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My Daughter Was Rewarded for Refusing to Cheat or to Join the Youth League

October 06, 2013 |   By Qiqi, a Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) In 2011, my daughter was in the 9 th grade, the last year before before high school. To enter high school without having to pay 10,000 yuan, a grade of “B” or higher was required in every subject on the high school entrance exam. Unfortunately, her mathematics and chemistry grades were always “C” or "D.”

A month before the examination, every 9 th grade student was asked to complete an application for membership in the Communist Youth League, even though joining this organization is voluntary. Because my daughter already understood the facts about Falun Gong, she told her teacher that she would not join. Her teacher was surprised, asked her to reconsider, and said, “If you don't join, your admission to high school and you future job opportunities will be affected.” Since my daughter continued to refuse, her teacher gave up trying to persuade her.

After she told us about her decision, my husband and I supported her. She worried a little because this could affect her high school admission, so I told her, “You will be blessed for your decision. I will clarify the truth about Falun Gong to anyone who gives you a hard time.” She no longer worried and could concentrate on her studies.

A few days before the exam, which was in the middle of June, the teacher told her, “Your chemistry and mathematics test results were very bad. To save 10,000 yuan in additional tuition, you may want to copy answers from other students nearby during the exam.” This is how most teachers in China currently push the students into cheating. This seems to be for the students' benefit, but, in reality, it would harm them.

My daughter told her teacher, "I will study harder. I will not copy any answers from others because I can't do that in the future." The teacher was very surprised because she was the only one who refused to cheat.

After telling me about this, my daughter said, “Since the school ties teachers' salaries to the high school enrollment rates, we should not blame the teachers.” This incident showed that my daughter had matured and was considerate of others. She has benefited from Falun Gong. When she was little, my daughter listened to Master's Fa teachings, although she didn't practice the exercises. She learned the principles of being a good person.

Her exam results came out in July. She got a “B” on the chemistry and mathematics tests and an “A” in all her other courses. She was admitted to the high school without any problem and saved the family 10,000 yuan, which was half of my annual income. She was blessed because she understood the facts about Falun Gong!

My whole family sincerely thanks Master!