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Mr. Li Mingtao of Handan City Being Monitored after Serving 11 Years in Jail

January 31, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) On December 19, 2012, after being released from serving 11 years, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Mingtao has repeatedly been harassed and monitored by the local Communist authorities.

Mr. Li Mingtao, 41, a Handan Construction Bank employee, lives in the Residents Court of Construction Bank on Chaoyang Road. In 2003, he was sentenced to 11 years by the Communist authorities and sent to the Fourth Prison of Shijiazhuang for not giving up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He was also forced to divorce his wife due to his belief in Falun Gong. His father, Mr. Li Jiagong, an engineer at the Institute of Machinery and Electronics in Handan City, died as a result of the persecution. Mr. Li's two sisters were also involved and persecuted.

On August 25, 2001, police from the Hanshan District Public Security Bureau in Handan City arrested Mr. Li, then 31, and took all of his Falun Dafa books, cash, bank books, etc. from his house. Police from the Hanshan Public Security Bureau tortured him for over 20 days to try to get him to “confess.” He was shocked with high-voltage electric batons and hung up while his hands were handcuffed, causing severe swelling in his hands and legs. The handcuffs also cut into his flesh. To try break him down, the police whipped him and deprived him of sleep. Almost three weeks later, Mr. Li was transferred to the First Detention Center and held there two years and three months. When he went on a hunger strike to protest, he was tortured and force-fed by police in the detention center.

Torture reenactment: Hanging

On July 3, 2003, the District Court of Hanshan secretly tried and sentenced Mr. Li to 11 years in prison. Without informing his family, on November 13, Mr. Li was secretly sent to the Fourth Prison of Shijiazhuang City.

As soon as Mr. Li arrived at the Fourth Prison, he was put in the brainwashing center within the prison. This brainwashing center was especially designed to carry out Jiang Zemin's order to “eliminate” Falun Gong practitioners. The brainwashing center was located inside the guesthouse, which was called “Hostel for Visiting Families.” This is an example of the kinds of tricks that prison authorities under the Communist regime use to deceive outsiders. The more evil the place, the warmer its name sounds, or the better its outside looks. In fact, the prison authorities are just trying to cover up their crimes and brutal persecution of innocent people.

Mr. Li was kept in solitary confinement with all windows and curtains closed. He was constantly watched by three inmates who forced him to sit on the bench in the corner and didn't allow him to sleep. Police from the education department of the prison tried to persuade Mr. Li with threats: “Don't be stubborn. How can you do cultivation in jail? I don't care what you are thinking, but everything will be alright as long as you sign your name on this paper. You have to know that this place is for forced 'transformation!'” Mr. Li said, “Cultivating in Falun Dafa and being a good person is not wrong!” He protested the persecution and refused to cooperate. He was then tortured by prison police. Zhao Jun, an officer from the education department of the prison, brutally stuck a nail into Mr. Li's ring finger and little finger of his left hand. In the following days, Mr. Li was repeatedly and violently beaten and otherwise tortured by the police.

Torture reenactment: Stabbing needles into the fingernails

For the past 11 years, the prison police often unreasonably refused to let Mr. Li's family visit him. They wanted to prevent any information on how he was being treated from becoming public knowledge. In December 2012, upon learning of Mr. Li's release, Yue Xiushan, captain and secretary of the Public Security Bureau of the Congtai District in Handan City, conspired with Wang Xiuming, political commissar, to send their subordinates to Mr. Li's neighborhood to inquire about him. On December 19, Mr. Li returned home. Officers from the Liandong Police Station and Yingbin Neighborhood Committee ordered Mr. Li to report to the police station so they could take some pictures and persecute him further.

Related articles:

Violence Inside Beijiao Prison, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province: Sleep Deprivation and Driving Nails into Practitioners' Fingers http://en.minghui.org/emh/articles/2004/6/18/49312p.html 

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