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Family Factory Seized, Mother Deceased, Father and Daughter Arrested, Son Displaced

Oct. 21, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 77-year-old man and his daughter were arrested in late September 2022 for their faith in Falun Gong. While the father has been released on bail, the daughter remains in custody and has been denied visitation from her lawyer. Her brother, who was previously incarcerated for thirteen years for practicing Falun Gong, has been forced to live away from home to hide from the police.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

The police in Jilin City, Jilin Province began to harass the father, Mr. Zhao Xudong, since August 3, 2022, when an officer surnamed Kang and community worker Yuan Yi went to his home and asked him whether he still practiced Falun Gong.

Zhao Pengkai, another police officer (no relation), called Mr. Zhao on September 1. He said that he was taking over from Kang, who had taken another position. He also questioned Mr. Zhao whether he still practiced Falun Gong and ordered him to go to the police station to have his photo taken. He demanded to take a look at Mr. Zhao’s home as well. Mr. Zhao rejected all of his requests.

The next day, officer Zhao and community worker Yuan showed up at Mr. Zhao’s home. Similar to last time when Kang came, officer Zhao first hid out of sight and had Yuan knock on Mr. Zhao’s door. When Mr. Zhao opened the door, officer Zhao then came out of hiding.

Officer Zhao again asked Mr. Zhao if he still practiced Falun Gong and insisted on taking a photo of him. Mr. Zhao tried to clarify the facts about Falun Gong and refused to have his photo taken. He also refused to allow them into his home.

Due to the endless harassment over the next few days, Mr. Zhao went to the police station on September 4 and handed the officers a letter that explained that no law in China says that practicing Falun Gong is a crime and urged the officers to stop participating in the persecution.

Moments after Mr. Zhao arrived home, the police called him and ordered him back to the police station. He went, and three officers, including Zhao, were waiting for him. One of them videotaped Mr. Zhao and said the letter he gave them would be used as evidence to charge him. He was allowed to go home.

Three officers knocked on Mr. Zhao’s door at 9:30 a.m. on September 23. He didn’t open the door. His neighbor later told him that they were terrified by the police.

The police returned on September 27 and arrested Mr. Zhao. His daughter, Ms. Zhao Guokun, who also practices Falun Gong and was there visiting him, was arrested as well. Mr. Zhao’s Falun Gong books, computer, and printer were confiscated.

Both Mr. Zhao and Ms. Zhao were taken to the Hadawan Police Station. While they were soon released on bail, Ms. Zhao was arrested again on September 29 and taken to the Shulan City Detention Center. Fearing being targeted, Mr. Zhao’s son, Mr. Zhao Guoxing, has decided to live away from home to hide from the police.

The elder Mr. Zhao hired a lawyer to represent his daughter. When the lawyer requested to visit Ms. Zhao, the authorities demanded that he get permission from the police first.

Past Persecution of Family

Mr. Zhao started a factory of electronic control instruments in 1988 and soon grew it into a sizable company. Back then, his wife Ms. Li Yan had suffered from lumbar disc herniation for nearly two decades, which rendered her almost unable to take care of herself.

In 1996, upon hearing about Falun Gong’s health benefits, Ms. Li took up the practice and her condition disappeared in two weeks. She began to smile again and became a lighthearted person.

Her changes also prompted Mr. Zhao and their two children to practice Falun Gong as well. Mr. Zhao’s high blood pressure, persistent headaches, and neck and shoulder problems were all gone.

Their son, who contracted Hepatitis B at the age of eight and struggled with consistent fatigue, also recovered shortly after. The entire family were full of gratitude for Falun Gong.

Since the onset of the persecution in 1999, the family were repeatedly targeted for their faith. Mr. Zhao’s company was seized by the government. His son was incarcerated for over thirteen years. His wife passed away on February 5, 2012, after succumbing to the fear and mental distress stemming from the persecution.

Mr. Zhao and his son went to the Jilin provincial government in Changchun on July 22, 1999 to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong, only to be arrested and detained for a day.

On January 26, 2000, Ms. Li was arrested when she went to Beijing to appeal. She was taken back to Jilin City and detained for seven days. A month later, on February 20, the family of four were arrested while doing Falun Gong exercises outdoors. They were held at the Jilin City Lockup for 15 days and then taken to a brainwashing center for 14 days.

The family of four went to Beijing to appeal on October 6, 2000 and were arrested. The police gave each one of them three years of forced labor. Mr. Zhao and his son were first held at the Jilin City Forced Labor Camp and then transferred to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp. He was released in September 2003 and his son a month later, after serving a full term.

Ms. Li and Ms. Zhao were held at the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Li suffered a severe heart condition after being shocked with electric batons and was released in February 2001. Her daughter was released in December 2002.

The younger Mr. Zhao was arrested again on February 7, 2007, and later sentenced to ten years in Gongzhuling Prison. The guards beat him, shocked him with electric batons, hung him up, and stretched him in excruciating positions. They also force-fed him, including with wasabi oil. As the authorities never allowed his family to visit him, they were kept in the dark about the torture he suffered.

Having endured tremendous mental and physical distress, her son’s incarceration and denied family visit dealt Ms. Li another heavy blow. She passed away on February 5, 2012.

Meanwhile, her husband’s factory was seized by the government over the years. When he reached his retirement age of 60 in 2006, the authorities couldn’t find the record of his previous service at a state-owned enterprise, which prevented him from receiving any retirement benefits. The once well-to-do family faced a dire financial situation as a result.

Perpetrators’ contact information:

Zhao Pengkai (赵鹏凯), officer, Hadawan Police Station: +86-13596352527Yuan Yi (袁艺), community worker: +86-13596213192Kang (康), officer, Hadawan Police Station: +86-15204329340