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Asking Master for Help in Times of Danger

Jan. 18, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner living in a rural area. When I encountered hardships or even life-threatening situations, Master has always protected me.

When I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, I was alone and didn’t know any local practitioners. Since I didn’t study the Fa wholeheartedly, my understanding was very superficial, and there were lots of challenges on my cultivation path.

Family Tribulation

My wife tried to force me not to practice Falun Dafa and even threatened me with divorce. She asked if I wanted to practice Falun Dafa or live with her.

I said I want both, but she insisted that I could only pick one.

I told her I couldn’t force her to stay if she insists on leaving. She left home a few times but she always came back.

When the threat of divorce did not work, she began interfering with me. She destroyed my Dafa books and wouldn’t let me do the exercises.

When I was meditating on the bed, she pulled me to the floor and sat on my lap. She is over 170 pounds.

It was like a heavy millstone on my lap. I endured it and continued doing the exercise.

One day when I was studying the Fa, I suddenly enlightened to the following: “As we are practicing in this school of cultivation, we shouldn’t be interfered with by demons nor people with bad intentions.”

I felt this was a hint from Master. While I was doing the second exercise that night, my wife approached me.

I steadied my mind and silently recited, “As we are practicing in this school of cultivation, we shouldn’t be interfered with by demons nor people with bad intentions.” She just touched me a bit and walked away.

Thanks to Master, I passed this tribulation. She hasn't interfered with me since.

Master Protected Me During a Bull’s Attack

I used to graze cattle for a farmer, and there was a cornfield in the middle of the pasture.

One day, when dozens of cattle were walking near the cornfield, they suddenly swarmed in and made a mess. I hurried to herd the cattle with a whip.

They started to run away, but one bull suddenly turned back and ran towards me. It slammed me to the ground and held me down with its two horns.

The bull weighed over two thousand pounds. Its horns felt like bayonets.

I thought of Master and asked for help, “Master! Please help me.” The bull immediately stopped the attack.

I got up and took a few steps back. It looked at me for a while and then went away.

How frightening that was! I could have been seriously injured or even died if Master hadn't protected me.

The Dogs Bit But Let Me Go

One rainy day, due to a dead battery, I was walking my electric bike down the street. Two big dogs suddenly came out of a gate in front of me.

They were on each side of the gate staring at me. I yelled but no one answered or came out.

One of the dogs took a bite out of my thigh. I fled to the nearby fence and put the bike in front of my body.

I then asked Master for help. At this point, the dogs didn’t approach me.

They just sat there and watched me. What big dogs! Their heads were above my waist.

I think they were Tibetan mastiffs. They were dripping saliva, and I continued to yell, “Master, save me please!”

After a while, the dogs went back. I decided not to tell their owner about what happened.

After getting home, I found a few deep teeth marks and bruises on my leg. There have been many other dangerous experiences like these, but Master is always around and protecting me.