in the parade. I saw that many Buddhas, Taos, and Gods in the air were looking at us. Suddenly, I recalled my fellow practitioners at Wenshu (Manjusri) Monastery. A male practitioner, Zhang Chuansheng, was beaten to death in a prison. He was grievously wounded and covered with blood when he passed away. These practitioners protected Dafa with their very lives. That day, wasn't the Washington Monument shining for them?

The Divine Land Marching Band in Heaven

When we were approaching the end of the parade, I saw many many Falun turning in the sky. From far away in the sky, a blue dot appeared. Gradually, the blue dot turned into several blue lines and kept moving toward us. Then I realized that they were another Divine Land Marching Band, the real Divine Land Marching Band in Heaven. Their uniforms were the same as the Divine Land Marching Band on the ground. We were lead by Master and walked on the Fa-rectification path for the past 10 years. The appearance of the Divine Land Marching Band in heaven enlightened me to the understanding that Master has spent all he has to save the sentient beings. Not only many sentient beings have been saved, but also many beings, originally playing negative roles, have changed their understandings.

Doing Well During the Final Stage

Although the persecution has not stopped, many people refuse to listen to the truth and refuse truth clarification materials, and some people even blame us. But I really don't care. I firmly believe what Master has said:

"They were brave enough to descend because of their steadfast faith in Dafa and their conviction that Fa-rectification would surely succeed. [They believed that] the Fa could definitely save them, that Dafa would definitely succeed (enthusiastic applause), and that Fa-rectification would definitely succeed, and it was thus that they had the godly courage to come to the human world." ("Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital")

Therefore, we have to follow the teachings of Master and use the mindsets of "Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in Spring" ("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos" in Hong Yin II) and "I just don't believe their consciences are irretrievably lost" ("For the Good of the World") to approach and save people.

These are my thoughts from attending the DC experience sharing conference. Please kindly correct me if anything I said is improper.

August 10, 2009