(Clearwisdom.net) There are many intellectuals among Falun Gong practitioners, such as teachers or scholars. Titles and fame used to be very important to them. However, after they start practicing Falun Gong, how do they look at such things?

There was a middle school teacher who, to save face, “bought” a middle-rank professional title from a school where the principal was a friend of his brother. (He did this before he started practicing Falun Gong.) However, not long after his professional title was granted, he began to suffer from rheumatic sciatica. He tried various treatments, including Chinese medicine, Western medicine, and folk remedies, but none of them worked. Later on, the rheumatism affected his heart. He endured a lot of suffering, especially when it rained.

When he started practicing Falun Gong in April 1999, the rheumatic sciatica went away in just a few days. When he finished reading Zhuan Falun, he realized that he had exchanged his health for the title, and that it was not worth it at all.

In September 2003, he qualified for a high-ranking professional title, but he hadn't applied for it. Moreover, in 2006 the education system was reformed and a high-ranking title included a higher salary than that of a lower rank. At this time, in the face of an opportunity for personal gain, he remembered what Master said in Zhuan Falun: “If something is yours, you will not lose it. If something is not yours, you will not have it even if you fight for it.” He did not even think of bribing the principal or pulling any strings like he did before. This is how it was for several years.

In 2008 a new quota for high-ranking professional titles was given to his school, and the principal asked every teacher who was qualified for it to apply. It was only then that the practitioner applied for the title. After he submitted his documents, he taught his classes as usual and did not think much more about it. But to the other teachers' surprise, he was granted the title without bribing anyone. Later on, at a teachers conference, the principal made the following comment regarding the professional evaluations: "Some people do not fight for renown or benefits, and teach any assigned subject without complaint. They never come to me to complain. They deserve to receive the high-ranking professional title."

The practitioner said, “I knew the principal was talking about me. The reason I do not fight for personal gain and am willing to teach any assigned subject without complaint is because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner!”

A professor of literature had very similar experiences: “The biggest attachment for most intellectuals is fame. Of course, fame is always tied to salary. Some people compete against each other for promotions or professional titles. Some have even falsified their documents or plagiarized others' results. Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I also fought for titles. If I didn't get it, I felt it was unfair. After I started practicing Dafa, I understood that, as a practitioner, I should get rid of the attachment for fame and personal gain, so I didn't think about it anymore. But then I was granted the title. Several days ago, people from my department told me that there was a quota for senior translators and they thought I was the only one who qualified for it, so they asked me to apply for it. I said that I was over 70 years old and that I'd already retired. What did I need the fame for? So I gave up the opportunity and left it for someone else.”

After a PhD of Mathematics started practicing Falun Gong, he enlightened that, after letting go of fame and personal gain, his life wasn't simple or boring. He said, “In cultivation practice, I felt that my life was enriched. Sometimes I felt something that was so real and strong. That energy and compassion was so strong that only after experiencing it, could one realize that the feelings in everyday life for either material, emotional, or personal gains are actually nothing. After that, I began to appreciate what I was granted and start to respect heaven and earth. I became optimistic and selfless. The life of cultivation doesn't have to be Utopian, nor is one isolated from society.”

When he encountered tribulations in daily life, he enlightened that all the troubles were caused by factors in himself. “It was my notions that went against the principles of surrounding factors. If I didn't do the right thing when a problem occurred, then after I calmed down, I would rectify myself according to the right principles.”

There are many such stories. Just like a lawyer said: “After reading Zhuan Falun, I felt that the book revealed the nature of the universe and the principles of being a human being. The book helped me realize why people experience gains and losses, why they come across tragedies or have conflicts. The book also teaches people how to become a better person, think of others when doing things, look inwards when conflicts occur, and treat others kindly. More importantly, the book also explains the reason why we should become good people.”

After many people understood these principles and naturally let go of the pursuit for personal gain and fame, they began to enjoy real happiness in life.


Gaining Naturally without Pursuit – The Outcome of Professional Evaluations at a High School

Interview: Doctor of Law Talks About Practicing Falun Gong