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People Quit the CCP Once They Heard Master’s Fa

Jan. 27, 2022 |   By Hanyingchun, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Master Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder, said,

“The only thing you have a role in is saving people ...” (“Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume VII)

“The truth is, everyone came here for Dafa ...” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Practitioners” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume VI)

When I clarify the truth, I often recite Master’s Fa. Often, people’s attitudes change completely once they hear the Fa. One person who was screaming at me one moment changed their attitude after hearing Master’s Fa and said, “I will quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” Some shook my hand and thanked me repeatedly.

We get to meet all kinds of people when clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa, distributing brochures and calendars, and asking people to quit the CCP and its youth organizations. Some are willing to quit right away, while some are not. There are those who are glad to receive our Minghui desk calendars, while others refuse to take them. Some love to hear about Dafa, while some do not and even curse at us. But, fellow practitioners and I do not get moved by ordinary people’s reactions. We just maintain strong righteous thoughts and look for those who have a predestined relationship with Dafa in this chaotic world. As long as we have the heart to save people, Master will arrange everything for us.

Woman Understands Why She Must Quit the CCP

I met a woman in her 70's in the park, and asked if she had heard of “Quitting the CCP” to stay safe. She said that her elder sister is a Falun Dafa practitioner, “She told me to quit the CCP a long time ago, but I didn’t believe in her faith. She has practiced Dafa for so many years but still has glaucoma. Why?”

I answered, “Students' grades in the same class can all be different; the same is true for cultivation. Before practicing Dafa, I wasn’t in good health and always had to get injections and take medicine. Since I practiced, I haven’t had any illnesses. The most important thing is that I got to know how to truly be a good person.”

I then recited the following Master’s teaching to her.

“As practitioners, you will suddenly come across conflicts. What should you do? You should always maintain a compassionate and calm heart. Then, when you run into a problem, you will be able to do well because it gives you some room as a buffer. You should always be benevolent and kind to others and consider others when doing anything. Whenever you encounter a problem, you should first consider whether others can put up with this matter or if it will hurt anyone. In doing so, there will not be any problems. Therefore, in cultivation you should follow a higher and higher standard for yourself.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

She said, “Your Master said it so well. If people in this world all do things like that, society would change for the better.”

I continued, “But the CCP staged the self immolation incident to deceive people and bring hatred toward Dafa. Master asks us to let people know the truth so that they can see through the CCP’s lies. People who understand can then distinguish between good and evil, and have a bright future. Since this regime came to power, it has killed more than 80 million Chinese through various political movements, and it forces people to join its atheist organization. When heaven destroys it, those who don’t quit from it will have to go down with it.”

The woman said, “Help me quit the [CCP] Youth League and Young Pioneers.” I gave her a Dafa amulet. She accepted it and said, “Now I understand why I have to quit!”

Stubborn Veteran CCP Member Quits

In late September 2021, a practitioner and I went to the morning market to distribute calendars with information about Falun Dafa on them. We met a man in his 70's, who was selling vegetables. He said that he was a CCP member, so the practitioners responded, “Let me help you quit it. If there’s a catastrophe, you’ll be safe.”

However, the man disapproved and yelled, “I’m a CCP member. I won’t quit it at all. I can’t leave the CCP.”

I said to him, “Look at all these corrupt officials, which one isn’t a CCP member? What have you got by being a member? Is it worth it to give your life to it?” He still said he supported the CCP. We didn’t think we could change his mind, so we walked away.

I saw him again a few days later at the same market, while I was out with another practitioner. I asked the practitioner to help him quit the CCP, “I will send forth righteous thoughts here.”

When the practitioner talked to him, he yelled again and said he supported the CCP. I stepped forward and interjected, “Brother, look at these corrupt officials. The money they get can fill up trucks. They have dozens of houses, and can do whatever they want. You still have to work so hard at your age. You have to come here everyday to sell vegetables to support your family. Why would you want to be loyal to it?”

I recited Master’s poem for him:

Both heaven and earth are vast,Which direction do the world’s people go?Lost, they don’t know the way,The truth is the compass.Rich or poor, all the same,Nowhere to hide when calamity strikes.The net is left open on one side—Quickly seek the truth!”(“Seek the Truth,,” Hong Yin III)

It was as if he changed into a different person after hearing that, and he hurriedly said, “I’ll quit.”

A Buddhist Quits the Party

I met a woman in her 60s, and told her about Falun Dafa. When I asked if she wanted to quit the CCP, she said, “I don’t believe in yours [faith in Falun Dafa]. I believe in Buddhism. I won’t quit.”

“Falun Dafa is also a Buddhist practice,” I replied. “I’m not asking you to change your belief. I’m asking you to quit the Party and its organizations, so that the mark of atheism can be erased from you. Only so, when the catastrophe comes, will you be able to stay safe.”

She still disagreed, so I recited Master’s poem to her:

In the vast sea of people, it’s hard to meetA smile encountered by chance is from a karmic bondQuiet down your mind and hear the truthYou’ve waited millennia for these wordsThe saving Dafa is spreading in the worldEach word of the heavenly secrets is true”(“ Talking of Karmic Bonds,” Hong Yin III)

Only then did she agree to quit. She held my hand tightly and repeatedly thanked me. I said, “Don’t thank me. You should thank our compassionate Master!”

“That Does Make Sense”

A practitioner and I greeted a man in his 60s. After telling him about Falun Dafa, we asked if he would like to quit the Party. He said, “I’m a CCP member, and I won’t quit. I believe in the Party.” He then walked away.

The man looked familiar, and I realized that he was a former neighbor of mine. I chased after him, calling his name. It was then that he recognized me. I said, “Look at our predestined relationship! We meet again after more than two years. The CCP just talks about good things, but does all the bad things. Heaven will definitely destroy it. You should quit the Party! It’s not worth sacrificing your life along with it.”

He said, “I will die sooner or later. I don’t want to quit. I believe in it because it pays my pension.”

I said, “We earned our money by working hard. It’s not the CCP’s gift. The CCP relies on taxpayers’ money!”

He thought for a while before responding, “That does makes sense.”

I continued, “This pandemic is here because the CCP has destroyed traditional values of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith, and prevents people from believing in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As a result, human morality has become corrupt to such a terrible extent.”

I recited Master’s poem for him,

Reincarnating in the secular world,People’s true nature is sealed by illusion.Dafa disciples are suffering,But who is ruined are sentient beings.All were lives from the heavens,Who descended to this world to await the Fa.While staying in the human world,Don’t be deceived by the [Party’s] lies.The truth is the guiding light,Having the power to save the world.All lives came for the Fa,Each and every lifetime was for this life.”(:Every Lifetime Was for this Life,”Hong Yin III)

After hearing this, he immediately quit the Party.

I heard a person chatting with several seniors resting in the sun in our community. He said, “A leader in my workplace was sentenced for practicing Falun Dafa. I have been to visit him in the prison.” I immediately realized that this person is predestined with Dafa, as it might be Master’s arrangement for me to hear this conversation.

When we next met, I talked to him and asked him to quit the CCP. He said that he hadn’t paid his dues to the Party for many years, and therefore was no longer a Party member. I responded, “It doesn’t work like that. I will give you a pseudonym and you can formally quit the Party.” He agreed.

I am a veteran practitioner who started to practice Falun Dafa before July 20, 1999. I am 65 years old now. Since Master instructed practitioners to do the three things well, I have been trying to use the limited time left to help Master save more people.