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Recent Persecution Cases in Hebei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

March 22, 2012 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) The Hebei Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp, built in November 2007, is located in the southwestern region of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Looking towards the main entrance, there is a large, locked iron gate behind the administration building. The following are some persecution cases committed recently by the guards in this forced labor camp against Falun Gong practitioners.


Ms. Wang Liling, from Xianghe, Langfang City, was handcuffed continuously and detained in solitary confinement from January 1-8, 2012.


Guard Zang Zhiying severely beat Ms. Li Shixia in mid-December 2011. He taped Ms. Li’s nose and mouth shut, and beat her until she fainted. After she regained consciousness, Zang re-taped her mouth and nose again and continued beating her. This brutal torture was repeated several times.


Ms. Zhang Guiru and Ms. Li Liying were subjected to brutal beatings on the afternoon of January 5, 2012, merely because they didn’t match the guards’ marching rhythm steps. Later that day, guards An Xiaopeng and Wang Xiaoli shocked Ms. Li Liying with electric batons because she refused to do heavy labor.


Guard Gu Hongye violently beat Ms. Dang Xiaolan on the afternoon of January 5, 2012, because she resisted being dragged to the solitary confinement cell. During the beating, everyone at the labor camp heard her shouting, “The guards are torturing me.” When female guard Fan Miao passed by, she joined in and participated in the beating.


Ms. Peng Xia was subjected to standing without moving as a form of torture by guard Gu Hongye on the evening of January 5, 2012. She was forced to stand still from 7:30 p.m. until 3:30 a.m..


Guards in the Hebei Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp also force practitioners to do slave labor for the labor camp's financial gain. They collude with the Hebei Yikang Knitting and Cotton Co., LTD, and force practitioners to make towels under inhumane conditions. One of the procedures is to iron the four corners of towels, which produces toxic smoke from the chemical substances in the fabric. However, the guards nonetheless force practitioners to work in the poisonous environment.