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Ms. Cui Jincai from Jinan City Arrested and Harassed

July 13, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Cui Jincai is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jinan, Shandong Province. The local police illegally arrested her in April 2014 and harassed her again in May of this year because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. Her family spent over 60,000 yuan to bribe the authorities and keep her safe.

One evening in mid-April Ms. Cui was distributing Falun Gong materials on the campus of Shandong University. The police arrested her and held her in the campus police office that night. The next day officers from Hongjialou Police Station searched her home and confiscated her belongings. They held her in the Jinan City Detention Center for about two weeks. The family paid the detention center authorities 3,000 yuan for her release.

Threatened with Torture

Agents from the Jinan City 610 Office and officers from the Jinan City Police Department broke into Ms. Cui's home and ransacked it on May 16, 2014. They demanded that Ms. Cui put in writing that she would renounce Falun Gong, but she refused. The agents threatened to arrest her and torture her in a brainwashing center.

To protect her, Ms. Cui's family treated the agents from the 610 Office and the officers from the Jinan Police Department to a three-day trip to Qingdao City. Her family paid for their hotel rooms, meals, and shopping expenses, costing the family over 60,000 yuan.

Parties Involved in the Persecution of Ms. Cui:

Sang Xiaomin (桑晓旻), director of the Shandong University Campus Police: 86-531-88364775Liu Xinyun (刘新云), director and CCP (Chinese Communist Party) secretary at the Jinan City Police DepartmentWang Jian (王健), deputy CCP secretary and political commissioner at the Jinan City Police Department