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Mr. Wang Yumin Arrested by the 610 Office in Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia

January 03, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

 (Minghui.org) Xu Lianchen, head of the 610 Office in Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia, and six or seven plainclothes officers broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yumin at around 7 a.m. on November 25, 2013. The police demanded that he turn himself in at a brainwashing center in Hailar City, but he refused to go.

Mr. Wang's 70-year-old mother and his wife chastised the police and said, “Ever since he started to practice Falun Gong, he has been a good citizen. He follows the law, respects elderly people, and cares for his family and has been living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Why do you arrest such a good man and attempt to transform him? There are plenty of bad people, why don't you go after them?” During the arrest, Mr. Wang's three-year-old child cried loudly because it was so frightening.

The police claimed, “This order was given by our supervisors. We have to obey such an order.” They also claimed that once Mr. Wang writes statements renouncing Falun Gong, he would be released immediately, otherwise he would never be released.

The Chinese Communist Party {CCP) secretary Ba Jianhua from the Political and Judiciary Committee and officer Wang Yuping from the Domestic Security Division participated in the arrest. The latter arrests practitioners and relentlessly persecutes them.

Practitioner Mr. Rong Fengshan from Zhalantun City was also arrested by the Domestic Security Division of the Zhalantun City Police Department on October 6, 2013.

Individuals responsible for the persecution:

Ba Jianhua (巴建华), deputy secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee of Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia: +86-470-3205809(Office)
Xu Lianchen (徐连臣), head of the 610 Office of the Political and Judiciary Committee
Han Jie (韩杰), deputy director of the Zhalantun City Police Department: +86-470-3216671
Wang Yuping (王宇平), policeman from the Domestic Security Division of the Zhalantun City Police Department