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Getting Around COVID Restrictions to Save People

Jan. 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I live in a rural area and began practicing Falun Dafa more than 20 years ago. I have tasted the joy of advancing diligently, and experienced the frustration of slacking off. I have stumbled along the way and come this far, thanks to Master’s protection. 

Saving People During the Pandemic

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) pandemic control was tight in our area, and it was difficult to get into and out of the community. I read the Fa with Amei (pseudonym), and we discussed what we should do. 

The situation was challenging because we usually clarified the truth and handed out Dafa materials face-to-face. After much consideration, we decided to focus on our own community. 

There are more than 40 buildings in our community. We prepared thousands of truth-clarification brochures for hanging on doors. Amei started at one side, and I from the other. We were almost finished covering all the buildings when the lock-down was lifted. It was difficult climbing up and down the stairs, but we were happy to help people understand the truth, and be spared by the pandemic. 

Sometimes when I was about to hang the brochure on a door, it opened and the apartment owner came out. I would hand it to him/her and say, “Here is a blessing for you. I hope you will understand the truth and be spared by the disaster.” They gladly accepted it and thanked me.

Sometimes as I was going up the stairs, someone who happened to come down the stairs would ask, “Which floor do you live on? I haven’t met you before.” 

I felt fear at the beginning, and told myself that I must do this because I had made a vow to save people. I kept rejecting, denying and disintegrating the fear, and my thoughts were stable. People in the neighborhood tended to reject truth-clarification brochures in the past, but now most of them were willing to accept them.

I also made plastic amulet cards, self-adhesive posters and pamphlets. I teamed up with practitioners who lived in the city – and had easy access to distribute them. We put pamphlets on bike handlebars and under car windshield wipers, which stood by the roadside, or in parking lots outside neighborhoods.

On the outside the pamphlet read, “May you be safe.” On the inside it read, “Tips for surviving the pandemic: Sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’” We also put the survival tips on electric poles.

Despite the tight lock-down during the pandemic, our efforts to save people did not stop, and fellow practitioners were all trying to find ways to save more people.

My Belief in Master and Dafa Kept Me Safe

My husband and I teamed up to put bricks on the roof. We used a small crane we made, which required eight pieces of bricks on one end to keep balanced. 

I was loading bricks on the ground, and my husband was unloading them on the roof. Our children and the neighbor’s children joined my husband on the roof. The children were excited to press the button, and accidentally knocked over the balance-keeping bricks. The crane snapped and the bricks fell. Two bricks hit me hard on the head. I ran away covering my head with my hands.

Our neighbors heard the commotion and came out. They saw my hands were covered in blood and my shirt was red. They gave me a thick layer of toilet paper to press on the wound, but the paper was immediately soaked through. They kept giving me new ones, and they kept getting soaked.

They told my husband to take me to the hospital. My husband is also a practitioner, and he didn’t move. I was not scared. My husband and I sent righteous thoughts while our neighbors watched anxiously. 

At night, the blood-soaked tissue filled the garbage can. My husband wrapped my head with a scarf, so my hands were freed. 

The blood was still leaking out the next day. My husband’s brothers were going to see their aunt, and they told my husband to stay home and take care of me. I thought, “I am a Dafa practitioner and should be considerate of others.” So I said, “It’s okay, you should go together, I can take care of myself.” 

Our road was being paved that day, but for some reason, the new pavement only reached the back of our house and stopped there. I looked inside and found the attachment to personal gain. 

At dusk, the neighbor across the street came to visit me. After she left, my head started to ache. 

I looked inward and found resentment. It was already night and I blamed my husband for not coming home while his brothers all came back by noon. I felt he was inconsiderate and not worried about me. After detecting the bad thought, I sent forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate it, and my head immediately stopped aching. 

Master indeed helps us disciples as long as the disciple is grounded in the Fa. Buddha’s grace is indeed infinite!

Two days later, my child’s mother-in-law came to see me. I was fine and was already out and about on the street. Through this incident the neighbors all witnessed the power of Falun Dafa.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, Dafa!