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Ms. Zuo Kangwei from Huaian, Jiangsu Province Detained Again

April 09, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zuo Kangwei, a former worker at Huaiyin Machinery Corporation, was arrested on March 5, 2014, for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong. He was taken to the Huaian City Detention Center.

Ms. Zuo’s husband, Mr. Wang Shixin, went to the Qinghe Domestic Security Division to inquire about his wife on March 10. Officer Xu Feng threatened him and threw him out.

Ms. Zuo, 55, and her family has suffered from the severe persecution by the Chinese Communist Party in Huaian City over the 15-year persecution of Falun Gong.

Couple Repeatedly Arrested, Detained, and Jailed

The couple has experienced endless harassment and abuse since the persecution started in 1999. They were detained and forced to undergo brainwashing numerous times. Their home was also searched many times.

At one time, both were sentenced to three years of imprisonment and fired from their jobs. Their only son became an orphan. Luckily, their relatives helped the boy make it through the toughest time.

The couple had to work odd jobs to make ends meet after they were released from prison.

Ms. Zuo was illegally arrested on her way home from work at 9:00 p.m. on June 5, 2012. An hour later, Huaian 610 Office agent Zhao Yandong, along with officers from the Qingpu Domestic Security Division, searched her home. They confiscated a computer, DVD burner, DVDs, and Falun Gong books. Following her arrest, she was detained for 20 days.

Husband Mr. Wang Shixin went to the Qingpu Police Department on the morning of June 11, 2012, demanding that the confiscated items from his home be returned. Not only did the police refuse to do so, they also detained him.

Prior Persecution

Former Changxi Police Station head Yang Shiyu, along with other officers, raided Ms. Zuo’s home several times in 2000-2002. One day after they took all the Falun Gong books, Yang Shiyu told Mr. Wang Shixin, “All your books have been confiscated, but I will leave one copy of the book Zhuan Falun for you. You can practice Falun Gong at home.”

The police later searched the home again, and because a copy of Zhuan Falun was found, the couple was detained several times and subjected to brutal physical torture.

Ms. Zuo was arrested in 2002 and brought to trial. The Huaian City Court intended to dismiss the case, but under pressure from police head Yang Shiyu, the court imposed a three-year jail sentence.

Ms. Zuo suffered from poor health before she began practicing Falun Gong in 1996. After she and her husband began practicing, she regained her health and her family life greatly improved.

Responsible Parties:
Qinghe Domestic Security Police: +86-517-83123125
Chang Shulin (常书林), Domestic Security Division head: +86-13852382345 Wang Jianhuai (王建淮), Domestic Security Division officer: +86-15061410531 Xu Feng (许凤), Qinghe District 610 Office officer: +86-15950382028 (For more perpetrators' contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article)